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Extreme Brexit could be worse than financial crisis for UK: BoE


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1 minute ago, aright said:

And I am still waiting to hear from you the answer to 4 questions I asked in post 1745

What have the EU done about sky high youth unemployment, the rise of extreme parties, the dissatisfaction with their social and political agenda and a currency which only benefits one country. Try not to answer questions with questions. Failure to attempt an answer would lead me to conclude you are quite happy with this state of affairs or you don't accept they exist.




i replied and you know i did,but anyway i will do it again,sky high youth unemployment has fallen in Portugal from 33% to 22/23%,how they did it dont know,unfortunetely iam not a portuguese politican,social and political agenda? what goes that mean? the euro currency kicks the shit pounds arse with ease,for the second time ive replied the same and not asked you any questions other than what the ucfk do you mean by social and political agenga,please please explain what that means

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On 2/1/2019 at 5:45 PM, bomber said:

in portugal its down from 38% to 23% in 3 years i havent a clue how they did it,my partner is portuguese i might bore her and ask,when there ive seen several adverts in cafe/bars advertising vacancies maybe one offs iam not sure or maybe they are like many in the UK and dont want work,the wages there are very low but they dont have the drug and drinking culture like the UK and very few teenage mothers needing housing,its a more civilised place.Extreme parties you say they were present even in the old good days and always will be,social and political agenda? not sure how a currency used for so many countries can benefit only one nation,which one is it? i know it didnt benefit the pound much its give it a good kicking in recent years,and a few years ago was even being touted as a replacement for the currency to trade oil with.If it was that bad Greece would of ditched it,but they didnt and neither has any others voiced concern about it,why should they its a robust currency and brings many benefits.

as i said aright there was my reply,do i have to do it a 3rd time? oh sorry i forgot you dont like question do you ???????????????? feel free to ask for more,but iam not doing it 3 times 

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19 minutes ago, aright said:

And I am still waiting to hear from you the answer to 4 questions I asked in post 1745

What have the EU done about sky high youth unemployment, the rise of extreme parties, the dissatisfaction with their social and political agenda and a currency which only benefits one country. Try not to answer questions with questions. Failure to attempt an answer would lead me to conclude you are quite happy with this state of affairs or you don't accept they exist.




have you read my second reply and answers,they are there for you,in the original reply i even gave you the youth rate for the UK which was 11.5%,MAYBE YOU CAN YOU TELL ME WHAT THE UK GOVT YOU LOVE HAVE DONE FOR THIS QUITE HIGH UNEMPLOYMENT RATE? i think ive answered every question at least once,i conclude iam very happy with the state of affairs in my own household,but i do fear for the vast majority of households with brexit looming,hows about your household if you dont mind me asking,my household has no interest in extreme parties overseas,they have been present long before brexit and the EU and will for years to come,i did state this in my original reply,which you seem to of lost all recollection of.for the 3RD TIME the euro kicks the fcku out of the battered and bruised POUND but you will have to ask BMs from the 19 nations who use the euro to find out which one is the supposed benefactor,but i know none will want the pound on its recent shit performance, is there anything else i can assist you with while on here? 

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1 hour ago, bomber said:

yes its a minor kick in the balls but there will be more to follow for sure,unless its a soft brekkie and even with that i think the damage has been already been done,    

How do you know ? There's a helluva lot of spin by the media and politicians who have vested interests.

I'm not saying you ARE wrong and as a remainer myself I hope you are but a lot of what is posted here is supposition. Even the economists cant agree between themselves. There's do doubt we are in for some short-term pain on a hard Brexit but there are also long-term opportunities.

What definitely WILL happen is that every downbeat news story will be blamed on Brexit whether true or not.

Personally I think a deal will be done. The EU have a habit of negotiating at the last hour. What the final deal consists of remains to be seen but I'm guessing that it will appease neither the remainers nor brexiteers.




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The short answer is not enough... I have no problem criticizing my government....I love the country, less so its politicians.

It is a poor state of affairs when we cannot provide employment for our children. Generations can be lost that way however we do have a benefits system unlike some countries in the EU and we are lucky that total unemployment is only 4.1%( I regard this as a success story) which means many families are in a position to help support their children. But yes where young people are concerned; not good enough.  

