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Marriage Failure Rate, Farang Men To Thais

Nana Parking

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I've been married to my Thai wife for close to 10 years now and I think we had one disagreement in that time while we were living in my country but everything has been peachy no problems, worries or complaints (we are the same age, religion, family background, education, etc.). Now that we live in Thailand she handles all the money and finances and still no problems she even cosigned for my credit cards here as I did for her in the USA. I think if you marry someone who has a grip on reality with common interests and goals that has a good command of your language (or you have a good command of theirs) and not someone 20 years your junior that has no education and thinks your a walking ATM machine your marriage stands a chance. Face it there are not many farang here marrying into money and a lot of people (not only in Thailand but in many other countries as well) are looking to better their lives by marriage that will give them stability in life. In many cases the divorces that occur are because the farang smartens up or the other half get what they want (or doesn't get what they want) and move on to do more business.

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Clearly you are being silly . . . the Op stated that many people had been spoken to: His friend and himself = 2 Two are more than one and that can be considered many.

Considered by who?

Those who read Terry Pratchett will know that TROLLS count "One, Two, Many, Lots".

QED :o

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Who gives a <deleted>.. Women are all the same no matter where they are from.. If they didn't have an important part of the anatomy, we wouldn't throw rocks at them.. Thats the truth, Ruth.. :D sorry in advance to any Canadians and or womans groups.. :o

No probs, Austhaied. We'll just quietly continue filling up the sperm banks with supplies, awaiting the day that we can eliminate you all & rule the world!!! <cue long evil laugh, a la cheesy horror movie> :D:bah::D

All except you NR... :D ..You are the oracle that we have been told is coming.. With regards to relationships, i have had many great ones with dogs (no not in that way), they are loyal and give unconditional love.. Try finding a human with these traits in this day and age..impossible.

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The main reason for the failures as abserved by my friend is that cash was running short on the farang side. He said that once the cash runs out, it's over charlie. My own observation is that farang marries, farang builds house, farang is dumped or leaves. many times, farang goes back to home country for a few months, wife can't wait around and finds another man. some situations are wife goes to higher bidder. Most failures happen quickly but others can take years. Watch your backs good people and if you haven't married, don't

I think it is the nature of women to want and expect to be materially taken care of. I have never dated a woman who felt comfortable in the relationship when times got lean. Money problems are a huge stress on relationships, because the woman becomes unhappy and dis-satisfied. I think women are just built this way, and no amount of feminist training roots this attitude out of their system. Very occasionally a woman will be the sole bread winner, but I doubt there is a good comfort level with that status. The situtations I've heard of where that happens were not described in positive terms.

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I asked her once who was more important to her, me or the family kwai; with a straight face she said the Kwai.

Maybe she miss understood you and thought you said "Me, the family, or d*ck" and she picked d*ck.

The man's on the ball! The 2 words are so similar that with the wrong pronunciation would exactly mean that. :o

Seriously though, I'm married 17 years, still going strong.

Good to hear 17 years & still going strong.

Just a slight translation correction for some readers who may not get your jist.

koi - carp - to refer to part of the male anatomy - "d*ck" (to be spoken in private)

kwai - buffalo - to refer to someone - "stupid" (to be spoken among friends)

Good luck to all marriages inc. mine.


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From my own point of view I have been married for the last 3 years and we are very happy (we work together as well) ... happy to put a small dent in the OPs stats. :D

Buy that man a beer. :bah:

I have been married for six years Acquiesce, does that mean I get two beers, maybe a couple from you too DT.

Good Luck


Moss me old mucca, you sit down with me and I'll put 2 TOWERS of beer on the table for you .... :D:D:D

DT my friend, two towers and good company , that is a promise I will hold you too :o

Good Luck


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Clearly you are being silly . . . the Op stated that many people had been spoken to: His friend and himself = 2 Two are more than one and that can be considered many.

Considered by who?

Those who read Terry Pratchett will know that TROLLS count "One, Two, Many, Lots".


Ahh, that would explain it then.

I never graduated to Pratchett, I was always a Robert Jordan or Raymond Feist sort of guy. :o

Good Luck


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I married a Thai woman 33 years ago and of the Thai friends in mixed marriages we both had over the years, I believe all have divorced by now. I do not know of one single marriage that is still intact. There have been many.

Listen to the words of exppperience.

many relationshops lllast for 5 years or so then break up.

when it comes to teh crunch, Thais don't like us farangs.

my honest advice is never marry a Thai woman if she is looking for financial security. EVER EVER EVER.

excuse the spelling I drunk.

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I married a Thai woman 33 years ago and of the Thai friends in mixed marriages we both had over the years, I believe all have divorced by now. I do not know of one single marriage that is still intact. There have been many.

Listen to the words of exppperience.

many relationshops lllast for 5 years or so then break up.

when it comes to teh crunch, Thais don't like us farangs.

my honest advice is never marry a Thai woman if she is looking for financial security. EVER EVER EVER.

excuse the spelling I drunk.

Excuse my apparent lack of street smarts but if you know any women (not necessarily Thai) not looking for financial security, could you please put me in touch.

P.S. Just one will do.

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I'm married to a Thai for 14 years, and we are happy together, we have many friends around with the same attitude, they have been married for many years, I don't know where OP got his statistics.

Though in another thread you stated your best memory of Thailand was 'The 6 weeks in 2003 I spend with the most beautiful fantastic Thai girl.'

One has to wonder :o

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I'd say the 99% failure rate is about right for farang men marrying Thai women. For every 100 farang men that come to Thailand it's reasonable to assume that about 1 will marry a Thai woman. The other 99 will FAIL to marry a Thai woman, thus the 99% failure rate. Makes sense to me. I failed to marry a Thai woman the first 6 trips I made to Thailand.

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I married a Thai woman 33 years ago and of the Thai friends in mixed marriages we both had over the years, I believe all have divorced by now. I do not know of one single marriage that is still intact. There have been many.

Listen to the words of exppperience.


many relationshops lllast for 5 years or so then break up.

True enough, in Thailand and elsewhere, thanks for letting us know the bleedin' obvious!

when it comes to teh crunch, Thais don't like us farangs me.

You mean they don't like you. I wonder why?

my honest advice is never marry a Thai woman if she is looking for financial security. EVER EVER EVER.

So it's OK to marry a woman seeking financial security from another part of the world, just not Thailand??

excuse the spelling I drunk.

Really? Never would have guessed it...

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