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More relevent .. When will the council carry out their long standing promise and knock down the illegal shop buildings at Thapae Gate? I'm refering to those buildings which include the Cafe De Paris and have been an eyesore for years.

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could be the 'post' mortem the way this thread is going

I for one don't think this is funny as I don't know of anybody coming through this very serious operation alive.


Someone said to be aware of katoey prostitutes.

Let me suggest that it would be wise to be wary of any Thai prostitute male or female or katoey and then be wary of many of the others. Thais are yes "nice, polite, sensitive etc., etc., but but there are very few races on tthe surface of the planet earth that are more dangerous than a nice smiling Thai. Once they "lose it" they have "lost it" You can put it down to face or whatever you like but the facts remain the same. The sweatest looking Thai would cut your throat at the very slightest provocation.

And in a pack the guys from the "mongrel mob or black power" are angels by comparison.


> The sweatest looking Thai would cut your throat at the very

> slightest provocation.

So I guess I've been lucky all these years. :o

john b good Posted on Tue 2004-05-25, 09:56:46

"The sweetest looking Thai would cut your throat at the very slightest provocation".

I've frequented Thapae Gate and many other red-light areas in Thailand for many years and this claim is absurd. If you treat the girls fairly, they will treat you like a King; you'll get a lot more than your money's worth. :D

The worst that they ever do is try to get a little more money out of you, and that hardly ever happens; Even that is quite easy to fend off, if you know what you are doing; Just tell a few white lies about having no more money, and no loss of face to anyone.

Now if you were try to cheat or hurt one of these sweet girls, you might get your throat cut, but that is as it should be! :o

I've frequented Thapae Gate and many other red-light areas in Thailand for many years and this claim is absurd. If you treat the girls fairly, they will treat you like a King; you'll get a lot more than your money's worth. :o

Yea, and if you are looking for for girls around Thapae Gate you will likely get far more than just your money's worth. And I said hey babe, take a walk on the wild side....

Yea, and if you are looking for for girls around Thapae Gate you will likely get far more than just your money's worth.

You mean you might get a cup of tea and an orange if Ajarn comes along :o

john b good Posted on Tue 2004-05-25, 09:56:46

"The sweetest looking Thai would cut your throat at the very slightest provocation".

I've frequented Thapae Gate and many other red-light areas in Thailand for many years and this claim is absurd. If you treat the girls fairly, they will treat you like a King; you'll get a lot more than your money's worth. :D

The worst that they ever do is try to get a little more money out of you, and that hardly ever happens; Even that is quite easy to fend off, if you know what you are doing; Just tell a few white lies about having no more money, and no loss of face to anyone.

Now if you were try to cheat or hurt one of these sweet girls, you might get your throat cut, but that is as it should be! :o

If you have "frequented the Gate and many other red light areas for many years" you should certainly know what you are talking about (in respect of prostitutes that is) but not all of us come here to focus solely on hookers.

That said some of us have Thai wives (who have never been on the game) and the statement still stands "upset a Thai (male or female) and cause them to lose face they will slit your throat at the drop of a hat.

They cannot handle conflict in any shape or form and thats fact

Even the smillingest, most docile Thai has a very low threshold when it comes to losing it.


And to state that "if you cheat or hurt one of these sweet girl you might get your throat cut, but that is how it should be" would suggest that you advocate people resorting to murder at the drop of a hat...........


Strange. You wonder how people every get fired from jobs or dumped by their significant others or have to fold in business. These are all very face-losing events and while face is indeed very important, it's unlikely to lead to bloodshed or suicide. (Though it does happen)

> They cannot handle conflict in any shape or form and thats fact

No, that's your opinion.

I think you will know that if you run a business then at times you need to fire people or dissappoint them in benefits/bonuses received. You take heed of cultural sensibilities and don't do this in public, which would aggravate the loss of face for no reason at all. A person who is publicly and needlessly humiliated is entitled to feel upset. (No, still not to cut someone's throat)



john b good Posted on Tue 2004-05-25, 09:56:46

"The sweetest looking Thai would cut your throat at the very slightest provocation".

Remember, I replied to the original line about Thai prostitutes "slitting one's throat at the slightest provocation", which I said was completely untrue.

john b good has now explained what he really meant, specifying that they would have to lose face and broadening his generalization to all Thai man and women.

That is a different statement, and not the one that I was commenting on, however, I still maintain that if one doesn't pay the girls for having sex with them, it is tantamount to rape, and that one deserves the consequences. The same goes for causing them physical harm.

I've frequented Thapae Gate and many other red-light areas in Thailand for many years.