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2 minutes ago, aright said:


Happy to answer your question after you have fully answered mine.

You replied only on youth unemployment by not giving an answer but asking a question. So with Portugal at 23%, Greece at 40%, Spain at 34%, ITALY AT 32% and France at 20% every things ok is it. My question was what are the EU doing about it?

look at my question carefully, I didn't ask you about the pound/euro relationship I asked you what are the EU doing about a currency which hugely benefits Germany at the expense of many others.

I didn't ask any question on the drinking environment in the UK The question on the social environment refers to many things but my and EU citizens main concern is what are they doing about their policies on Immigration because I haven't seen any. Also what are they doing about The Gilets Jaunes which are now spilling out of France into neighboring countries....possibly the first social ecological crisis in Europe and the bureaucrats seem to be quietly standing on the side lines

I think the Political agenda speaks for itself Europeans anecdotally  are disenchanted with the bureaucrats and extreme right wing parties but feel they have no other method of protest. A sure sign of dissatisfaction with the current crop. How are the Elites responding to this? 

youth unemployment in the EU zone actually has little to do with why UK folks voted for brexit,i think you are well aware of this,,your fellow brexit fans on here are more interested in A and E waiting times,your asking a question to a UK NATIONAL about youth unemployment in the EU,there are many EU nationals on this forum to ask that question,also the UKs rate is not the greatest,i posted a reply that showed the EU rate has dropped quite considerably in recent years and is nearing the UK rate,you have also not given a reply to why the UK rate is 11.5%,the thread is could extreme brexit be worse than the the financial crisis for the UK,youth unemployment in a few countries is not relevent,even more so when the UK is nowhere the top of the league,you seem to be playing on spain and portugal to justify your irrelenent remarks

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5 minutes ago, aright said:


The short answer is not enough... I have no problem criticizing my government....I love the country, less so its politicians.

It is a poor state of affairs when we cannot provide employment for our children. Generations can be lost that way however we do have a benefits system unlike some countries in the EU and we are lucky that total unemployment is only 4.1%( I regard this as a success story) which means many families are in a position to help support their children. But yes where young people are concerned; not good enough.  

so if unemployment is so good why risk becoming a spain/italy or a portugal with brexit,0-1% isnt going to happen,4.1 % is pretty damn good all things considered,this will change soon good or bad brexit,if you think its going to go lower than 4% your in for a big shock,your a Labour voter arent you

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10 minutes ago, bomber said:

youth unemployment in the EU zone actually has little to do with why UK folks voted for brexit,i think you are well aware of this,,your fellow brexit fans on here are more interested in A and E waiting times,your asking a question to a UK NATIONAL about youth unemployment in the EU,there are many EU nationals on this forum to ask that question,also the UKs rate is not the greatest,i posted a reply that showed the EU rate has dropped quite considerably in recent years and is nearing the UK rate,you have also not given a reply to why the UK rate is 11.5%,the thread is could extreme brexit be worse than the the financial crisis for the UK,youth unemployment in a few countries is not relevent,even more so when the UK is nowhere the top of the league,you seem to be playing on spain and portugal to justify your irrelenent remarks

The UK youth unemployment rate was 11.1% in April-June 2018, compared to 15.2% for the European Union as a whole.


The unemployment rate (the proportion of the economically active population who are unemployed) for 16-24 year olds was 11.7% in September-November 2018. This is up from 10.8% in the previous quarter, but down from 12.2% a year ago.




Such small snapshots don't really tell the full story. For instance youth unemployment in 2012 was nearly 20% when Brexit was nothing but a gleam in Camerons eye




Edited by Chelseafan
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3 minutes ago, bomber said:

youth unemployment in the EU zone actually has little to do with why UK folks voted for brexit,i think you are well aware of this,,your fellow brexit fans on here are more interested in A and E waiting times,your asking a question to a UK NATIONAL about youth unemployment in the EU,there are many EU nationals on this forum to ask that question,also the UKs rate is not the greatest,i posted a reply that showed the EU rate has dropped quite considerably in recent years and is nearing the UK rate,you have also not given a reply to why the UK rate is 11.5%,the thread is could extreme brexit be worse than the the financial crisis for the UK,youth unemployment in a few countries is not relevent,even more so when the UK is nowhere the top of the league,you seem to be playing on spain and portugal to justify your irrelenent remarks

