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Overstay/Blacklist check

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Please can people offer some good constructive advice for a 108 days overstay.

How can the person check if they are blacklisted?

They left Thailand with no problems after telling the IO at the time of the situation, but now concerned about re-entering Thailand.

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51 minutes ago, carocat said:

How can the person check if they are blacklisted?

By looking for the stamp banning them from entering the country for one year in their passport.

There would be a stamp for the overstay showing the number of days of overstay and the fine paid which in this case would be 20k baht. And another rectangular stamp with the ban shown near it.

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They left  Thailand the beginning of October. 


IO stamped him out no problem, after telling the IO about overstay, did not ask for fine and no stamps with overstay on in passport.


We need to go back to Thailand so are worrie

d about re entry.....

Edited by carocat
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This is a very unusual tale. The waiving of blacklisting for a 108 day overstay is unusual; the waiving of the fine is unprecedented. I am wondering if you misinterpret the situation, and there was not any real overstay. What visa did you use to enter the country, what did the stamp admitting you state for the admitted until date, and when did you leave (and where)?

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I don't believe the fine was waived. I believe the poster has misunderstood their friend's situation. Immigration has no history of waiving overstay fines for plausible stories given at the airport.


If they "left Thailand with no problems" they will not be blacklisted.

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Ask your friend to scan the page of his passport which shows the exit stamp and post it here, perhaps also the original entry stamp (all not difficult), then perhaps some of the serious experts might make more focused comment, but up to them of course.

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On ‎10‎/‎25‎/‎2018 at 10:52 PM, carocat said:

They left  Thailand the beginning of October. 




We need to go back to Thailand so are worrie

d about re entry.....

I agree about no stamp and on fine.

They left, but now we need to go back.



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