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Suwanaphum Taxi ~ Limo


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Brit, is that the best you can offer???

I can politely say no in Thai and move on. But the old couple trying a once in a lifetime Asian trip will fall for it and will get scamed That's why we have regulations, controls, police, etc etc in society. Not to help the super know everything enlightened ones like yourself, but to protect the masses, from amongst other things - scams.

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Brit, is that the best you can offer???

I can politely say no in Thai and move on. But the old couple trying a once in a lifetime Asian trip will fall for it and will get scamed That's why we have regulations, controls, police, etc etc in society. Not to help the super know everything enlightened ones like yourself, but to protect the masses, from amongst other things - scams.

Scam? Surely you mean touts. There are laws against touting in the UK but touts still exist. The same applies to US, Canada, Australia, NZ; need I go on? How would you stop touting in your own country?

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Perhaps I am wrong, but I think most people would do a bit of research on where they are going and what to expect, especially when it comes to transport to your hotel. I think you are making things harder than it really is.

You are not wrong but some posters here do not have the sense that they were born with!

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Did anyone complain about touts at the old airport?

They were there, but hardly as agressive. Furthermore, they were located at a stand that said "Thai Limousine" right beside the door to the conventional taxi stand, so arriving passengers would clearly realize that they were getting something different than the regular taxi.

It's a different situation at Suvarnabhumi. The touts are more agressive. When I was there recently picking someone up, I was approached about half a dozen times. I didn't think that I looked like an arriving guest since I had no luggage, but they asked anyway.

The key difference is that the limo concession at DM was operated by Thai Airways, and is operated by AOT at Suvarnabhumi. Since it is their airport, they want to earn your money and can tout agressively. Furthermore, they can force the metered taxis to pick up passengers on a lower level (down a dangerous escalator) to keep them out of sight and mind.

Having said that, I didn't find the touts offensive and unpleasant. When I told them I had a car and was picking someone up, they went on their way politely. Some even spent a couple of minutes after learning that I didn't want their service striking up a conversation- "You live Bangkok? Where you flom? Mee mia Thai?"

Is it a scam? I don't think so. Just one of many options and choices for travellers. Another poster said it is a scam if you fall for it. Not so.. it is a scam if you have no choice, and unhappy paying the price. Some will find it to be good service and value.

Most travellers these days are internet users and spend time online learning about their destination. Savvy or cheap travellers will know to go to the ground floor and get a metered taxi. Timid first time travellers will probably ask the tour company or the hotel to arrange the airport transfer, which costs the most. Some well to do travellers will prefer the comfortable limo service with a professional driver who doesn't have an attitude after waiting in the taxi drivers queue for 3 hours to get a 250 or 300 baht fare.

Edited by bino
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Well just recently on my way back from Udon to Samui - I thought that I would stop off at Pattaya for a few days - like you do!

At the arrivals hall - offered a trip by car for 2,400 baht to Pattaya

I can at least speak numbers in Thai - which does help, and got this down to 1,200 baht

Then I thought, I would get the free bus to the bus station - where I had a great trip for 106 baht, including water and a sort of sandwich

I'm sure that if I was a tired from travelling newbie - the original offer might sound attractive.

As always - it's up to you!

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And the public taxis being located on level one is clearly marked also.

I'm increasingly of the view that thaivisa is divided into two distinct camps. Tjere are those who seem bewildered by the complexities of modern life, who are incapable of taking responsibility for navigating a course through that life, and who seem to think that everything they don't understand is a scam or a potential hazard, and that everyone is out to 'get them'.

And then there are the rational adults.

"Too tired to make a judgement," my a**e.

More like three camps. You forgot pompous, know it all, a@@holes who believe they are somehow superior to the masses.

I would think a "rational adult" would expect an honest response from a uniformed airport official in an international airport with police present and in view.

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A lot of posters here seem to think that they are still living in Podunk, Massachusetts or Podunk St Mary, Wiltshire or Podunka Podunka, NSW, still tied to Mummy's apron strings and expect services to be of the same standard. Before these posters read any further, please go to your coffee pot, pour yourself a nice hot cup of coffee, smell it and wake up!

OK, you are now awake. There are touts at all airports and tourists attractions worldwide and not just confined to BKK airport. Want a ticket for the Superbowl and can't get one? You can buy one off the many touts outside the stadium - illegal? Yes, it is but you are prepared to pay over the odds for it.

Let's say that the fare from the airport to your home is 900Baht - you have previously phoned a limo company to find out or your friends have told you. On arriving back at BKK, you are touted by a limo company and he says "900Baht". Tell me how have you been conned? You haven't, you have paid the going rate.

