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If Your Spouse Is Too Hot And Sexy,do U Feel Comfortable Walking Around With Her?


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Looks like my previous posts has hit the spot, still no mention in GH's post of respect to local culture and custom so as not to offend, only "if my wife feels comfortable, I feel comfortable" .

That's a shame when Farangs put their own self importance before that of their host country, no wonder we all get labeled the same by the locals.

Here we go again...

Read what I said Gummy.... No look I'll make it easy for you.

In Singapore she'd regularly wear short skirts but she flatly refused to do so in the UK and here in Rome she wears longer skirts and boots (it being winter). In Thailand she wears loose fitting trousers and ankle length skirts. I asked her about this, and her response was that while she feels comfortable wearing different things in different places. (Following the local style) .

Don't just read it - inwardly digest.

It is very clear from what I say above that my wife dresses according to the local style - it follows that the local style is in accordance with the local culture.

MY WIFE IS THAI - Are you suggesting, for example, I should tell my wife what she should wear in Thailand based on MY perception of what is acceptable to Thai culture?. Or perhaps you'd like to go further and have my instruct my wife on how to dress in Thailand based on YOUR perception of what is acceptable to Thai culture.

Thankfully Statesix understands where I'm coming from on this.

My wife chooses to dress according to how she feels comfortable, and as illustrated in what I have said, she obviously changes her opinion of what she feels is comfortable based on where she is and what is the local style.

Those are her choices and I not only support her in her choice but I make the observation that when she is happy, so am I.

But no, feel free to make the assertion that you are somehow more respectful of local customs than I am because I don't put out some fawning statement to that effect.

It’s an established local custom among very many Thai men to keep a minor wife…. I’ll skip on that one if you don’t mind.

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I'm with Momo8

Hubby is always running around scantly clad - my gay friends cant keep their eyes off him- the Thai girls seem to look away - but the other farang chicks well... it makes me smile. He dresses proper when we are off the "island" but around here he’s constantly in his "pants" doesn’t bother me- just a little jealous that I have to cover up, if I walk outside and venture to far away from the Baan.

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I'm not finished with this.....

Looks like my previous posts has hit the spot, still no mention in GH's post of respect to local culture and custom so as not to offend, only "if my wife feels comfortable, I feel comfortable" .

That's a shame when Farangs put their own self importance before that of their host country, no wonder we all get labeled the same by the locals.

Gummy, where do get this pompous <deleted> from?

Come and tell me about local culture when you've learned to speak, read and write Thai (actually I'd settle for you having learned to speak Thai).

Meanwhile, get it through your head, you are not the arbiter of what is and is not acceptable to Thai culture. I personally doubt you have anything beyond a superficial understanding of Thai culture, history or language.

So please, leave out the lectures on Thai culture, I had plenty of those at university when I took the trouble to study the subject.

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My ex Philipina girlfriend would wear short short miniskirts with no panties, and high heel stilletoes. Very petite, and incredibly hot little number.

How did I feel about that? In a constant state of arousal. Our public affections were as scandalous as her outfits. More so.

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I'm not finished with this.....
Looks like my previous posts has hit the spot, still no mention in GH's post of respect to local culture and custom so as not to offend, only "if my wife feels comfortable, I feel comfortable" .

That's a shame when Farangs put their own self importance before that of their host country, no wonder we all get labeled the same by the locals.

Gummy, where do get this pompous <deleted> from?

Come and tell me about local culture when you've learned to speak, read and write Thai (actually I'd settle for you having learned to speak Thai).

Meanwhile, get it through your head, you are not the arbiter of what is and is not acceptable to Thai culture. I personally doubt you have anything beyond a superficial understanding of Thai culture, history or language.

So please, leave out the lectures on Thai culture, I had plenty of those at university when I took the trouble to study the subject.


