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State Of Thailand


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What is there to complain of about Thailand

How about the environmental destruction past, present, and future.


The reason Thailand is in such a wretched state is because the people cant or wont complain.. Too scared to step on some big-wigs (pooyai's) ego..Simply pathetic. They need to visit the wizard of oz and get some courage.. :o

And would you go and tell your boss to go & take a hike when you have a mortgage to pay, car repayments, credit card repayments - in an uncertain labour market ... or would you eat humble pie & put up with the arogance and bad manners of the "big wig" or "poo yai" or "tao gair".

I would like to see you walk up to the local "tao gair" & give him a piece of your mind. I think not. More likely you would act the same as in front of your school principal. Especially if you lived in the same community.

I may not agree with the social hierarchy here, but it works for the thai's. It is not our position to call them "wretched" because they are living in a system that is far from our comprehension. Try living & working in a small community here, then try bucking the system and see how far you get.


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To all posters: resort to flaming and the thread will be closed and warnings passed out.

Mind your manners here please.

And lets try to keep it on topic, at least in the first couple of pages. :o

yeah, go for each others throats from 5th page onwards, I still wants to read this. :D:D

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Well I do beg forgiveness for failing to note, or at least sense, that there was a higher authority present. But how very Thai of you, me lord, to judge others based upon the perceived face presented and not upon substance.

By the way, despite your condemnation, and after thoughtful reconsideration, I still really like that last paragraph in my previous post.

Hello again Jolpha,

I was just trying to be pleasant and suggest that you made a few decent points. I then suggested that this was undermined by your insults. Sorry if this upset you, I didn't intend to.

Your retort was a little nonsensical, wasn't it. Why:-

1) The sarcasm. Isn't sarcasm for comedians? I thought that you were trying to make a serious political point.

2) How very Thai of you, my Lord. What does that mean? Are you putting Thais down. If so, why?

3) Based upon the perceived face presented. What has rudeness got to do with perceived face?

4) Not upon substance. I praised your substance, several times.

5) But you were still impressed with your last paragraph after a re-read. Why? It took away from your otherwise strong argument, solely to please your ego.

I think that my email has reasonable logic to it. If I now conclude the final part, by saying that you are a f##king c##t, I'd undermine it and just be perceived as rude. So I won't do so.

(For clarification: this was an example and certainly not directed at you)

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What is there to complain of about Thailand

How about the environmental destruction past, present, and future.


The reason Thailand is in such a wretched state is because the people cant or wont complain.. Too scared to step on some big-wigs (pooyai's) ego..Simply pathetic. They need to visit the wizard of oz and get some courage.. :o

And would you go and tell your boss to go & take a hike when you have a mortgage to pay, car repayments, credit card repayments - in an uncertain labour market ... or would you eat humble pie & put up with the arogance and bad manners of the "big wig" or "poo yai" or "tao gair".

I would like to see you walk up to the local "tao gair" & give him a piece of your mind. I think not. More likely you would act the same as in front of your school principal. Especially if you lived in the same community.

I may not agree with the social hierarchy here, but it works for the thai's. It is not our position to call them "wretched" because they are living in a system that is far from our comprehension. Try living & working in a small community here, then try bucking the system and see how far you get.


For many Thais, conditions are indeed relatively wretched- and for how long the bottom economic rungs accept those conditions is anybody's guess- but what we are seeing world wide is that the poor are no longer content with poverty in the face of plenty. I agree with you that the traditional East Asian concern with social harmony over individual rights, personal principles etc has by and larged worked - if the goal is little more than sustaining a system that is becoming an anachronism (as has been pointed out numerous times on this board, the income differential between the small wealthy minority and the large poor majority, is one of the world's most dramatic).

But it would be romantically naive to think that this quaint feudalism will withstand the onslaught of global communication, the slow but real improvements in literacy, the whithering of those two time tested guardians of tradition: the family and the religion. And right now, Thailand is experiencing all of that- the society, and especially those with the most to lose, must be prepared for this idyll to end, and perhaps not pleasantly. While we as guests may choose to turn a blind eye and grin lovingly at it all, real social upheaval will only be prevented by Thais analzying every aspect of their culture and society... and where nescessary, criticizing. Loudly.

Edited by blaze
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What is there to complain of about Thailand

How about the environmental destruction past, present, and future.


The reason Thailand is in such a wretched state is because the people cant or wont complain.. Too scared to step on some big-wigs (pooyai's) ego..Simply pathetic. They need to visit the wizard of oz and get some courage.. :o

And would you go and tell your boss to go & take a hike when you have a mortgage to pay, car repayments, credit card repayments - in an uncertain labour market ... or would you eat humble pie & put up with the arogance and bad manners of the "big wig" or "poo yai" or "tao gair".

I would like to see you walk up to the local "tao gair" & give him a piece of your mind. I think not. More likely you would act the same as in front of your school principal. Especially if you lived in the same community.

