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EU proposes to send an army of observers to February election


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On 11/9/2018 at 3:36 PM, Brunolem said:

Well..I don't think that the Thais should have the choice to vote for joining the EU!


Having said that, I also don't think that the pompous technocrats from Brussels are the best choice to monitor a Thai election.


We, members of TVF, know much better than them how things work here.


A Brussels technocrat, freshly out of the plane in his three piece suit, and sent to monitor the voting in a small school in Surin, is gonna freak out...unable to understand in the least what is going on.


Obviously, he will be constantly surrounded by a dozen military officers, including four women and a katoy, just in case, who wil! take him away for a six hour lunch.


As far as he is concerned, the "observer" will be constantly thinking about the 7 day debriefing organized in Phuket, where the "army of 400" will celebrate its achievement.


By the way, why 400? why not 300? sounds more heroic, no?

Just what drugs are you on, your think is very twisted... oh, did I say Thais want to vote on joining the EU... that is ridiculous , and has NOTHING to do with what I said.

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On ‎11‎/‎9‎/‎2018 at 7:34 AM, rkidlad said:

Prior to your post who exactly categorically stated the EU would be sending people to observe? 


Me thinks you need to read more carefully. 

I did not say that anyone categorically said that.  Several posters have made comments based on assumptions that EU observers will be here, though.


I think that you need to read (and try to comprehend) what I actually said a lot more carefully.

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4 hours ago, Just Weird said:

I did not say that anyone categorically said that.  Several posters have made comments based on assumptions that EU observers will be here, though.


I think that you need to read (and try to comprehend) what I actually said a lot more carefully.

People speculated based off a story. No one once said it’s definitely happening. That’s all. Perfectly normal when adults try to have a discussion. There’s no need get so angry. 

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I expect they will have a mandatory tour of Walking Street and then vote for the "the best bird" before a free massage, nothing like a good massage to prepare for a "General" election of the military kind, " you can all take part so long as you remember who wins."

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43 minutes ago, nong38 said:

I expect they will have a mandatory tour of Walking Street and then vote for the "the best bird" before a free massage, nothing like a good massage to prepare for a "General" election of the military kind, " you can all take part so long as you remember who wins."

Nonetheless, the good observers should be accustomed to any political shenanigans, as they've practiced it themselves for years in a different disguise. 

Turn the other cheek when all said and done. ????


Going through the f**kwittery motions. 


In return, selected Thai officials can observe the always suspicious and corrupt election process in the USA, EU, etc. and see how it's truly done. No one is the wiser.....????


It's all good.

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On 11/8/2018 at 2:27 AM, The traveler said:

EU?? EU?? The anti democratic union going to anti-democratic Thailand to watch the election, maybe the EU should clean their own backyard first and stop their tyranny. The EU are a bunch of unelected bureaucrats, one thing is good about EU is trade, their view on trade,but we don’t need a parliament, a common currency, many overpaid bureaucrats to do trade with each other.


Watch how they bullying Britain for leaving their union, then you understand their intentions.



let some from US,Canada,Australia or New Zealand to watch the election, those countries are actually democratic.

Do as I say, not as I do.

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On 11/8/2018 at 2:32 AM, Thechook said:

Doesn't really matter anyway who wins fair or not.  Prayuth awarded himself the legal power to void any result he wasnt happy with and appoint who he wants which will probably be him

And there it is...the ugly truth has shown its head again. Thanks for ripping away the blanket of hope and hitting us with reality! 

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What is unprecedented? They said 200-400. The number of observers depends on the number of polling stations. Elections in Cambodia in July 2018 hosted 220 observers from 52 different countries. Source here https://www.reuters.com/article/us-cambodia-election-monitors/cambodia-says-52-nations-to-send-monitors-for-its-election-idUSKBN1KE1Q0. 


Looks like there is a lot to hide from international community in upcoming election. That's what.


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24 minutes ago, nowhereman said:

What is unprecedented? They said 200-400. The number of observers depends on the number of polling stations. Elections in Cambodia in July 2018 hosted 220 observers from 52 different countries. Source here https://www.reuters.com/article/us-cambodia-election-monitors/cambodia-says-52-nations-to-send-monitors-for-its-election-idUSKBN1KE1Q0. 


Looks like there is a lot to hide from international community in upcoming election. That's what.


They should be quite expert now.

"Since 2000, 147 EU EOMs have been deployed in Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean."


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10 hours ago, nowhereman said:

What is unprecedented? They said 200-400. The number of observers depends on the number of polling stations. 

Usually there is one polling station per village, so 200-400 is not gonna make it!


Perhaps 20,000-40,000 would be more appropriate.


The EU has more than enough staff for that, but do they have enough Airbus A380 to transport so many observers?


The cost would not be an issue since the bill will be paid with the billions extorted from the Brexiters by the Brussels godfathers.

Edited by Brunolem
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9 hours ago, zzaa09 said:

Define International Community....

The USA and its vassals!


Non-vassals, a.k.a. independent countries, are not members of the international community and are labelled as rogue countries.



Edited by Brunolem
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10 hours ago, zzaa09 said:

Define International Community....

1. In internet browser search window type 'http://www.google.com and press Enter.

2. You will see a search window under the Google logo and enter 'What is international community.' There will be the definition for you to be found. 

3. I assure you, even after BREXIT the UK will remain to be a part of International Community, no need to be upset every time you here EU.

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18 hours ago, rkidlad said:

People speculated based off a story. No one once said it’s definitely happening. That’s all. Perfectly normal when adults try to have a discussion. There’s no need get so angry. 

Who's "so angry"?  Point out where I have displayed anger.


You're right about the "pretty normal" bit, though, it is pretty normal for posters here not to read OPs and to speculate wildly about something that has not been announced as actually happening. 

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2 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

Who's "so angry"?  Point out where I have displayed anger.


You're right about the "pretty normal" bit, though, it is pretty normal for posters here not to read OPs and to speculate wildly about something that has not been announced as actually happening. 

Calm down and learn to count to 10. 

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So, it appeared today that this is FAKE NEWS, ...that was spread by the NLA, as the EU has clarified that it could not send out observers for elections in ANY country, without that country asking for this by itself officially first (quod non!), and after running through a specific detailed examination by the EU, before it can, eventually, grant its approval for such a mission to be organised!

Would this be diabolical 'false flag' agit-prop by the NLA, or more simply just some idiotic little chiefs inside the NLA playing silly games ...?

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5 minutes ago, bangrak said:

So, it appeared today that this is FAKE NEWS, ...that was spread by the NLA, as the EU has clarified that it could not send out observers for elections in ANY country, without that country asking for this by itself officially first (quod non!), and after running through a specific detailed examination by the EU, before it can, eventually, grant its approval for such a mission to be organised!

Would this be diabolical 'false flag' agit-prop by the NLA, or more simply just some idiotic little chiefs inside the NLA playing silly games ...?

Or distorted news for the same reasons you suggest?

It would be SOP for the EU to contact the PM Office to express an interest to monitor the election and get a read on how the PM would react to a possible request to monitor Thailand's next election. Now the EU knows PM's reaction - hostility. Probably not unexpected from Prayut's government but Prayut's reaction is very telling of his tight control over the next election.

As such I'd like to see the EU officially request the Thai government permission to monitor the election.

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