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Is Thailand still a 3rd world country?


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1 hour ago, simoh1490 said:

The term "third world country" died with the end of the Cold War, Thailand is now classified as a developing economy whereas Japan is a developed economy, Table A explains: http://www.un.org/en/development/desa/policy/wesp/wesp_current/2014wesp_country_classification.pdf



Interesting.  China is a "developing economy" yet is soon likely to overtake the USA?

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3 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

Interesting.  China is a "developing economy" yet is soon likely to overtake the USA?

the UN and the World bank have different labelling and criteria so it's important to look at both to determine why a country is ranked as it is and the factors that are considered.

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23 minutes ago, AGareth2 said:

don't know

would say some of their prostitution was 1st world

excellent soapies

You mean 1st class soapies surely ?  You don't have to be in a 1st world country to have a 1st class soapy. Due to age my memory is fading but I do recall that there is no prostitution here because it is illegal, but the way it is so easy to pay for the pleasure of some ladies time , is similarly 1st class.

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59 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

Thailand has a mosaic of human development.


First world:

Some of the medical care and facilities

Some of the transportation systems

Some of the manufacturing facilities

Shopping malls

Some films and commercials

Assets of some corporations


Second World (cold war soviet block style):

Military government


Third world (Banana republic Style):









Natural resource conservation


Average wage


 A foot on each side, IMO opinion part of the charm of Thailand. 

33 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

Interesting.  China is a "developing economy" yet is soon likely to overtake the USA?

 Only because China has a larger population.  The aggregate economy is overtaking, The per capita is not. 

31 minutes ago, Esso49 said:

So when that happens then I guess factually USA becomes a declining economy ?

No,  by that logic  the Swedish (to give an example)  economy would be declining because it has being overtaken by the US economy. 

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Second (and a half)*


*because their healthcare is good.


When I studied for my degree in economics (late 80s), the designations went all the way down to 5th world, which were considered to be ones without functioning governments such as Sudan.

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There is the centralized governing body, located in BKK. Producing "laws".
As long as those "laws", manufactured in BKK can be interpreted at will by local "authorities", Thailand remains a third world country.
Ranging from the individual interpretation of land disputes, traffic violations, domestic violence all the way to the individual interpretation of Immigration Laws on a local level.
- Moving from one Amphoe/Province to the next appears like entering a different country as far as legal matters are concerned.
Under these circumstances, "Legal Certainty", encompassing a Nation as a whole, is an impossibility.

Countries, in witch "Legal Certainty" is not given used to be called "Banana-Republics". For sake of "political-correctness" we call them "aspiring 3rd world countries" these days.

Doesn't change a thing: If if walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and looks like a duck = It is a duck !

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17 hours ago, simoh1490 said:

The term "third world country" died with the end of the Cold War, Thailand is now classified as a developing economy whereas Japan is a developed economy, Table A explains: http://www.un.org/en/development/desa/policy/wesp/wesp_current/2014wesp_country_classification.pdf


yes... not only that, but Thailand being allied with the USA means it never was a third world country.

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6 minutes ago, Bundooman said:

You can dress a monkey in a suit, white shirt and a tie - but it is still a monkey.

If you don't understand what the term "third world" means, why not just ask rather than showing your ignorance.

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17 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:

Interesting.  China is a "developing economy" yet is soon likely to overtake the USA?

No China won't overtake US anytime soon. The definition of the ranking is: 

1st world: Countries that develop their own technologies

2nd world: Countries that steal technologies off of 1st world countries

3rd world: Countries that can't comprehend technology or understand how to use it for their benefit.



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18 hours ago, watgate said:

I have come to the conclusion that their are some very funny and  hilarious folks living in Thailand who post on here. It is actually refreshing to read a lot of the comments that are posted. They can be quite funny while expressing an opinion or to lighten the dialogue. With all the crap currently going on with the retirement visa uncertainty it is great to read folks postings because, for one thing, it tells me you can't be too serious, especially in the land of smiles. I think folks who live here full-time or a great deal of the time have developed a mindset to not take things too serious and to enjoy your life and I say amen to that. 

Nice post. But I wonder how many, like me, live in Thailand for years realize that while there are problems there is very little we can do about it. Sometimes a shake of the head and a smile then move on.

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19 hours ago, Esso49 said:

So when that happens then I guess factually USA becomes a declining economy ?

Yes, some may say you are correct. The US economy is strong, but China's economy is growing faster. When and if China's economy surpasses the USs, some may consider the US a declining economy, or a surpassed economy. Like the UK, which used to be the number one economic power in the world is now, what, the number two economic power in Europe? That same Europe which does not have a single country in the top three economies in the world. However, terms like developing or developed economy are relative and dynamic. Just because your country's economy is no longer as strong as it was, does not necessarily mean your country is no longer a developed economy.

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1 hour ago, Time Traveller said:

No China won't overtake US anytime soon. The definition of the ranking is: 

1st world: Countries that develop their own technologies

2nd world: Countries that steal technologies off of 1st world countries

3rd world: Countries that can't comprehend technology or understand how to use it for their benefit.



In a great many technologies China is vastly outspending the US in R&D and creating patents that lead the world - green tech for example. It also has much better transport systems and general infrastructure, at least in the places I've been in my times in China (maybe 40 times now for work). Three years back the average lifespan of a child born in Shanghai was five years longer than a child born in NYC, or so the media was saying. Better healthcare and tertiary as a rule and accessible.  

China has problems but in many ways, it's caught up to the USA and is inching ahead. (it also has a bigger navy now according to the US press which really surprised me). 

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