I may not agree with the social hierarchy here, but it works for the thai's. It is not our position to call them "wretched" because they are living in a system that is far from our comprehension. Try living & working in a small community here, then try bucking the system and see how far you get.


For many Thais, conditions are indeed relatively wretched- and for how long the bottom economic rungs accept those conditions is anybody's guess- but what we are seeing world wide is that the poor are no longer content with poverty in the face of plenty. I agree with you that the traditional East Asian concern with social harmony over individual rights, personal principles etc has by and larged worked - if the goal is little more than sustaining a system that is becoming an anachronism (as has been pointed out numerous times on this board, the income differential between the small wealthy minority and the large poor majority, is one of the world's most dramatic).

But it would be romantically naive to think that this quaint feudalism will withstand the onslaught of global communication, the slow but real improvements in literacy, the whithering of those two time tested guardians of tradition: the family and the religion. And right now, Thailand is experiencing all of that- the society, and especially those with the most to lose, must be prepared for this idyll to end, and perhaps not pleasantly. While we as guests may choose to turn a blind eye and grin lovingly at it all, real social upheaval will only be prevented by Thais analzying every aspect of their culture and society... and where nescessary, criticizing. Loudly.

I'm going to break my respect for the tradition of never adding a comment without content again. Your ego deserves many pleasing strokes. Good job.

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What is there to complain of about Thailand

How about the environmental destruction past, present, and future.


The reason Thailand is in such a wretched state is because the people cant or wont complain.. Too scared to step on some big-wigs (pooyai's) ego..Simply pathetic. They need to visit the wizard of oz and get some courage.. :o

And would you go and tell your boss to go & take a hike when you have a mortgage to pay, car repayments, credit card repayments - in an uncertain labour market ... or would you eat humble pie & put up with the arogance and bad manners of the "big wig" or "poo yai" or "tao gair".

I would like to see you walk up to the local "tao gair" & give him a piece of your mind. I think not. More likely you would act the same as in front of your school principal. Especially if you lived in the same community.

I may not agree with the social hierarchy here, but it works for the thai's. It is not our position to call them "wretched" because they are living in a system that is far from our comprehension. Try living & working in a small community here, then try bucking the system and see how far you get.


Read it again Soundman, i said Thailand was in a wretched state not the people.. Although i do agree with you on most points.. Although i will still be teaching my 3 kids to stand up for themselves..and push the limits when required..

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What is there to complain of about Thailand

How about the environmental destruction past, present, and future.


The reason Thailand is in such a wretched state is because the people cant or wont complain.. Too scared to step on some big-wigs (pooyai's) ego..Simply pathetic. They need to visit the wizard of oz and get some courage.. :o

And would you go and tell your boss to go & take a hike when you have a mortgage to pay, car repayments, credit card repayments - in an uncertain labour market ... or would you eat humble pie & put up with the arogance and bad manners of the "big wig" or "poo yai" or "tao gair".

I would like to see you walk up to the local "tao gair" & give him a piece of your mind. I think not. More likely you would act the same as in front of your school principal. Especially if you lived in the same community.

I may not agree with the social hierarchy here, but it works for the thai's. It is not our position to call them "wretched" because they are living in a system that is far from our comprehension. Try living & working in a small community here, then try bucking the system and see how far you get.


Read it again Soundman, i said Thailand was in a wretched state not the people.. Although i do agree with you on most points.. Although i will still be teaching my 3 kids to stand up for themselves..and push the limits when required..

I like this, not forgetting that the kids are the future for all of us.

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What is there to complain of about Thailand

How about the environmental destruction past, present, and future.


The reason Thailand is in such a wretched state is because the people cant or wont complain.. Too scared to step on some big-wigs (pooyai's) ego..Simply pathetic. They need to visit the wizard of oz and get some courage.. :o

And would you go and tell your boss to go & take a hike when you have a mortgage to pay, car repayments, credit card repayments - in an uncertain labour market ... or would you eat humble pie & put up with the arogance and bad manners of the "big wig" or "poo yai" or "tao gair".

I would like to see you walk up to the local "tao gair" & give him a piece of your mind. I think not. More likely you would act the same as in front of your school principal. Especially if you lived in the same community.

I may not agree with the social hierarchy here, but it works for the thai's. It is not our position to call them "wretched" because they are living in a system that is far from our comprehension. Try living & working in a small community here, then try bucking the system and see how far you get.


Read it again Soundman, i said Thailand was in a wretched state not the people.. Although i do agree with you on most points.. Although i will still be teaching my 3 kids to stand up for themselves..and push the limits when required..

Allright, the affairs of the state do not reflect on the people in it. - This comment is open for deliberation....

My point was that it is very hard for most people to stand out from the crowd, as it is in any country - not just thailand.

You say you will train your children to stand up for themselves, as I will mine. However, the more training in social hierarchy the better prepared they will be.

Many thai people have only been trained to repect their seniors, therefore they cannot just take a magic pill & alter their surroundings. What's the point of berrating them and calling the country "wretched" just because they are doing what life so far has taught them.



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