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Thailand: Islamic Leader to Increase Age for Muslims to Marry


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11 minutes ago, Prissana Pescud said:

There are several religious groups that originated in US such as Jehovahs' Witness and Seventh Day Adventists

that include the old and new testaments into their basic beliefs. These religions are mostly benign, not radical at all.

I suspect that many jews also follow the teachings of the old testament.

The old testament was the basis of the country we now call Israel.

Using that, Israel oppresses the Palestinians. 

 But all these religions have a prohibition against sex with a child. As do all civilised countries.

Only Islam condones sex with children and they should be named and shamed for that.

All religions should be condemned, still cant believe people will "believe" anything without evidence, teaching kids religion as  fact I see as child abuse also, personally find it  disgusting

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On 12/13/2018 at 10:14 AM, mok199 said:

The age difference is the real disgusting issue here ...some how they feel  its ok for a 50 year old muslim man to marry a 17 year old muslim child, but not a 15 year old child....even more disgusting is the fact the leaders feel the new law changes this Sad practice of child brides....enablers all of them ...period

Bit like in Pattaya then....

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33 minutes ago, kannot said:

All religions should be condemned, still cant believe people will "believe" anything without evidence, teaching kids religion as  fact I see as child abuse also, personally find it  disgusting

This post is about a southern thai muslim leader saying it will only allow muslims have sex with a child, if the parents agree.

I tend to agree with some of what you say, but you really should open your own post about this.

And stay on topic. IMO

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37 minutes ago, wilcopops said:

Bit like in Pattaya then....

I read a Russian night club in Pattaya had underage girls employed. Before it was raided. I hope the practice has ceased.

It would be interesting to know what motivates men to want to have sex with children.

It flies in the opposite paternal and maternal instinct to protect and nurture the child.

All countries except islam have laws to protect the rights of the child.

Muslims have overcome the repulsion to not abuse children, to not protect, feed and nurture them.

It would be an interesting subject even though a repulsive topic of study.

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40 minutes ago, Prissana Pescud said:

I read a Russian night club in Pattaya had underage girls employed. Before it was raided. I hope the practice has ceased.

It would be interesting to know what motivates men to want to have sex with children.

Underage girls are not necessarily children.

Pre-puberty I would agree with you is unnatural, post-puberty is a modern western social construct, and Muslims/Russians aren't part of the modern western world.

Edited by BritManToo
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3 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Underage girls are not necessarily children.

Pre-puberty I would agree with you is unnatural, post-puberty is a modern western social construct, and Muslims/Russians aren't part of the modern western world.

Are you defending non consentual sex with any girl that has had her first period.

Seems to me like you are. The day before her first menstruation, sex with this girl is unnatural. The next day - open slather.

Girls, and I repeat some girls are menstruating at age 9.

And you condone having sex with them because now, in your opinion they are not girls but women?

 There are a lot of sick puppies in this world.

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21 hours ago, Oxx said:


Exactly.  According to the will of Allah it's OK to have penetrative sex with a girl as soon as she bleeds (i.e. reaches puberty).  That's exactly what Mohammed, the perfect man and role model did with Aisha:  married her when she was six, and only had non-penetrative sex with her until she reached puberty at the age of nine, when he <ducked> her for the first time.

you were among the eyewitnesses i assume?

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3 minutes ago, Naam said:

you were among the eyewitnesses i assume?


You are either extremely ignorant of the teachings of Islam and the contents of the Koran and more reliable Hadith, or are overly defensive of the religion and its prophet.  Perhaps you married a Muslima? Converted? And now show a convert's misguided zeal?

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15 minutes ago, Oxx said:


You are either extremely ignorant of the teachings of Islam and the contents of the Koran and more reliable Hadith, or are overly defensive of the religion and its prophet.  Perhaps you married a Muslima? Converted? And now show a convert's misguided zeal?

the Mrs and me have spent many very good years in "Wahhabbi Country". we visit KSA every year, have dear friends there and gained more insight on Islam (i am fluent in Arabic reading and speech) than a bunch of bigot Muslim haters who only know to generalise and by de facto condemning a faith in which ~20% of this planet's population believe. like in other cases discussed in this forum i find it quite interesting to act as 'advocatus diabolo' if i possess a relevant amount of indepth knowledge not based on Wikipedia. 


p.s. your ridiculous comment "more reliable Hadith" disqualifies you as a party to further 'cross swords' with.


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8 minutes ago, Naam said:

bunch of bigot Muslim haters

The derision on this thread is purely towards those adult men having sex with children. There is nothing to defend about such practice, it is a disgrace wherever in the world it takes place. Whoever is doing it (and defending it) will get some grief as you noticed. Now you state interesting points thanks to your expertise in islam. I do wonder how the natives of KSA react when you tell them the Koran and Mohammed's word is wrong. Did you try drawing a cartoon to put your point across? I can't help but wonder why there was such a hullabaloo when a European leader wanted to "modernize" islam and it's teachings - surely that would be fine as per your experiences. Interesting.