Since when has Portugal been the EU? The Euro Area average is 16.8% and the EU average is 15%,  46% and 30% higher than the UK

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16 minutes ago, bomber said:

so if unemployment is so good why risk becoming a spain/italy or a portugal with brexit,0-1% isnt going to happen,4.1 % is pretty damn good all things considered,this will change soon good or bad brexit,if you think its going to go lower than 4% your in for a big shock,your a Labour voter arent you

Simple  its all about benefit to risk and I don't expect the result you are hoping for....although there might be short term problems. Anything you say is conjecture and to sit on my hands would result in my membership of a vassal state,  Germany is struggling to generate 1% economic growth .Italy is in recession and its banking system is on the edge of collapse. France is one election away from a far right government and the Eastern Europeans are increasingly flexing their anti Brussels muscles.

That's not my sort of club but obviously yours. 

Edited by aright
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7 hours ago, bomber said:

sorry but it will still be built just not in sunderland,£30k or £3k petrol or derv,its just the start like ive said on here many times,expect honda,toyota next,the models have 4-5 year life spans so lets see where the next leaf etc are destined to be built,


Didn't you say you were going down the Pub?

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1 minute ago, aright said:

Simple  its all about benefit to risk and I don't expect the result you are hoping for....although there might be short term problems. Anything you say is conjecture and to sit on my hands would result in my membership of a vassal state,  Germany is struggling to generate 1% economic growth .Italy is in recession and its banking system is on the edge of collapse. France is one election away from a far right government and the Eastern Europeans are increasingly flexing their anti Brussels muscles.

That's not my sort of club but obviously yours. 

UK was top of the 7 in growth on brexit day,it soon dropped to 6th after brexit with only italy keeping it off bottom spot,France i heard this story before with marie le penn,she got her fat arse kicked,as for germany and 1% then god help the UK with or without brexit,they cough the UK sneezes,on italy you actually have come up with something correct,eastern europeans will never leave the EU

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5 minutes ago, yogi100 said:


Didn't you say you were going down the Pub?

Yep,and as the BBC no 1 headline says the new X trail will NOT be built in sunderland after it was originally going to be,so unless you know something they dont i will believe them before i believe you,i await your reply

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16 minutes ago, aright said:

Simple  its all about benefit to risk and I don't expect the result you are hoping for....although there might be short term problems. Anything you say is conjecture and to sit on my hands would result in my membership of a vassal state,  Germany is struggling to generate 1% economic growth .Italy is in recession and its banking system is on the edge of collapse. France is one election away from a far right government and the Eastern Europeans are increasingly flexing their anti Brussels muscles.

That's not my sort of club but obviously yours. 

thats 90% of your original post, again without any comment on my reply,the UK will never be as wealthy as germay 1% growth or -10% growth,simply because if they get it bad we get it worse,remember aufweidessen pet,bomber needed to travel to that terrible place to get enough money for a beer ???? brexit will see it again ????

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5 minutes ago, bomber said:

thats 90% of your original post, again without any comment on my reply,the UK will never be as wealthy as germay 1% growth or -10% growth,simply because if they get it bad we get it worse,remember aufweidessen pet,bomber needed to travel to that terrible place to get enough money for a beer ???? brexit will see it again ????

What post are you referring to ? 

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39 minutes ago, aright said:

Simple  its all about benefit to risk and I don't expect the result you are hoping for....although there might be short term problems. Anything you say is conjecture and to sit on my hands would result in my membership of a vassal state,  Germany is struggling to generate 1% economic growth .Italy is in recession and its banking system is on the edge of collapse. France is one election away from a far right government and the Eastern Europeans are increasingly flexing their anti Brussels muscles.

That's not my sort of club but obviously yours. 


is it the responsibility of EU to handle/mitigate the uprise of extreme parties in member states?


as to Euro, you may be right, but so far

no member has expressed a wish to exit Euro, (don't think it can be done - but still)

including Italy and Greece

at the same time no new interest in Euro has been expressed - Sweden Denmark UK, others?



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3 hours ago, nontabury said:

Correct. No jobs are expected to be lost. Regarding the x-trail, this model has been put on hold,due to market uncertainty, not exclusively to Brexit.

