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Extreme Brexit could be worse than financial crisis for UK: BoE


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3 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

And no doubt if this were to happen, and the Brexiteers were to win again, the minority Remainers would argue the result was only advisory and therefore could be totally ignored by the Remainer Prime Minister and Remainer majority in Parliament.


Or suppose Remain were to win by a small margin? Who could argue if disgruntled Leavers insisted on a further referendum to make it "best of three"?


The most recent UK poll of Brexit sentiment showed a majority in favour of doing what a majority of us voted to do nearly three years ago.


It also happens to be what the Prime Minister promised numerous times she would do, what both major Parties pledged to do in the run-up to the 2017 general election, and what Parliament actually voted to do when it invoked Article 50. . .


Leave the European Union, deal or no deal, on the 29th of this month.


Anything less will be a shameful betrayal both of the British people and our much-vaunted democracy.

Politicians tell lies...only tooth fairy dreamers would believe different..never mind Ukip and tommy are still alive and kicking.

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15 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

And no doubt if this were to happen, and the Brexiteers were to win again, the minority Remainers would argue the result was only advisory and therefore could be totally ignored by the Remainer Prime Minister and Remainer majority in Parliament.


Or suppose Remain were to win by a small margin? Who could argue if disgruntled Leavers insisted on a further referendum to make it "best of three"?


The most recent UK poll of Brexit sentiment showed a majority in favour of doing what a majority of us voted to do nearly three years ago.


It also happens to be what the Prime Minister promised numerous times she would do, what both major Parties pledged to do in the run-up to the 2017 general election, and what Parliament actually voted to do when it invoked Article 50. . .


Leave the European Union, deal or no deal, on the 29th of this month.


Anything less will be a shameful betrayal both of the British people and our much-vaunted democracy.



I believe that May would have preferred Remain, but not strongly. I don't she's felt strongly about anything in her entire life!


Where she went wrong was to foist her opinion of a suitable compromise on the entire country. I do think she bought in to the necessity to find a just solution for the 52 AND the 48. But her red lines were not my red lines. Controlling immigration is her thing; a result of her days in the home office. She wants wealthy and/or highly qualified individuals. I want decent people with similar social mores to our own. I want out of CAP but maintain tariffs to protect food safety and animal welfare. She doesn't care. May wants to be able to do trade deals free of the EU. I don't care.


So I don't think she is machiavellian in any way. She's not clever enough. She wanted to bring both sides closer together and has jus produced an unholy mess.

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33 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Explain your point

my point is just that the UK does not have a sovereign parliament

as proven several times over the past 2 years


on the other hand, if it was sovereign

the present crew in HoC would hardly be able to do anything meaningful out of it



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6 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

But it is the craven willingness of so many to tolerate their lies and deceit that puts all our destinies in their hands. Whatever one may think of their views, at least you can't accuse the likes of Nigel Farage, Gerard Batten or Tommy of being gutless.


No, just brainless, soulless and heartless!


With views such as you hold, I'm putting you back in the ignore cage. Sorry, but you typed it.

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12 minutes ago, melvinmelvin said:

my point is just that the UK does not have a sovereign parliament

as proven several times over the past 2 years


on the other hand, if it was sovereign

the present crew in HoC would hardly be able to do anything meaningful out of it



Well we certainly don't have a dictatorship or an oligarchy.


I do agree that our system has a major problem and that is FPtP v PR. That needs fixing.


Secondly it was an idiotic game to call a referendum just because the CONs feared UKIP eating their lunch. PR would have given UKIP seats but not a significant number. They would never have been a coalition partner even if they handed out gold nose pegs!

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5 minutes ago, evadgib said:

The full interview was 20+ mins. Here's a short clip:


Blair sounded rational and statesman like as usual 


Piers Morgan's females look as if they were about to get on their knees and give Blair a good time.


I may watch the whole thing if it comes up on YouTube

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1 minute ago, Grouse said:

Blair sounded rational and statesman like as usual 


Piers Morgan's females look as if they were about to get on their knees and give Blair a good time.


I may watch the whole thing if it comes up on YouTube

Not falling for that line again.

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2 hours ago, nauseus said:

According to the Treaty of Rome, UK parliamentary sovereignty has been limited since in 1973 and this limitation has increased with successive EU treaties ever since. At the moment, the UK Parliament can still recover full sovereignty, if it revokes the Treaty of Rome. At the moment.


 What people should be very concerned about, is the so called treaty of Lisbon and 2021. I’m just surprised that the remainers, fail to mention the future direction that the Bureaucrats in Brussels intend to take the Citizens of Europe. Hopefully without the U.K.




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Fintan O'Toole: Are the English ready for self-government?

Brexit is a fabulous form of displacement – it acknowledges a profound and genuine unhappiness about how the British are governed but deflects it on to Europe.


 Let’s just say that if Theresa May were the head of a newly liberated African colony in the 1950s, British conservatives would have been pointing, half-ruefully, half-gleefully, in her direction and saying “See? Told you so – they just weren’t ready to rule themselves. Needed at least another generation of tutelage by the Mother Country.”





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3 hours ago, billd766 said:

What I find a little odd is the the Remainers are asking for a second referendum due to the narrow gap 52 to 48 at the first referendum


Teresa May wants a third vote on her Brexit proposal despite the overwhelming no vote against it the first 2 times. 230 votes against in January, 149 against in the second vote.




What can she not understand about NO thank you?


TM as a Remainer has brought it all on herself and on the country and I for one hav not the slightest shred of sympathy for her.

Nigel is quite sound on this point....



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1 minute ago, wilcopops said:

Take back control?

Strong and stable?

Brexiteers are responsible for the greatest chaos in British parliamentary history.....


First it was EU bureaucrats then immigration then NHS, then sovereignty now they are blaming those who didn't want Brexit in the first place.....

When will they realise that this mess is down to them and them alone......

Brexit is an international embarrassment and they have already done incalculable damage to the UK....

So true. They have no insight and no shame as they spout empty populist rhetoric devoid of any facts or truth as they blindly follow the rich and entitled pied pipers into the abyss. For Farage, Johnson and his ilk I would reserve the Mussolini treatment for them for they know what they do all to well and game the country for their own narrow elitist interests. 

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