Come on Guesthouse!! You are my hero (after terry57)

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my missus stops the traffic (either that or bkk has traffic problems :D ) and yes, she is convinced everyone thinks she is a whore when she is with me...............wait is is a whore :D

Ha! Reminds me.... "Like a diamond in the snout of a pig is a beautiful woman without discretion or modesty." (Ancient Jewish proverb)

Sure, walk around with a dame dressed as a whore (you DID say displaying her underwear openly?), and you'd better be prepared for the cat-calls and tom-cat advances which may ensue! ...And your own reputation will follow in her slime-trail. Guilt by association. Of course, no problem if the guy is a jigolo already.

Other than that, I'm not very opinionated about this. :o

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I'm not finished with this.....
Looks like my previous posts has hit the spot, still no mention in GH's post of respect to local culture and custom so as not to offend, only "if my wife feels comfortable, I feel comfortable" .

That's a shame when Farangs put their own self importance before that of their host country, no wonder we all get labeled the same by the locals.

Gummy, where do get this pompous <deleted> from?

Come and tell me about local culture when you've learned to speak, read and write Thai (actually I'd settle for you having learned to speak Thai).

Meanwhile, get it through your head, you are not the arbiter of what is and is not acceptable to Thai culture. I personally doubt you have anything beyond a superficial understanding of Thai culture, history or language.

So please, leave out the lectures on Thai culture, I had plenty of those at university when I took the trouble to study the subject.

Well clearly "the cap fits here". And as for your university, in Thai Culture ? just proves that on some, education is a total waste if they are unable to absorb the basics of cultural respect, for which unlike yourself, even my English and Thai grand-children can demonstrate. So you just carry on "feeling comfortable if your wife is comfortable" without regard to local culture, but please, please anywhere but Thailand.

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I don't like slutty women except to go short-time with, and I don't understand men that make them their mates. Sure, they are sexually desirable, but that is usually ALL they are and they usually stink of alcohol and cigarettes.

I like cute, wholesome girls. they are sweet and their bodies often look just as good as sex kittens under the extra clothes, they are often just as good in bed as trampy girls and they always have nicer personalities.

"Good" girls are better than dirty ones! :o

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I don't like slutty women except to go short-time with, and I don't understand men that make them their mates. Sure, they are sexually desirable, but that is usually ALL they are and they usually stink of alcohol and cigarettes.

I like cute, wholesome girls. they are sweet and their bodies often look just as good as sex kittens under the extra clothes, they are often just as good in bed as trampy girls and they always have nicer personalities.

"Good" girls are better than dirty ones! :D

That's great!! I will wear 10 skirts tomorrow and wrap a tent around me :D so I would be attractive to other men. :o

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Well clearly "the cap fits here". And as for your university, in Thai Culture ? just proves that on some, education is a total waste if they are unable to absorb the basics of cultural respect, for which unlike yourself, even my English and Thai grand-children can demonstrate. So you just carry on "feeling comfortable if your wife is comfortable" without regard to local culture, but please, please anywhere but Thailand.

I'm really sure that Thailand is a big girl now, and doesn't need overwrought apologists like your good self to defend her honour. :o

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I don't like slutty women except to go short-time with, and I don't understand men that make them their mates. Sure, they are sexually desirable, but that is usually ALL they are and they usually stink of alcohol and cigarettes.

I like cute, wholesome girls. they are sweet and their bodies often look just as good as sex kittens under the extra clothes, they are often just as good in bed as trampy girls and they always have nicer personalities.

"Good" girls are better than dirty ones! :o

It might be that you don't have what it takes to appreciate a high sex drive woman. That may be why a wholesome girl offers you more of what you are looking for.

There are a rare few women of very high sex drive and ability that naturally act more sexy, because they have more sex in them.

And then there are the Britney wannabe's that shake their booty as some sort of mating display. There is a big difference between looking sexy and being sex. Some women are hot, just standing still. You can feel their magnet. And slutty? A sexual woman is bound to be more dangerous to handle. But some of us find it worth the hassle.

