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Taking Thai Things Home To Sell In Uk


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At a guess, Bendix is a xxxxxx and works in some part of intellectual property law, and therefore from time to time is involved with enforcing aspects of IP law. Of course.... since he is clearly not a policeman, it is not his responsibility to prevent copyright infringement in Thailand, but he can act on behalf of his clients. From time to time.

Nothing wrong with performance indicators. Performance indicators put food on the dinner table and kept you in school BkkAndrew :-)

As for having to do something badly, well, I guess many occupations have that in common. A maid does such a bad job cleaning that she has to repeat the same task daily. In some cases hourly. A doctor fails to keep a patient well, so the patient keeps having to return, and eventually almost every doctor must face up to the failure of their efforts when said patient dies. Or the professional poo maker, who makes excrement on a daily basis, but fails to ever produce the winning world's largest turd. Such is the circle of life, as the Lion King once told us.

Unlike me though. I do everything so well, that sometimes I just do it again to show how well I did it the first time. Last night I finished 'relations' with my girlfriend so fast, that I think I set a new record. Even she was so impressed, she said she wasn't ready and could we do it again? There is 20 seconds of my life I will never get back.


It's kind of embarassing that the best writer on ThaiVisa, and the one with the sharpest wit, isn't a farang.

Good work that man.

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Everyone's a winner.

PS . I'm not a lawyer.

Funny. Everyone always thinks I am a banker, even though I am not anymore. I haven't been part of the 3-6-3* crowd for a good 7 years now, and yet it must be a smell or something that has tainted me.

It is weird, maybe you get the same thing with people thinking you are a lawyer.

Anyway, the weirdest thing. Went I visited England, it was like someone must have sent an email around. There I was, wearing my Burberrry cap, burberry shirt and jeans, with my replica Patek Philippe, and people start yelling out 'what a fudging banker'.

I mean, come on, seriously? Is this the sort of dress code a 'complete banker' wears over in the UK? The other one I heard a lot was 'fudge off banker'.

It isn' my fault that the English banking establishment insists on instigating their own currency and has all that paperwork and an interesting array of ATMs, but where do those english get their fudge from? I have heard there are a number of fudge packing areas in England, but is this somehow funded through the banking; at least 1/2 the time there were comments regarding me being a banker and either prefaced or followed by comments about the fudge industry?

Of course, if could have been those delightful ethnic accents you lot have over there. The rain falls mainly on the plain indeed.

* 3-6-3 crowd; borrow at 3%, lend at 6%, on the golf course by 3.

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