For the posters who use the word 'scam' for what these touts are doing, look up the word in a dictionary. They are touting for business, not taking part in a confidence trick.

Someone mentioned about inexperienced travellers not knowing the exchange rate or how to get from the airport to their hotel, these people should not be let loose on the public! Haven't they heard of the internet, guide books or travel agents? Do they just decide to have a holiday in Bangkok, book the flight and a hotel without finding any information about the place?

I am upset by the use of the word 'limo', some companies use the Toyota Camry as a limo. It is a good car but, by no stretch of the imagination, can it be classed as a limo.

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A lot of posters here seem to think that they are still living in Podunk, Massachusetts or Podunk St Mary, Wiltshire or Podunka Podunka, NSW, still tied to Mummy's apron strings and expect services to be of the same standard. Before these posters read any further, please go to your coffee pot, pour yourself a nice hot cup of coffee, smell it and wake up!

OK, you are now awake. There are touts at all airports and tourists attractions worldwide and not just confined to BKK airport. Want a ticket for the Superbowl and can't get one? You can buy one off the many touts outside the stadium - illegal? Yes, it is but you are prepared to pay over the odds for it.

Let's say that the fare from the airport to your home is 900Baht - you have previously phoned a limo company to find out or your friends have told you. On arriving back at BKK, you are touted by a limo company and he says "900Baht". Tell me how have you been conned? You haven't, you have paid the going rate.

For the posters who use the word 'scam' for what these touts are doing, look up the word in a dictionary. They are touting for business, not taking part in a confidence trick.

Someone mentioned about inexperienced travellers not knowing the exchange rate or how to get from the airport to their hotel, these people should not be let loose on the public! Haven't they heard of the internet, guide books or travel agents? Do they just decide to have a holiday in Bangkok, book the flight and a hotel without finding any information about the place?

I am upset by the use of the word 'limo', some companies use the Toyota Camry as a limo. It is a good car but, by no stretch of the imagination, can it be classed as a limo.

Wake up and smell what your shoveling.



1. Fraudulent deal. Business plan intended to defraud.

This is exactly what lying to tourists is. When a tout says " This is the cheapest ride to Bangkok" he is lying. Fraud. end of story.

If you were scammed by a gem dealer lying about the quality of his stones, would you say he's just doing business?

These legitimate businessmen are just misunderstood?

It is unreasonable to think that in an international airport in a modern city, that when asking a uniformed airport official where to find the least expensive taxi, you would be lied to.

Research is a good idea. The guide books and websites all agree that this is a scam, not a legitimate business to be considered as you suggest.

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pumpuiman, I will write this slowly as I know you can't read very fast. A tout does not tell the truth because he wants your business. By your analogy, all salesmen are scammers. Uniformed officials possibly get a kick-back, what would you do in their position? This happens all over the world. Doesn't the same thing happen in your neck of the woods?

OK, now you have taken the limo home and you find out you could have got a taxi cheaper, what can you do? You can report it to the Tourist Police but then you would have to wait for about 30 minutes for them to stop rolling on the floor and laughing or you could just put it down to experience.

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There are touts at all airports and tourists attractions worldwide

What a f*****g liar you are. Give some examples to proof your point.

I've been in service management for almost 30 years and have seen more airports than hotel rooms cos very often I would leave a country the same day I'd arrived.

Looking forward to your selection of airports.

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There are touts at all airports and tourists attractions worldwide

What a f*****g liar you are. Give some examples to proof your point.

I've been in service management for almost 30 years and have seen more airports than hotel rooms cos very often I would leave a country the same day I'd arrived.

Looking forward to your selection of airports.

When you can learn to talk to people properly then I will answer your question. Is there any need to swear? You say that you were in service management for almost 30 years, with your foul mouth I find that unbelievable!

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There are touts at all airports and tourists attractions worldwide

What a f*****g liar you are. Give some examples to proof your point.

I've been in service management for almost 30 years and have seen more airports than hotel rooms cos very often I would leave a country the same day I'd arrived.

Looking forward to your selection of airports.

I don"t know a lot of airports but the ones that I do know have touts, try Paris CDG and Frankfurt.



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There are touts at all airports and tourists attractions worldwide

What a f*****g liar you are. Give some examples to proof your point.

I've been in service management for almost 30 years and have seen more airports than hotel rooms cos very often I would leave a country the same day I'd arrived.

Looking forward to your selection of airports.

When you can learn to talk to people properly then I will answer your question. Is there any need to swear? You say that you were in service management for almost 30 years, with your foul mouth I find that unbelievable!

I've read a few posts of you b4 and couldn't help to realise a certain pattern by you trying to display others as inexperienced or potential fools.

