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Prawit attacks ex-NCPO member for ‘defecting’


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1 hour ago, Baerboxer said:


If he felt any moral obligation he wouldn't likely join the side headed by a corrupt criminal. Unless you think kleptocracies are acceptable as long as those thieving get voted for?

Kleptocracies with checks and balances beat kleptocracies run by corrupt criminals who simply seize control of the state at gunpoint. At least in the former case the public get to turf them out without bloodshed.

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1 hour ago, Baerboxer said:


You recognize the reality Rob - they're all the same as one another, just picking the side that they think will give them the best chance of self enrichment. 


Whereas, sadly, some still like to pretend that PTP, and it's new splinter parties, are different and that their owner is pure as the driven snow!


The scourge of corrupt family political clans who have no morals, no shame and feel totally entitled.

'They are all the same as one another, but I'll just repeatedly go after one side and ignore the crimes of the other.'

So in fact you aren't saying they are all as bad as each other at all, are you? Let's be honest, here...

Edited by baboon
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Maybe he is not defecting. Maybe he always supported democracy, but serving in the army knew he had to keep quiet and toe the line. I know there are others who do not support the Junta, but they do not want to jeopardize their position (salary and subsequent pension) by speaking out. Freedom of speech and to support who they want does not enter into the equation when still serving. Post retirement is a different matter. Calling a toad a toad is fine then.    
Maybe.. but its hypocritical to say the least first serving without complaint and then once the money is sure open your mouth and complain

Of course i think similar about the PTP defectors.

If you have morals you change your job before you dont serve someone you hate just for the money.

I know i would not... would you ?

I have often spoken up against former bosses. I dont believe in selling my soul for money like guys like him and the PTP defectors.

Looks a lot like his convictions were not worth a lot to him when he still got paid and now looks for a new paymaster.

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Kleptocracies with checks and balances beat kleptocracies run by corrupt criminals who simply seize control of the state at gunpoint. At least in the former case the public get to turf them out without bloodshed.
Yea right Baboon... look at what has happened at the Maladives. We should oppose all kleptocracies.

I shudder to think about Thailand had the PTP long enough in power to get those huge Chinese loans. 2. Something trillion baht i believe.

But yes voted in is marginally better. Just like getting shot is better then getting burned to death.

The end result is the same.

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It is not hypocritical. It is human nature. How many people are in jobs or work for bosses they don't like but stick it out because the pay is okay or for other personal reasons. A hell of a lot. People don't reveal their own feelings until they know they can do so without repercussions.  What would have happened if he stood up against the junta while still serving? He would have been attacked and his position in the military would have been untenable. Perhaps, trumped up reasons would be used for dismissal from the military and loss of pension. You have to be seen to toe the line. 
Not that many people are as virtuous as you and speak out.  And to say that people have no morals if they do not change their jobs because they do not like/hate their boss is wrong on so many levels.  Most people seek to protect themselves and get on with their lives. Maybe it is easy to get a new job in your particular field, but that is not the case in many other professions. What is a career soldier going to do? Become a security guard, soldier for hire (he is too old anyway), etc. Life is not a bed of roses. Sometimes you have to accept things for what they are. 
As to MPs or former MPs jumping parties, that is something altogether different. 
I am not virtuous i would just never work for someone i hate or dislike. But this is even worse working and doing something that supposedly goes against what he believes in.

I say supposedly because IMHO the guy is just after money again. If he really was so against the junta he should never have worked for them.

I think we totally differ here i see this guy as totally untrustworthy and a money grabber. Though that does qualify him as a Thai politician.

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1 hour ago, robblok said:

I am not virtuous i would just never work for someone i hate or dislike. But this is even worse working and doing something that supposedly goes against what he believes in.

I say supposedly because IMHO the guy is just after money again. If he really was so against the junta he should never have worked for them.

I think we totally differ here i see this guy as totally untrustworthy and a money grabber. Though that does qualify him as a Thai politician.

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Be honest, you don't like him because you're an unreformed Junta fanboy.

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Be honest, you don't like him because you're an unreformed Junta fanboy.
That old chestnut, if you can't find arguments better keep quiet.

I just don't like people like this never have never will.

This is IMHO akin to first working for a fur company and later changing sides to PETA because the money is good.

Just real mercenary, again not my kind of person but on par for the average Thai politician.

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It is not uncommon for a military member to follow orders without comment as long as they are not clearly illegal. That does not mean that they agree with the policies. This officer has decided that country before self is the right path. And then there is the "kindness" that was shown by the junta. One has to wonder what that would be. He may well know secrets that the junta fears so he will either be handled very carefully or will disappear before too long. This junta wants to appear, at least until the election, to be concerned over the citizenry but they will play hardball if pushed.

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10 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


You recognize the reality Rob - they're all the same as one another, just picking the side that they think will give them the best chance of self enrichment. 


Whereas, sadly, some still like to pretend that PTP, and it's new splinter parties, are different and that their owner is pure as the driven snow!


The scourge of corrupt family political clans who have no morals, no shame and feel totally entitled.

At least HE and his family did obtain a mandate. That is really all that matters, the corrupt bunch currently running the show have no mandate whatsoever, they need to go as soon as possible, scrap their shitty constitution, their shitty senate and their shitty 20 year roadmap. But alas, that will bring the tanks back into the street. The boogie man is not Thaksin, he never was. 

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9 hours ago, baboon said:

Kleptocracies with checks and balances beat kleptocracies run by corrupt criminals who simply seize control of the state at gunpoint. At least in the former case the public get to turf them out without bloodshed.

You hit the nail right on the head, but it will fall on deaf ears. Hatred clouds judgement. It is partly thanks to people like this (think of the misguided souls demonstration alongside Suthep, screaming about corruption) that we now cannot get rid of the Junta for at least the next 20 years !


I still can't believe the stupidity and lack of real knowledge of what they were dealing with of these people. It defies belief that people can be this stupid and uninformed. 

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