Can't follow the reasoning here. Chiang Mai Expats know about Thapae Gate at night and generally try to give it a wide berth late on. If someone was looking for the sex trade there's plenty of other areas where you'd be relatively safe and meet some not too bad looking women. I can't understand why anybody needs to frequent an area out in the streets, where the lighting is poor and there's some very ugly and dangerous people lurking in woman's clothes.

The cleanup does do some good depite it's hypocritical motivation of making everything look wonderful in Chiang Mai.


I freuented this area when I was a teacher, and so, dead broke. :o

However, I've never had the slightest of problems there over the years, so don't like to hear about them being painted with an unfair brush.

I know nothing about the Katoeys, but they stand out like Spotlights, so easy to avoid. :D


That's leaving youself wide open to a one liner which would definately get me banned.

Where are Bashir and the Gent when G.P. has exposed himself.

I note that the article said that only three of those arrested were actually real women. I assume that things must a changed a bit in the last few years.


I rather doubt the departed would have caught what-ever it is, wit wasn't one of their strong points, and as for the Katoeys, I've hardly ever seen more than 2-3 at a time over the years, although everyone swears that the place is swarming with them, but I usually am home before Midnight; Maybe that is why?

I freuented this area when I was a teacher, and so, dead broke.  :o

The Gent was a bit of a bore but Basher had a certain wit and I'm sure he would have called you an ex- Rentboy. I myself wouldn't do that. :D

I've hardly ever seen more than 2-3 at a time over the years, although everyone swears that the place is swarming with them, but I usually am home before Midnight; Maybe that is why?

G-P i think if you take to riding your motorbike after midnight around there with no gloves, socks or trousers on you could easily tick off twenty one katoeys on your digits.

More than 2 or 3 :D it is more like buy two get three free :o



I've frequented Thapae Gate and many other red-light areas in Thailand for many years.

Can't follow the reasoning here. Chiang Mai Expats know about Thapae Gate at night and generally try to give it a wide berth late on. If someone was looking for the sex trade there's plenty of other areas where you'd be relatively safe and meet some not too bad looking women. I can't understand why anybody needs to frequent an area out in the streets, where the lighting is poor and there's some very ugly and dangerous people lurking in woman's clothes.

The cleanup does do some good depite it's hypocritical motivation of making everything look wonderful in Chiang Mai.

Lamphun, you know as well as anyone that 'clean-ups' are only effective if they are enforced...So far as I can see, there has never been a cleanup because it's never lasted more than one night. I'll bet anything the katoeys are back already. This is not the first time in the last couple of months that the katoeys have been cleared out for the night...

The addition of lights was a good idea, I think. But some of the lights covering some areas have burned out and not been replaced. I think the dark shadows in these areas are the main problem, being also the area for drug dealing and whatever...

When I have dinner at Darets or the Art Cafe, I always park my car inside the gate area at night. Never had or seen any problems, but the crowd lurking in the shadows sure seems more potentially problematic than the crowd hanging out on the benches in the better-lit areas. In my opinion, good lighting throughout the gate area will take care of most of the problems people seem to be complaining about.

john b good Posted on Tue 2004-05-25, 09:56:46

"The sweetest looking Thai would cut your throat at the very slightest provocation".

Remember, I replied to the original line about Thai prostitutes "slitting one's throat at the slightest provocation", which I said was completely untrue.

john b good has now explained what he really meant, specifying that they would have to lose face and broadening his generalization to all Thai man and women.

That is a different statement, and not the one that I was commenting on, however, I still maintain that if one doesn't pay the girls for having sex with them, it is tantamount to rape, and that one deserves the consequences. The same goes for causing them physical harm.

Got no problem with that but it is a double edged sword. Don't do them harm, cheat them etc., and you should be OK but it's likewise for them.

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you only do it first....



> Do unto others as you would have them do unto you only do it first....

But, but.. they're women, they can't possibly do to me what I do to them! :o

(If they coudl then something would be rather wrong.. ;-)

Just kidding... normally I fully subscribe to that statement of course.



I freuented this area when I was a teacher, and so, dead broke.  :o

The Gent was a bit of a bore but Basher had a certain wit and I'm sure he would have called you an ex- Rentboy. I myself wouldn't do that. :D

The problem with that is, that I would take it as a great compliment that one would imply that I ever could have sold any "favors", to anybody! :D

As for john b good, I agree; Just follow the Golden Rule! :D

you could easily tick off twenty one katoeys on your digits

Not if you are a Thai, they can get 39 as they count the joints on their fingers =28 plus the others = 39.

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