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Thai book on gambling addiction

Na Fan

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I am looking for a book - in Thai - about dealing with gambling addiction. Ideally someone that tells his or her story, the damage it has done to their life, and how they managed to get out of it.

Any tips greatly appreciated!

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May not be exactly what you are looking for.  IF you are trying to educate a gambling addict I would say 'good luck'. In my 4 years of experience a gambling addicts' cure is poverty. Total and absolute poverty. The question is do they go there alone? My wife lost everything when she started gambling. EVERYTHING. 

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'how they managed to get out of it', that would be the interesting part. Trend i have seen is lose all your money, pawn all things of value and lose that money, borrow and lose your friends money, steal from family, borrow loan sharks money, family threatened, find some poor sod to give you a god sent exit option of clearing the debt, have beer to celebrate followed by gambling the last option you have, street or jail from there.

It only takes a very small amount of debt to end up in a situation where you are chasing your payments, borrow form the next person to pay the former with each charging fairly evil amounts of interest between friends. The so called friends taking advantage of the debt situation with quick interest buck opportunity is painful to see, for most it needs to be the very harsh no access to gambling or debt, there's a strong stupid often adamant belief in many gamblers that they can gamble there way out of debt and addiction. 

Edited by Bangel72
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"there's a strong stupid often adamant belief in many gamblers that they can gamble there way out of debt and addiction. "

That's exactly it. 

SO, 8 months pregnant, has picked up the habit 3 weeks ago. Has since "pawned" MY motorbike 3 times and I had to buy it out of some crook again each time.


Getting her to thoroughly read someone else's experiences I was hoping might help. But it's hard for me to find anything. And places like the cabin in chiang mai are way out of my league financially (they don't list prices, which indicates it'll be stupidly expensive. Plus the photos indicate the same thing).

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I'd suggest more professional help, maybe even as far as a friendly police officer giving her a warning.

There is a potential that she has debts that she has not fully disclosed to you and may be too ashamed to disclose so is now just surviving and using all money she can get her hands on just to pay the mounting debt. In this case because the debt is never actually cleared and she never has enough to do so in full, the gambling in her head presents the only feasible way out when in reality its just deeper into despair.

If you are in that cycle already, the police option would potentially be doing her a big favour.

I am though just speculating but having seen first hand the cycle I'd be very wary.

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1 hour ago, Na Fan said:

"there's a strong stupid often adamant belief in many gamblers that they can gamble there way out of debt and addiction. "

That's exactly it. 

SO, 8 months pregnant, has picked up the habit 3 weeks ago. Has since "pawned" MY motorbike 3 times and I had to buy it out of some crook again each time.


Getting her to thoroughly read someone else's experiences I was hoping might help. But it's hard for me to find anything. And places like the cabin in chiang mai are way out of my league financially (they don't list prices, which indicates it'll be stupidly expensive. Plus the photos indicate the same thing).

And places like the cabin in chiang mai are way out of my league financially (they don't list prices, which indicates it'll be stupidly expensive. Plus the photos indicate the same thing). That might be the case, but what's going to cost you more? Going to the cabin or continuously buying your motorbike back? 

Keep your valuables and assets out of her reach, that includes your bike. I have no experience with this, but judging by other posters' comments, I'd say you're in for a rough ride. Good luck!

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11 hours ago, Na Fan said:

Nah, the ride ends now. One way or another. I ain't standing by to watch someone tear me down with 'em out of pure stupidity. There's only so much I will cope with. And the threshold has been reached. 


Harsh but fair comment. At the end of the day what ever help you want to give will only have a chance if she wants it herself. 

You have arguably already coped with too much by keep buying your bike back. As you say, eventually it will break you too and sadly leaving her maybe the only chance she has of realising the mess she’s in. 

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Apologies, I don't have a book........... just a KLM flight booking :smile:.


My wife has condemned her parents, in their late 60's to having to mortgage property they once owned,
and they now have to sell cooked food in front of the local 7/11, instead of a retirement.


This is how it goes-
Always kneeling and praying in front of the home Buddha shrine. 
Money for household bills goes missing.
You lose friends due to her always borrowing, borrowing from their wives.
Her phone is in hock yet again, so no contact for days. 
Stealing any cash left around even from her parents and daughter.
Renting cars and selling them (yes!!).
Shutting down her social media accounts many times (yes!!) 'cos people are chasing for repayments.
Continual lies, lies, and lies.
I can't wait to leave, and that would be my advice.... just walk away.
I have property in the UK and I've been treading water, waiting for our daughter to graduate.
Luckily she's in boarding to protect her from the negative domestic atmosphere.
Then we're off. My wife is not invited, as she is beyond my help.
Even getting a divorce here was a hurdle (3 attempts at the Amphur) as she wanted payment. 
But I have no assets here, so hey-ho I had to bribe her with just a few thousand baht. 

I totally agree with good hearted western people who (by nature) believe they can help.

Like drug abuse it's a disease.  
But remember where we are, there is not much charity or good will here.
Thais are not Christian so there can be no redemption, many are brought up thinking foreigners know nothing, and will deliberately be destructive rather than listen.

In my case kindness, to this day is treated with contempt. 

Unbelievable how this 'Butter Wouldn't Melt in my Mouth' decent, local village girl, who had two jobs when I first met her, morphed into this abnormal condition.

I've taken some time to pass on my situation, and I often get labelled a troll on here as they can't handle the truth about Thailand.

Sorry my solution may not help, other than the small comfort of knowing it's not your fault and you're not alone. :thumbsup:

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On 11/12/2018 at 2:31 AM, Na Fan said:

SO, 8 months pregnant, has picked up the habit 3 weeks ago.


Assuming you're the father, I think the only course of action is to focus ruthlessly on the health and well being of the child.  And you have to do it in person because you're dealing with someone who can't be trusted with cash. Pay directly any hospital bills, and shop for diapers and formula or whatever yourself. If you're lucky, the shock and new responsibility of motherhood will snap her out of her addiction. 

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