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Worst Joke Ever 2024

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Paddy goes into a pub and the publican says, "Good evening, Sir, would you like a drink?" "Yes," replies Paddy, "I'll have a double whiskey."

The publican puts a glass in front of him and says, "That will be six euros please." "Wait a minute," says Paddy, "you invited me to have a drink!"

"He's right you know," says a man standing nearby, "I'm a solicitor and I clearly heard you ask him if he would like a drink. To me that is an invitation to have a drink on the house!"

The angry publican tells Paddy to drink his whiskey and leave – and never to come back. Ten minutes later Paddy comes back into the pub. "I thought I told you not to come back," shouts the publican. Paddy protests, "I've never been in this pub before in my life!" The publican replies, "In that case, you must have a double!"

"Thank you very much," says Paddy, and my solicitor friend will have one as well!"

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