Others are just put off by all the excess.

Me, I don't believe in excess sex. More is better.

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I'm not finished with this.....
Looks like my previous posts has hit the spot, still no mention in GH's post of respect to local culture and custom so as not to offend, only "if my wife feels comfortable, I feel comfortable" .

That's a shame when Farangs put their own self importance before that of their host country, no wonder we all get labeled the same by the locals.

Gummy, where do get this pompous <deleted> from?

Come and tell me about local culture when you've learned to speak, read and write Thai (actually I'd settle for you having learned to speak Thai).

Meanwhile, get it through your head, you are not the arbiter of what is and is not acceptable to Thai culture. I personally doubt you have anything beyond a superficial understanding of Thai culture, history or language.

So please, leave out the lectures on Thai culture, I had plenty of those at university when I took the trouble to study the subject.

Well clearly "the cap fits here". And as for your university, in Thai Culture ? just proves that on some, education is a total waste if they are unable to absorb the basics of cultural respect, for which unlike yourself, even my English and Thai grand-children can demonstrate. So you just carry on "feeling comfortable if your wife is comfortable" without regard to local culture, but please, please anywhere but Thailand.

Cultural respect. What the f@#!? What the bleep does that mean.

Did Jeesus have cultural respect for the money lenders? Did the Buddha have cultural respect for the slovenly? Do you have cultural respect for heroin addicts?

What do you care what other people think, that it is so important as to make you too shy to express your true good sexual self.

I once had a powerful lover, and our duty, our thing, our reason, was to educate culture. We were not to fit in. We were loud. We were disturbing. We sang out love. And it was good. We taught that love is powerful and can be embraced powerfully.

Ya, we made people uncomfortable. And they were jealous. They wanted what we had so very much of. It made them squirm to see so much of a good thing, so openly. That is good.

Your cultural respect is cowardly.

Edited by jamman
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my missus stops the traffic (either that or bkk has traffic problems :D ) and yes, she is convinced everyone thinks she is a whore when she is with me...............wait is is a whore :D

Ha! Reminds me.... "Like a diamond in the snout of a pig is a beautiful woman without discretion or modesty." (Ancient Jewish proverb)

Sure, walk around with a dame dressed as a whore (you DID say displaying her underwear openly?), and you'd better be prepared for the cat-calls and tom-cat advances which may ensue! ...And your own reputation will follow in her slime-trail. Guilt by association. Of course, no problem if the guy is a jigolo already.

Other than that, I'm not very opinionated about this. :o

Displaying underwear openly? Oh my!

How tame.

Reputation? What does that mean? You mean what other people think of you? Who cares?

You do what you think is good and right. If you keep yourself honest, and have good guiding principles aligned firstly with love, your direction goes in the right direction.

Keeping a reputation is not a good compass.

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Displaying underwear openly? Oh my!

How tame.

Reputation? What does that mean? You mean what other people think of you? Who cares?

You do what you think is good and right. If you keep yourself honest, and have good guiding principles aligned firstly with love, your direction goes in the right direction.

Keeping a reputation is not a good compass.

So, if you're a guy, you don't mind wearing your briefs outside your jeans? Doesn't it say just a tad bit something about you, Mr. Maddona? (If you're a gal, then if the shoe fits...).

Reputation issue: You're sorely out of touch with Thai culture if you think that what people in the community think of you doesn't matter. Of course, if you spend all your time on Soi Slut in BKK, then you probably don't care what the other farangs think about you, and that's up to you.

But, if you live in the rest of Thailand, it matters. For example, teachers are expected to uphold certain societal values in Thailand, and if you violate those you offend the culture, lose the credibility of your students and their parents, and hurt the profession in this country. You're not an island.

This is part of thinking and doing "what is good and right."

Edited by toptuan
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So you just carry on "feeling comfortable if your wife is comfortable" without regard to local culture, but please, please anywhere but Thailand.

