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Thai drivers ignoring 11 million traffic tickets


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This is encouraging news regarding social consciousness in Thailand!


The government police are the most dangerous and harmful armed looting, kidnapping and extortion gang in every country.

They already coerce their pay from the population cradle to grave.


Anything the sheeple can do to avoid being further pilfered by the brown-shirts is commendable.

Edited by twig
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On 10/20/2018 at 3:02 PM, chang1 said:

Too right, who needs hospitals - let them die. Who wants TV - shut down BBC and turn off the transmitters. As for dogs just shoot them all. Even better stop paying all taxes and let all those on benefits die, open the prisons, do away with police and armed forces, Isis can then roam in and do it properly, I can dream. Power to the stupid and short sighted.

That's the tried and true statist propaganda - dictatorship and abuse of the brown shirts with bread and circuses OR chaos - but it's a false dichotomy. The classic straw man.


Since coercively funded monopolies don't solve these perpetual problems no matter how much is looted from the sheeple in "taxes", maybe it's time to try non-coercive, market-based, voluntarily funded systems. 


Just in the last century, the traditional coercive states have mass murdered more than 100 million consumers and destroyed incalculable amount of investment capital in the process.


Isis has a long way to go before they match the trail of mass murder and destruction left by what's considered "modern governments" that Thai brown-shirts use as an example for their own gangs.

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5 hours ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

The truth is Thailand has a Third-World attitude to road safety, the highest road death tolls and accident rates in the World and a wholly corrupt and ineffectual Police Force and justice system. It's a disaster of epidemic proportions that wrecks lives, destroys families and cripples the economy.

Ok now you talk a bit of sense and I agree ,however why is Thailand like this ....because of poor education.

who controls the education?yes you guessed it the government.

Could the government sort out the education problem?

of course they could but do they really want to?

Probably not because everyone knows educated people are harder to control.

here is a little link there is also some books around that make it clear how the education was controlled in Thailand but you will not find them in Thailand obviously.



your comments about ineffective police force also relate to my home country,the police are no longer there to serve us they are operated as a business to make money.

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On 10/22/2018 at 5:43 AM, twig said:

maybe it's time to try non-coercive, market-based, voluntarily funded systems. 

non-coercive - people are lazy.

market-based - big business making the rules.

voluntarily funded systems - nothing gets funded.

Greed based systems (capitalism) work, charity based systems (communism) will be abused by the greedy so all will fail.

You need to provide links to facts about the millions murdered. 

Sure, plenty of money is wasted and being channelled into a very small super rich minority. This is a huge problem but may be necessary to soak up the excess money being added to the system by bad money management of governments.

Isis is way behind because we have working systems in place to stop those kind of groups. Give them the resources of a G8 country and they would soon catch up.

The worlds biggest problem is overpopulation, which no-one in power is prepared to tackle. China is the only country to have made any targeted meaningful difference. Keep the population down to around 4% of what it is at currently and many problems would easily be solved or become insignificant.

There are not enough resources for the current population so expect standards of living to start falling and gain pace as global warming takes off. Wildlife and people in poor hot countries will be the first in line.

As for voluntarily funded systems - dream on, never going to happen. 

Will I buy a new car or give the money to the charity supporting lazy people who don't want to work? - which dealer first?

Shall I pay that speeding fine and be more careful how I drive in the future? - if I hurry I will make it across town for a few drinks with my mates.


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On 10/22/2018 at 5:21 AM, twig said:

Anything the sheeple can do to avoid being further pilfered by the brown-shirts is commendable.

And as for the thousands killed annually by these sheeple - who cares, they deserve to die. The  effort put into avoiding deterrents to bad driving is commendable.

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