If you think that making a statement like you did has to be taken at face value cos it's from you then think again.

BTW I didn't say "I were", I said "I have been". Not quite the same.

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There are touts at all airports and tourists attractions worldwide

What a f*****g liar you are. Give some examples to proof your point.

I've been in service management for almost 30 years and have seen more airports than hotel rooms cos very often I would leave a country the same day I'd arrived.

Looking forward to your selection of airports.

I don"t know a lot of airports but the ones that I do know have touts, try Paris CDG and Frankfurt.



Paris and Frankfurt's got more than touts. But the police is very active there now.

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pumpuiman, I will write this slowly as I know you can't read very fast. A tout does not tell the truth because he wants your business. By your analogy, all salesmen are scammers. Uniformed officials possibly get a kick-back, what would you do in their position? This happens all over the world. Doesn't the same thing happen in your neck of the woods?

OK, now you have taken the limo home and you find out you could have got a taxi cheaper, what can you do? You can report it to the Tourist Police but then you would have to wait for about 30 minutes for them to stop rolling on the floor and laughing or you could just put it down to experience.

So all salesman are liars? No, this does not happen in my neck of the woods, nor has it happened in most airports I have been.

Just putting crime "down to experience" is irresponsible and lazy, kind of like a hippo.

Uniformed officials possibly get a kick-back, what would you do in their position?

Are you saying you would take a couple of dollar kick back to fukc over your fellow man? You are a piece of work.

Your arguments suck. You first say this is legitimate, then admit these people are fraudulent.

What's next.....The "This is Thailand" defense?

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pumpuiman, I will write this slowly as I know you can't read very fast. A tout does not tell the truth because he wants your business. By your analogy, all salesmen are scammers. Uniformed officials possibly get a kick-back, what would you do in their position? This happens all over the world. Doesn't the same thing happen in your neck of the woods?

OK, now you have taken the limo home and you find out you could have got a taxi cheaper, what can you do? You can report it to the Tourist Police but then you would have to wait for about 30 minutes for them to stop rolling on the floor and laughing or you could just put it down to experience.

I'd act in an honest manner and help the tourist.

So does murder, but I wouldn't defend the murderers.

If it does, then everyone complains and things improve.

Why do we have to accept wrong doing as "put it down to experience"? Can we not try to improve the situation, for everyone's sake.

(Sorry about the rainbow effect.)

The arguments are poor, but the principle of accepting liars and cheats, especially when it is institutionalised at Thailand's showpiece airport, is awful.

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My humble newbie opinion .

The minimum any traveller should do before setting off is at least research how to get to your hotel from the airport!! On my first trip to LOS I did just this and was not surprised to be accosted by numerous touts. A polite no thank you in English or Thai has always worked for me and I have never had problems at either old or new aiports. NEW SUIT MATE!!! gets me more upset! :o

As for other airports around the world, has anyone spent any time in the zoo that is terminal 3 at Heathrow recently. There are many Police and officials about and if you report a tout they are usually dealt with. However this does not stop them, I had the unfortunate pleasure of sitting landside with my wife for an hour or so before she went back to Bangkok and was approached by two beggars depositing trinkets on the table with a card claiming not being able to read and write and the sale of these trinkets was the only way they could survive!! they would then return two or three minutes later expecting money. This is the UK so I gave them another piece of paper with the local benefit office address on. :D

Having accepted that this was just what happens everywhere in the world I was then approached numerous times getting from departures to the car park by touts asking if I wanted a cheap taxi.

Yes it is annoying wherever in the world it happens, yes it is worse in Bangkok than many other places but trust me I am more than happy to put up with a little annoyance at the airport in Thailand for the happiness the rest of the countries qualities give me.

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There are touts at all airports and tourists attractions worldwide

What a f*****g liar you are. Give some examples to proof your point.

I've been in service management for almost 30 years and have seen more airports than hotel rooms cos very often I would leave a country the same day I'd arrived.

Looking forward to your selection of airports.

When you can learn to talk to people properly then I will answer your question. Is there any need to swear? You say that you were in service management for almost 30 years, with your foul mouth I find that unbelievable!

I've read a few posts of you b4 and couldn't help to realise a certain pattern by you trying to display others as inexperienced or potential fools. If you are trying to say that I don't suffer fools gladly then you are right, I don't suffer them at all!

