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Cannabis patent applications from foreigners raise fears of monopoly


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3 hours ago, alex8912 said:

Lol so did you hear about the grilled cheese sandwich food truck  parked outside the first pot shop in Massachusetts that opened yesterday?? It was a big hit for some reason. I mean the opportunities are endless. 

Yes, and the girl guide who completely sold out of cookies after setting up outside a pot shop ????

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7 minutes ago, Katipo said:

Yes, and the girl guide who completely sold out of cookies after setting up outside a pot shop ????

Capitalism at its finest! It is a proven fact that legalized weed increases the market for pizza, cookies, ice cream, glass, tacos, silly bumper stickers, and diet plans

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1 hour ago, Nyezhov said:

Capitalism at its finest! It is a proven fact that legalized weed increases the market for pizza, cookies, ice cream, glass, tacos, silly bumper stickers, and diet plans

And speeding tickets for driving too slow! 

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7 hours ago, Ulic said:

Simply don't recognize the patent as legitimate. Marijuana has been a plant used for various purposes fo 10's of thousands of years. Why should a patent be recognized now?

It's ALL about the money. Monsanto tried applying a patent to Thai Jasmine rice in 1998. Of course, Thailand told them to kiss their collective a$$.

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I am still trying to understand how a patent can be granted to "extracts" of a plant !

A Patent implies the construct, invention, etc of something totally original.

To extract and even refine is no invention.

If modified then it becomes synthetic I would  think.

And synthetic THC has been around a long time already.

But then again  human DNA has had  patents granted. I assume God  made the  application !

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19 hours ago, Grandpa Cool said:

Yes I remember the Thai Song Greet. I was there in '72. One of my buddies put me onto it. He was there in'70. That lady round the corner was certainly onto something! 


She wasn't the only one.  There was an old lady up in Udon Thani that lived in a hut so small that a 4x8 foot sheet of plywood had more square footage than her hut did.  

It was very interesting to go to her place.  There was a heavy curtain of strings of beads hanging at the opening of her place.  A street light was behind her hut.  I only went there at night.   When you sat on the unroofed floor in front of the opening at night you could not see her or inside her hut, you just saw a blackness. I don't remember ever hearing her speak, although she may have spoken to some people and you had to speak to her in Thai, she would not respond to your requests if you used English.  

We would go to her place, say, Sawatdee Khap, tell her how many sticks we wanted, an old, wrinkled, very bony hand would slowly part the curtain and lay the number of Thai sticks you wanted on the floor.  If you told her you wanted to smoke some there, then she pushed a chopping block out, chopped some up, made a pile of it, brought out a bong, filled the bowl, pushed out a box of matches and you would light up.  

The price for Thai stick was the same everywhere in and around Udon, so there was no haggling over that.   You just paid her for what she gave you and left.  

I always had the feeling that I was participating in a movie of some kind when I went there.  After my first time there, when I returned later, I would look for people hiding behind something near her hut.  I wondered if I would find a movie camera somewhere, but mostly to be sure there were no Thai police.   

I was taken there the first time by a Thai friend of mine, Joo (or Jew).  I think that a Thai had to take you there first, otherwise she would not respond to your requests.  I took a fellow soldier there and when he went back alone later, she would not give him anything, even though he saw someone picking up Thai sticks there and waited till that buyer had left before going to her hut.  

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On 11/21/2018 at 10:49 AM, SABloke said:

Let's deal with FACTS shall we: Foreigners aren't allowed to conduct research either. 


As long as the research is not done in Thailand, anyone can do it.   Foreigners have been able to do their research for many years because foreign countries don't have ridiculous laws that stops research on things like marijuana.   Thai researchers in Thailand can't legally do research on it here.

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