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Worst Joke Ever 2024

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An Irish man found himself in the wrong part of town late at night, and got attacked by a gang of muggers. He put up a terrific fight but was eventually overcome and lay bleeding on the ground. When the muggers went through his pockets, all they found was a handful of loose change. 
"You went through all that just to protect a few coins?" they asked amazed. 
"Oh I see," said the man.


"For a while I thought you were after the £500 hidden in my left shoe." 

Edited by scottiejohn
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My girlfriend (an air hostess) took me for a ride in her sports car.

We parked up in a quiet spot and started to cuddle.

I said to her “How high off the ground is this car?”

She says "I don't know, 4 inches?".

Being quite the wit, I seductively asked her “How would you like to join the 4 inch Club?” 

She looked at me and said......"Oh, I think I’m already a member".

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A man ran into a Botox clinic, opened his raincoat and exposed himself.

Nobody looked surprised.


I've been taking Viagra for my sunburn.

It doesn't cure it but it keeps the bed sheets off my legs at night.


My friend has got a butler who only has one arm.

Serves him right.


My girlfriend told me she was leaving me because I keep pretending to be a Transformer.

I said, "No, wait! I can change."


My girlfriend said to me, "I'm sick of you pretending to be a detective. I think we should split up."

I said, "Good idea - we can cover more ground that way."


A man walks into a library and asks the librarian, "Do you have that book for men with small penises?"

The librarian checks her computer and says, "I don't know if it's in yet."

The man replies, "Yes, that's the one."



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On 12/19/2018 at 3:57 PM, scottiejohn said:

A tourist was fishing off the coast of Florida when his boat tipped over. He could swim, but he was afraid of alligators and hung on to the side of the overturned boat. Spotting an old beachcomber standing on the shore, the tourist shouted out, “Are there any ’gators around here?”


 “Naw,” the man hollered back. “They haven’t been around here for years!”


 Feeling safe, the tourist started swimming calmly toward the shore. About halfway there, he asked the guy, “How’d you get rid of the ’gators?”


 “We didn’t do anything,” said the beachcomber. “The sharks got ’em.”  

Punchline #2: Never really had salt water gators here, millions of crocs though.


True fact.  https://www.nps.gov/ever/learn/nature/crocodile.htm

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Alisdair Biggar, a 5 foot 2 inch Scotsman, applied to join to the New York City police force.


The inspector glared at him and asked, 'How would you disperse a large, unruly crowd?'


'Well,' replied Alisdair thoughtfully, 'I'm no too sure how ye do it here in New York, but back home we just pass the hat around, and they soon begin to shuffle off.'

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"We all use our fathers surname as our last name.  Please tell me if you know your Mummy’s last name and how you know."
Kid: "Mommy’s last name must be ‘Honey’ because that’s what dad calls her."

Teacher: "That’s sweet. What’s her first name, do you know?"



Kid: "Sorry, I think."

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Three men are in the middle of a desert when their car breaks down. For their hike to town, they each decide to take one thing with them.

One man takes a jug of water. The second man takes a sandwich. The last man takes one of the car doors. 

The first man says to the last man: “I’m bringing the water because if I get thirsty, I can take a drink. And it makes sense to bring a sandwich in case we get hungry, but why bring a car door?”

The last man replies,  “If I get hot, I can just roll down the window.”

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A young (a well underage) boy walked into a bar and asked for a bottle of beer and 20 fags. 
"Now, now," smiled the buxom young barmaid, wagging her finger. "Do you want to get me into trouble?" 
He replied, "Not at the moment, I just want me beer and fags. But if that’s what you want  I’ll meet you out the back at closing time, Bye the way make sure you bring your own condoms as the chemist and barbers won’t sell em to me".

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