If you think that making a statement like you did has to be taken at face value cos it's from you then think again. I never implied any such thing

BTW I didn't say "I were", I said "I have been". Not quite the same. If you wish to correc t mistakes, please start with your own! You asked me to 'proof'(sic) it. Now do you want me to test it or prove it?

jasreeve17 - I am sorry if you misread my question, I will simplify it for you. 'If you were Thai and a low paid worker who was offered 'commission', would you accept it?' I am not defending this practice but pointing out that it could be happening.

pumpuiman - No, this does not happen in my neck of the woods' Have you ever thought about being a stand-up comedian? Please take off your rose-tinted glasses. Please feel free to quote me but never, ever use my quotes out of context, read the whole paragrph where the 'put it down to experience' quote comes from.

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Mr Hippo,

I didn't misread anything.

1) If you were Thai, and a low paid worker who was offered commission, whould you accept it?

Yes, commission on sales is a good incentive for an honest job.

2) Uniformed officials, possibly get a kick-back. What would you do in their positions?

No, I wouldn't accept it. That would be illegal, corrupt, dishonest and clearly wrong.

You didn't simplify anything. You changed it. You have clearly been in Thailand a long time, you're picking up the local skills very well.

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The minimum any traveller should do before setting off is at least research how to get to your hotel from the airport!!


Yes it is annoying wherever in the world it happens, yes it is worse in Bangkok than many other places but trust me I am more than happy to put up with a little annoyance at the airport in Thailand for the happiness the rest of the countries qualities give me.

New guy gets it right :D


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The minimum any traveller should do before setting off is at least research how to get to your hotel from the airport!!


Yes it is annoying wherever in the world it happens, yes it is worse in Bangkok than many other places but trust me I am more than happy to put up with a little annoyance at the airport in Thailand for the happiness the rest of the countries qualities give me.

New guy gets it right :D


You are right, Cdnvic (and Mutleyg).

But, wasn't this supposed to be a great hub. An advert for Thailand? I'm thinking of a new slogan for 2007 - Thailand, 1st class ambitions. Economy class realization.

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There are touts at all airports and tourists attractions worldwide

What a f*****g liar you are. Give some examples to proof your point.

I've been in service management for almost 30 years and have seen more airports than hotel rooms cos very often I would leave a country the same day I'd arrived.

Looking forward to your selection of airports.

When you can learn to talk to people properly then I will answer your question. Is there any need to swear? You say that you were in service management for almost 30 years, with your foul mouth I find that unbelievable!

I've read a few posts of you b4 and couldn't help to realise a certain pattern by you trying to display others as inexperienced or potential fools. If you are trying to say that I don't suffer fools gladly then you are right, I don't suffer them at all!

If you think that making a statement like you did has to be taken at face value cos it's from you then think again. I never implied any such thing

BTW I didn't say "I were", I said "I have been". Not quite the same. If you wish to correc t mistakes, please start with your own! You asked me to 'proof'(sic) it. Now do you want me to test it or prove it?

jasreeve17 - I am sorry if you misread my question, I will simplify it for you. 'If you were Thai and a low paid worker who was offered 'commission', would you accept it?' I am not defending this practice but pointing out that it could be happening.

pumpuiman - No, this does not happen in my neck of the woods' Have you ever thought about being a stand-up comedian? Please take off your rose-tinted glasses. Please feel free to quote me but never, ever use my quotes out of context, read the whole paragrph where the 'put it down to experience' quote comes from.


The closest international airport to my location (my neck of the woods) is Logan in Boston. Even without wearing rose colored glasses I have never been approached by anyone, ever.

I have re-read your drivel. I have not used anything out of context.

You argue there is no crime being committed, then say there is, but it should be ignored because you feel some people deserve kickbacks and the tourist police would laugh uncontrollably at a tourist being swindled.

You go on to say if every single one of the millions of tourists that travels to Thailand finds the paragraph in a guidebook explaining this crime, there wouldn't be a problem.

Loud and clear.


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I also travel the globe constantly and the Bangkok airport touts are second to none in both number and aggressiveness

Try the airports in tourist destinations such as Cancun or the larger Caribbean Islands such as St. Thomas, St. Maarten or Antigua. In these locations timeshare touts are free to "work" in the baggage claim areas where the arriving tourists are stuck waiting for their luggage, suckering tourists with seemingly attractive "free" sailing trips, restaurant vouchers and more. These touts provide a service that is no way related to the airport and absolutely no one really needs.

I think I have found Utopia - Boston, Mass. where no-one is ever swindled!

Try any Canadian airport. I've never been approached for anything here. I'm not saying that no one gets swindled in Canada, but it won't ever happen by touts at an airport.

There is another thread running now about the "AOT website- more than I expected", and the website is indeed quite good. Any traveller who takes the time to search the internet for the official Suvarnabhumi website can read all of the options for transportation; taxis, buses, AOT limousines, and be prepared when they arrive.

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