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Worst Joke Ever 2024

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A young, rich Scottish lawyer had a very bad car crash. The Porsche was a write-off but even worse, the lawyer's arm had been severed. When the paramedics arrived, they heard him whimpering, 
"My car, oh my poor car." 
"Sir," said one of the helpers, "I think you should be more concerned about your arm." 
The lawyer looked round and seeing just his shoulder, exclaimed, 
"Oh no, my rolex, my rolex." 

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A kindly middle-aged woman was walking through the shopping arcade when she saw a scruffy man sitting on one of the benches. Overcome with pity, she went up to him and put £5 in his hand. 
"Here you are, young man, have faith do you hear, have faith, put everything you hold dear into it.." 
A week later, she was walking through the arcade again when the same scruffy man ran up to her. 
"I've been looking for you," he said angrily. 
"Have Faith came in last at 16/1, and I lost everything.  You me £5.05" and held out his hand. 

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