What you will see now,is that every time a company makes a negative decision based on market expectations, the remoaners will delight in trying to put the blame on Brexit. 

the model has not been put on hold at all,youre wrong,it WILL be produced in japan after initially being meant to be built in sunderland,how much is down to brexit only the big chiefs will know,a brexiteer will claim 0% a remainer 100%,probably nearer the latter imo,you will find the job loses will come later as to break the bad news in stages,as will the future moving of production overseas,as i have stated on here oh so many times,i expect similar to come from toyota,jal,and honda in the next week few weeks/months,do you?  or maybe you can tell us which big companies are expected to land,cos ive not read/heard of any,just 2bob agreements with tinpot chile,iran ????

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3 minutes ago, melvinmelvin said:


is it the responsibility of EU to handle/mitigate the uprise of extreme parties in member states?


as to Euro, you may be right, but so far

no member has expressed a wish to exit Euro, (don't think it can be done - but still)

including Italy and Greece

at the same time no new interest in Euro has been expressed - Sweden Denmark UK, others?



Most probably not their direct responsibility but with so many countries unhappy with Brussels as reflected in their voting patterns I would have thought it to be in their best interests to be concerned and active if only from a self preservation standpoint.


Members cannot afford to exit Euro because Italy Greece etc are close to bankruptcy. If they went back to the drachma or lire who would loan them money? They stay because Germany is their crutch.

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22 minutes ago, melvinmelvin said:


is it the responsibility of EU to handle/mitigate the uprise of extreme parties in member states?


Given there's talk of an European Army that's centrally controlled, my guess would be yes!


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1 hour ago, Chelseafan said:

How do you know ? There's a helluva lot of spin by the media and politicians who have vested interests.

I'm not saying you ARE wrong and as a remainer myself I hope you are but a lot of what is posted here is supposition. Even the economists cant agree between themselves. There's do doubt we are in for some short-term pain on a hard Brexit but there are also long-term opportunities.

What definitely WILL happen is that every downbeat news story will be blamed on Brexit whether true or not.

Personally I think a deal will be done. The EU have a habit of negotiating at the last hour. What the final deal consists of remains to be seen but I'm guessing that it will appease neither the remainers nor brexiteers.




i also think a deal wil be done,and it will all of been a waste of money,time and jobs,for a few old folks in london to try and get to see a doctor 20 mins quicker,shame on them.i hope they realise the thousands of jobs lost and billions wasted,shame shame shame

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37 minutes ago, melvinmelvin said:


is it the responsibility of EU to handle/mitigate the uprise of extreme parties in member states?


as to Euro, you may be right, but so far

no member has expressed a wish to exit Euro, (don't think it can be done - but still)

including Italy and Greece

at the same time no new interest in Euro has been expressed - Sweden Denmark UK, others?



we didnt hear the europeans getting involved in UKs problems with the IRA but we seem to have plenty to say to a few EU nations about a a few demonstrators on the streets with nothing more than hi vis vests,if which i doubt any other nation wishes to leave then 90% of people reading this will of been long gone.more chance of the UK leaving and rejoining than another nation leaving,over to you Mr Corbyn

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9 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

I guess they do thankfully. They know that education does not equate to having any common sense or know the political will of the country. Them brexiteers also know that having a piece of paper does not make one more intelligent but it does make you more arrogant if you think it does. Them pesky brexiteers.

LG...as an aside and totally off topic it looks from your avatar you are a fan of Oliver and Hardy.

Last week I went to see a recently released film "Stan and Ollie" It's a wonderfully warm film of 2 men who made the whole world laugh. Well worth a see.

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Just now, Laughing Gravy said:

I am very much so. Was brought up watching them as a child. Great memories. They both had a great but sad life and both died poor considering their fame. I use to be a member of their fan club years ago. Laughing Gravy was one of my favourite films. I will look out for this one. Comedy geniuses.

I promise you, you will cry at the end. 

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13 hours ago, nontabury said:

I’m rather confused, as I believe most of those on these Brexit threads, who have an opinion on U.S. politics, are anti Donald Trump.

 Yet I have read similar reports from the U.S.A. That state the majority of those with higher education, voted for Donald Trump. 

Please explain.

the explanation is that that is rubbish.....see if you can find any reliable anywhere to back that up



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