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Worst Joke Ever 2024

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1 hour ago, WorriedNoodle said:


There was a joke on what Hitler meant by that salute: Gray paint up to here, white paint from here to ceiling...


(he was a painter, after all)


Some interesting parts about him (not a joke):

- He's actually Austrian, not German

- His best friend was Jewish

- He was rejected from academy of arts in Vienna, and lived with his Jewish friend's family in Vienna when he had no place to live

- He only focused repression against Jews as that was politically popular at the time

- He was a short man and had his photographer take photos from low angle, to make him look taller. He was very frustrated over his height

- He was a heavy cocaine addict, and that was prescribed to him by his doctor for health problems


There's more, but enough for now. Source: National Geographic

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