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Ever Had To Re-watch A Movie In Order To 'get It'?


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I think of myself as a relatively intelligent chap, and as such, I tend to understand almost all the movies that I watch...

However, about 3 months ago I got 'Syriana' on DVD and found it hard to follow. :o That said, I just re watched it tonight and found i was able to link all the names (a lot of mumbling in that film) and happenings together and thoroughly enjoyed it. I finally 'got it'. :D

Alas, I watched a French movie called 'Hidden' recently and actually surprised to see the end credits start rolling....totally unexpected! :D Guess I'm not so intelligent after all..?

Anyway, are there any films (or books for that matter - Brett Ellis, 'Lunar Park' comes to mind) that you've had to watch/read again in order to 'get it'?

Maybe this thread could even help those who still fail to 'get' a movie/book and can be helped out by fellow TVers? :D


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I always watch Donnie Darko while inebriated, its a different film every time....!

Still one of my favourites, even after the tenth or fifteenth, I don't know, its top anyway.

Romantic, horror, love story time travelling film.... :o


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I always watch Donnie Darko while inebriated, its a different film every time....!

Still one of my favourites, even after the tenth or fifteenth, I don't know, its top anyway.

Romantic, horror, love story time travelling film.... :o


Aye, that is a disturbingly good movie. Shame the leading actor, showing so much potential, ruined it all by doing 'The Day after tomorrow'...

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If I don't 'get it' the first time then it's not worth the effort. Kmart is "An@l Gangbang 3" same as "Lord of the Ring 3"? Fell asleep in "Lord of the Ring" maybe that's why I didn't get it, dead bore the Tolkein books are better.

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I needed to watch fight club two times. I got it the first time but was so surprised by the ending that I needed to watch it again. Fantastic movie. Since then I have watched it a few more times and love it.

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Alas, I watched a French movie called 'Hidden' recently and actually surprised to see the end credits start rolling....totally unexpected! :o Guess I'm not so intelligent after all..?

There's another big twist if you watch the credits closely. HINT .. look who the son is talking too. Great film btw ..

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'Milwaukee, Minnesota'

I watched it three times back to back. It is 91 minutes long, won awards at Cannes and is similar to 'Fargo' except ten times better (hard to believe, because Fargo is a great movie.


Lunar Park: by B.E.Ellis is an incredible book. I had to re-read some chapters, but one day this work will be accepted as a work of genius.

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