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Getting an MOT and compulsory insurance - Bangkok


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Hi all, I'll keep this brief.


I am driving a car that belongs to the sister of my gf. She couldn't afford the payments after she lost her job, so I took over the car and paid the back payments and am paying the monthly loan, which is almost complete now. I will transfer the car sometime after the loan is paid (yes I understand the risk of this scenario).


The disc on the windshield has apparently expired a few months ago.


I understand that I need to get an inspection and pay some government fees.


The car is in excellent shape so inspection will be no problem, my issue is where do I go and what do I ask for. I could ask my gf to help, but I actually want to know myself what is required.


a) Where do I get an inspection (I am near Bang Chak) and what do I ask for?

b) Where do I pay the compulsory insurance.


Thanks in advance.

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