Oh my Gud, you have a homeland.

Anywhere but Thailand?

How about other erotic acts. They won't disturb you if they are not done within your homeland?

All hail the emperor, long live the queen, salute to our flag.

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Personally there is a time and place for all sorts of clothing. If I am out/about with my lady, and she happens to be wearing sexy clothing, I am secure enough to know she is with me and let the other lads foam at the mouth. :o However I'd say this sort of clothing is more night oriented like discos/pubs.

Anyways if you look at Thai Society in general (younger generations) - very commercially oriented and are trending towards the sexy look.

Edited by britmaveric
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Well clearly "the cap fits here". And as for your university, in Thai Culture ? just proves that on some, education is a total waste if they are unable to absorb the basics of cultural respect, for which unlike yourself, even my English and Thai grand-children can demonstrate. So you just carry on "feeling comfortable if your wife is comfortable" without regard to local culture, but please, please anywhere but Thailand.

So once again Gummy treats us to his own special brand of assumption and unfounded accusation.

I say NOTHING in my posts is in anyway disrespectful to Thai culture, or indeed any other culture for that matter.

What I actually say is my wife dresses differently in different countries according to the local style - read that again Gummy and see if it sinks in.

If it does not sink in, and I'm beginning to understand your difficulties, let me offer you a challenge.

Tell me exactly where in my posts I have demonstrated disrespect to Thai culture - Feel free to use the cut and paste function.

Showing disrespect for Thai culture is against the forum rules, it is therefore quite an accusation, for which I expect you to have evidence.

In short Gummy - Put up or shut up.

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Displaying underwear openly? Oh my!

How tame.

Reputation? What does that mean? You mean what other people think of you? Who cares?

You do what you think is good and right. If you keep yourself honest, and have good guiding principles aligned firstly with love, your direction goes in the right direction.

Keeping a reputation is not a good compass.

So, if you're a guy, you don't mind wearing your briefs outside your jeans? Doesn't it say just a tad bit something about you, Mr. Maddona? (If you're a gal, then if the shoe fits...).

Reputation issue: You're sorely out of touch with Thai culture if you think that what people in the community think of you doesn't matter. Of course, if you spend all your time on Soi Slut in BKK, then you probably don't care what the other farangs think about you, and that's up to you.

But, if you live in the rest of Thailand, it matters. For example, teachers are expected to uphold certain societal values in Thailand, and if you violate those you offend the culture, lose the credibility of your students and their parents, and hurt the profession in this country. You're not an island.

This is part of thinking and doing "what is good and right."

Excellantly put but I fear beyond the comprehension of some contributors to this thread. By the way, it is not just the rest of Thailand, we live in BKK and my wife is deeply ashamed at the drop in social and culture standards displayed by many Thais these days.

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Displaying underwear openly? Oh my!

How tame.

Reputation? What does that mean? You mean what other people think of you? Who cares?

You do what you think is good and right. If you keep yourself honest, and have good guiding principles aligned firstly with love, your direction goes in the right direction.

Keeping a reputation is not a good compass.

So, if you're a guy, you don't mind wearing your briefs outside your jeans? Doesn't it say just a tad bit something about you, Mr. Maddona? (If you're a gal, then if the shoe fits...).

Reputation issue: You're sorely out of touch with Thai culture if you think that what people in the community think of you doesn't matter. Of course, if you spend all your time on Soi Slut in BKK, then you probably don't care what the other farangs think about you, and that's up to you.

But, if you live in the rest of Thailand, it matters. For example, teachers are expected to uphold certain societal values in Thailand, and if you violate those you offend the culture, lose the credibility of your students and their parents, and hurt the profession in this country. You're not an island.

This is part of thinking and doing "what is good and right."

