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Hairy Knees


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After living in Thailand for 18 months, I have noticed that my knees have become hairy again - almost certainly because I haven't worn long trousers for that time. Anyone else noticed anything unexpected happening to their bodies....? :o

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After living in Thailand for 18 months, I have noticed that my knees have become hairy again - almost certainly because I haven't worn long trousers for that time. Anyone else noticed anything unexpected happening to their bodies....? :o

Yeah, after twenty years here my hair grew back on my knees, but it fell off everywhere else :D and my body became awfully wrinkled, do you think it's something in the water?

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Yes, being married to a Thai for 6 years seems to have made my body expand somewhat! I blamed the wife saying it was her good cooking, she fires back that it is far more to do with my eating of it. :o

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I noticed the hair in my nose and ears grows longer and faster, not sure if this is the climate or getting old :D

I won't even touch the subject of rashes and chaffing :o

I agree with this.

Alough "she" had told me it's "just because i'm getting old".....


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Yes, being married to a Thai for 6 years seems to have made my body expand somewhat! I blamed the wife saying it was her good cooking, she fires back that it is far more to do with my eating of it.  :o

Just use the line i do, as i can relate to your expanding experiances...

"the more of me there is, the more you can love darling"

(alough i have since started taking up some sports/activities to lessen my .... for choice of words...impact on planetary overcrowding)

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Ah yes, my wife and myself sort of decided this one.

I started to play golf (a pet hate of mine less than 4 months ago, but i played a round for a bet (not in TH btw) been hooked and playing since)

her: it's expensive and it wont keep you fit!

me: clubs were $500 darling, nearty the same price as your new handbag - and your bag has nothing in!, mine has all these metal things in that hit little balls!

(me 1 - 0 her)

her: golf is slow, how can you get fit playing that silly game?

me: my love, i wake early, walk over 6 miles a game, stretch every muscle like a strongman, and sweat like i am in a sauna, drinking over 4 litres of water - most sportsmen do less! (refering to a proffesional snooker or darts player here)

( me 2 - her 0)

her: i like the shoes and nice little hats!

me: \o/

(me 3 - 0 her) full time!

there is a downside tho...

her: can i join you? it sounds fun!

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