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On 12/13/2018 at 6:08 PM, Prissana Pescud said:

I argree with your sentiments. But neanderthals are 50,000 BC. And the time of the prophet and his new religion was around 700 AD. 

And the practice of selling your child has been around for eons.

The "west" is not perfect in many ways, but we became more enlightened after the middle ages, the start of the reformation times.

Islam is still stuck in the 7th century.

Which is strange because there was a time they lead the world in sciences such as mathmatics, architecture, astronomy and education.

They had created extensive trade routes. Somewhere, their beliefs have retrograded and the new age barbarism has taken hold again. IMO

The myth of Islamic science

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2 hours ago, Oxx said:


You are either extremely ignorant of the teachings of Islam and the contents of the Koran and more reliable Hadith, or are overly defensive of the religion and its prophet.  Perhaps you married a Muslima? Converted? And now show a convert's misguided zeal?

So why is the practice of child marriage sanctioned in Muslim countries? Unfortunately, ultra-conservative religious authorities justify this old tribal custom by citing the prophet Muhammad's marriage to Aisha. They allege Aisha was nine years old when the prophet married her. But they focus conveniently on selected Islamic texts to support their opinions, while ignoring vast number of other texts and historical information, which suggests Aisha was much older, putting her age of marriage at 19. Child marriage is against Islam as the Qur'an is clear that intellectual maturity is the basis for deciding age of marriage, and not puberty, as suggested by these clerics.


An in depth article reviewing the claim of legitimacy of Child Marriage, by some, in Islam.



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1 hour ago, TopDeadSenter said:

The derision on this thread is purely towards those adult men having sex with children. There is nothing to defend about such practice, it is a disgrace wherever in the world it takes place. Whoever is doing it (and defending it) will get some grief as you noticed.

i fully agree with you that defending sex with children is a disgrace. but i don't agree that any religion is slandered based on selected few pickings of collected unverified comments which are not only centuries old but written centuries after the alleged action. unfortunately Arabic is an extremely multivalent language enabling different and even contrarian interpretations.


anybody who worked in an Arab country and had to deal with local law tenders can sing a song with many verses. in the company i managed many rainy seasons ago we used five different interpreters and never got a more than 70-75% identical english versions; i am talking of modern Arabic! inspite of my fluency i'm not even able to decipher and translate a single page of the calligraphically written old Qr'ans and the same applies to Hadith versions.


even native Islamic scholars admitted to me that they are not able to do that but have to rely on different interpretations by "accredited" and influential persons which quite often contradict themselves or in the case of the Wahhabbi Sheikh Bandar al-Khaibari's who came up with the ridiculous claim "the earth is flat". that only a prince of the house of Saud who was an astronaut dared to contradict him speaks of course volumes.

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19 hours ago, seahorse said:

I don't have much time for modern Islam.

But you should check out just how far they were advanced in the sciences. Admittedly centuries ago.

For instance, the dome at the top of many catholic cathredrals was invented my muslims using scientific mathmatical formulae.

 It took western mathmaticians and architects a long time to catch up and copy.

That of course is not all, they led in astronomy, navigation, and others. They traded extensively throughout all of Asia and SE Asia. 

Unfortunately, most have forgotten their heritage, and many islamic schools are only interested in mumbling passages of the koran

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5 hours ago, Prissana Pescud said:

I don't have much time for modern Islam.

But you should check out just how far they were advanced in the sciences. Admittedly centuries ago.

For instance, the dome at the top of many catholic cathredrals was invented my muslims using scientific mathmatical formulae.

 It took western mathmaticians and architects a long time to catch up and copy.

That of course is not all, they led in astronomy, navigation, and others. They traded extensively throughout all of Asia and SE Asia. 

Unfortunately, most have forgotten their heritage, and many islamic schools are only interested in mumbling passages of the koran

Read the link I provided. It debunks what you are saying. 

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3 hours ago, seahorse said:

Read the link I provided. It debunks what you are saying. 

I read the post. I have read many articles by Indian authors of dubious education backgrounds making many such claims.

All argue that all science originated in India.

India certainly has its claims as does Greece.

Westerners took the Greek educational process, Islam took some inspiration from India.

Either way, Islam implemented many advances in the sciences, regardless of where the original ideas were developed.

The same is true of western scientific advances. In the same way that Egypt employed many Greeks to build the temples and pyramids.

It is not the idea, it is the practical implementation.

Check out very old Islamic mosques with the domes that westerners were a century behind in copying.

And the mosaic patterns. And so on


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