Excellantly put but I fear beyond the comprehension of some contributors to this thread. By the way, it is not just the rest of Thailand, we live in BKK and my wife is deeply ashamed at the drop in social and culture standards displayed by many Thais these days.

Would you care to speak specifically about what is considered by you and your wife a drop in cultural standards? I assume that public eroticism is considered a drop in social standards.

That is a very interesting topic. Do you have anything more interesting than a gut feeling to share?

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By the way, it is not just the rest of Thailand, we live in BKK and my wife is deeply ashamed at the drop in social and culture standards displayed by many Thais these days.

Should I take it you don't regard making un substantiated accusations as a drop in standards.

I mean, let's get old school here shall we and offer an apology when the evidence of our accusations is lacking....

Nah... let's just tell other people how THEY are required to behave.

Edited by GuestHouse
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By the way, it is not just the rest of Thailand, we live in BKK and my wife is deeply ashamed at the drop in social and culture standards displayed by many Thais these days.

Should I take it you don't regard making un substantiated accusations as a drop in standards.

I mean, let's get old school here shall we and offer an apology when the evidence of our accusations is lacking....

Nah... let's just tell other people how THEY are required to behave.

I have looked through your posts, Guesthouse, and I cannot find anything where you are slating Thai culture or where you say anything derogatory about Thai culture.

Was gummy mistaking you for someone else?

Was he missing a point to make a point?

Love some feedback gummy :o

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By the way, it is not just the rest of Thailand, we live in BKK and my wife is deeply ashamed at the drop in social and culture standards displayed by many Thais these days.

Should I take it you don't regard making un substantiated accusations as a drop in standards.

I mean, let's get old school here shall we and offer an apology when the evidence of our accusations is lacking....

Nah... let's just tell other people how THEY are required to behave.

Standards are usually based upon ones moral perceptions and cultural norms during the times when one is brought up . Unfortunately these have been degraded over the years and Thailand is probably no differant from most other nations. I would anticipate that yourself and lady wife are significantly younger than myself or my wife, well most people are, myself that is. Therefore we fully appreciate what those standards and the importance of maintaining high cultural traditions are sometimes regarded as being at the upper level of moral and cultural acceptance, whereas yourself being somewhat younger would have started off at a lower level of these standards thro no fault of your own obviously. I apologise if I have infered that you have shown disrespect because clearly if you had, do to the above, you would not fully appreciate whether you had or not so it would be wrong of me to make that accusation due to your ignorance.

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I apologise if I have infered that you have shown disrespect because clearly if you had, do to the above, you would not fully appreciate whether you had or not so it would be wrong of me to make that accusation due to your ignorance.
Ah moral relativity..... and your moral relativity is better than mine.... Well, we already know you believe yourself to be the arbiter of what is and is not against Thai culture.

No Gummy, you are not getting off that easily, your accusation is totally without grounds.

I remind you of what I said.

Are you telling me that it has never been against your moral standards to make false accustations.

In Singapore she'd regularly wear short skirts but she flatly refused to do so in the UK and here in Rome she wears longer skirts and boots (it being winter). In Thailand she wears loose fitting trousers and ankle length skirts. I asked her about this, and her response was that while she feels comfortable wearing different things in different places. (Following the local style).

Now come on Gummy - Show me exactly, by any standards, where I have shown disrespect to Thai culture.

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Gummy, Guesthouse,

I have read all throught this thread and it appears that both of you eventually went off at a tangent into flimsily disguised abuse. Howver my perception of where Gummy is coming from is from your statement GH "if my wife feels comfortable, I feel confortable", which in relation to the previous posts infers your acceptance also of what others said.

Now that may be totally wrong and you were only considering Mr & Mrs Guesthouse views but I myself did construe from your initial response the alternative thus I can appreciate why Gummy thus assumed the opinion, in relation to the subject title, that you condoned women santily clad or whatever so long as both partners thought it was OK, hence Gummy taking umbridge at you and your consequential responses - I am right chaps?

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