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Worst Joke Ever 2024

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A camel and his son are watching the world go by.

The younger camel looks up to his father and says: “Dad, why have we got these great big humps on our backs?”

The father camel looks down on the son and says: “Well, son, it is so that we can travel for miles in the desert without stopping for water.”

The young camel listens intently and says, “Wow, I never knew that!”

A few minutes later, the younger camel says: “Dad, why do we have really thick eyelids?”

The father answers, “To protect our eyes so that our pupils are not scratched by sand storms.”

“Wow!” the young camel says.

 A couple of minutes later the younger camel says: “Dad, why have we got such huge feet?”

 “Well, son,” the father camel replies, “ Sand can get very hot and If we have to walk over any we can travel much more easily and painlessly.”

  “Wow,” says the son.


“Dad, all that is very well but what good is any of it to us since we were born and bred in this Zoo in Scotland?”

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27 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:

And the classics:

"Under the Bleachers" by Seymour Butts 

"Fifty Yards to the Outhouse" by Willie Makeit and Betty Dont 

Some more since you (haven't) asked for them;


● Taming Wild Cats by Claude Face.
● Making Weatherproof Clothes by Ranier Day.
● All Aboard! by Abel Seamann.
● One Hundred Metres to the Bus Stop, by Willy Makit, 
● The Greatest Detective Stories Ever Told by Watts E. Dunn.
● Improve Your Target Shooting by Mr Completely.
● Monster-making as a Hobby by Frank N. Stine.
● The Worst Journey in the World by Helen Back.
● Discipline in the Home by Wilma Child-Begood.
● How to Diet Successfully by M. T. Cupboard.
● My Years in a Lunatic Asylum by I. M. Nutty.
● Grow Your Own Vegetables by Rosa Carrotts.
● Tape Recording for Beginners by Cass Ette.

Edited by scottiejohn
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