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Saudi Arabia denounces U.S. Senate position on Khashoggi - statement


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Saudi Arabia denounces U.S. Senate position on Khashoggi - statement



FILE PHOTO: A demonstrator holds a poster with a picture of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi outside the Saudi Arabia consulate in Istanbul, Turkey October 25, 2018. REUTERS/Osman Orsal/File Photo


CAIRO (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia's foreign ministry denounced "recent position of US senate" saying the Jamal Khashoggi incident is a crime that does not reflect the policy of the kingdom, in a statement carried by Saudi Press Agency late on Sunday.


"The recent position of the United States Senate, which has been built on baseless allegations and accusations, includes blatant interference in its internal affairs and the role of the Kingdom at the regional and international level", the statement said.


(Reporting by Mohamed El-Sherif; editing by Chris Reese)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2018-12-17
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6 minutes ago, farcanell said:

this is trumps senate majority that your talking about... right?


so... if your logic is to be accepted and followed, this senate majority must be looking at ousting trump.


ammendment 25.... yay!

yes both dems, repubs. Trump won despite the gop senators lack of support.


25 lol  , "by any means necessary" is desperate


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4 hours ago, Tug said:

Uh ho carefull you went and upset Donald’s cash cow now Donald will be upset and stop the bs about the weapons contract they aren’t going to change mid stream


The Saudis need those weapons. Trump is free to ignore all of this altogether. The Saudis can't move the price of oil it isn't 1975. The only thing they have left is weapons to enforce "respect" for their regime.


Let them bankrupt themselves buying them. Saudi Arabia offers nothing to the world except money to buy arms and oil. One of those reasons has been to a large extent nullified. Let them buy arms and chop off heads while they are still relevant.


They are only a few years from going bankrupt.

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Of course this despot nation is upset. They are used to doing whatever they want, wherever they want, to whomever they want, with impunity. This is one of the first occasions they are being called out publicly, by the planet at large. This is hugely embarrassing to them, and MBS has lost most of his "prestige". We all know now, he is a serial killing gangster punk thug. The Saudis hate the fact that we know that. They know he instructed the killing. The CIA has more or less proven it, and come up with the evidence of such, and they were caught red handed, quite literally. 


All we can do is everything within our power, to deny them support. I have looked up the gas companies that do not source oil from the Saudis. This is a good place to start, though it is difficult here in the LOS. I do believe I have seen some Sunoco stations here. 


Here are some large companies to support that DO NOT import Middle Eastern oil:
**Sunoco…………………….0 barrels
**Conoco…………………….0 barrels
**Sinclair……………………..0 barrels
**BP/Phillips………………….0 barrels
**Hess…………………………0 barrels
**ARC0………………………..0 barrels
**Maverick……………………0 barrels
**Flying J…………………….0 barrels
**Valero……………………….0 barrels
**CAMurphy Oil USA …….0 barrels


*Sold at Wal-Mart, gas is from South Arkansas and fully USA owned
and produced.


*Not only that but they give scholarships to all children in their town
who finish high school and are legal US citizens.


All of this information is available from the U.S. Department of Energy and each company is required to state where they get their oil and how much they are importing.





As for Thai imports from the Saudis? I found this rather interesting bit of info:


Saudi Arabia's exports to Thailand amounted to
$6.3 billion or 2.8% of its overall imports.
  1. Mineral fuels including oil: $5.4 billion
  2. Fertilizers: $283.3 million
  3. Plastics: $200.6 million
  4. Organic chemicals: $191.6 million
  5. Aluminum: $114.6 million
  6. Woodpulp: $17.9 million
  7. Inorganic chemicals: $9.8 million
  8. Rubber: $8.9 million
  9. Felt, yarn, twine, cordage: $7.5 million
10. Tanning, dyeing extracts: $6.7 million
Edited by spidermike007
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4 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Of course this despot nation is upset. They are used to doing whatever they want, wherever they want, to whomever they want, with impunity. This is one of the first occasions they are being called out publicly, by the planet at large. This is hugely embarrassing to them, and MBS has lost most of his "prestige". We all know now, he is a serial killing gangster punk thug. The Saudis hate the fact that we know that. They know he instructed the killing. The CIA has more or less proven it, and come up with the evidence of such, and they were caught red handed, quite literally. 


All we can do is everything within our power, to deny them support. I have looked up the gas companies that do not source oil from the Saudis. This is a good place to start, though it is difficult here in the LOS. I do believe I have seen some Sunoco stations here. 


Here are some large companies to support that DO NOT import Middle Eastern oil:
**Sunoco…………………….0 barrels
**Conoco…………………….0 barrels
**Sinclair……………………..0 barrels
**BP/Phillips………………….0 barrels
**Hess…………………………0 barrels
**ARC0………………………..0 barrels
**Maverick……………………0 barrels
**Flying J…………………….0 barrels
**Valero……………………….0 barrels
**CAMurphy Oil USA …….0 barrels


*Sold at Wal-Mart, gas is from South Arkansas and fully USA owned
and produced.


*Not only that but they give scholarships to all children in their town
who finish high school and are legal US citizens.


All of this information is available from the U.S. Department of Energy and each company is required to state where they get their oil and how much they are importing.





As for Thai imports from the Saudis? I found this rather interesting bit of info:


Saudi Arabia's exports to Thailand amounted to
$6.3 billion or 2.8% of its overall imports.
  1. Mineral fuels including oil: $5.4 billion
  2. Fertilizers: $283.3 million
  3. Plastics: $200.6 million
  4. Organic chemicals: $191.6 million
  5. Aluminum: $114.6 million
  6. Woodpulp: $17.9 million
  7. Inorganic chemicals: $9.8 million
  8. Rubber: $8.9 million
  9. Felt, yarn, twine, cordage: $7.5 million
10. Tanning, dyeing extracts: $6.7 million


That is good information. Thanks for the list.

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5 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

While the murder of Khashoggi was detestable, what Saudi Arabia is doing in Yemen is thousands of times worse. And it may soon be millions of times worse.


KSA will collapse in the next 5 years to a decade. They won't have money to buy these arms soon. When some countries crack down on ams deal with them they will be in less of a position to dictate what is available and at what price.


China, USA and whoever else will not stop selling to them. KSA has something like 5 years in cash reserves. Extend them credit on some nice new Lockheed gun ships and extend credit to them and pull the plug. Instant collapse.


They are still pissed about the price of oil. lol They aren't that smart now that they have to compete in a market and OPEC is falling apart. 


They can't even wack somebody in a low key way. The Saudis are basically finished.

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2 hours ago, DM07 said:



Someone is doing bad words with me Presidenz!

I don'z care if bad people kill other people, as long as no one does bads wordz on me Presidentz!



I'm not complaining at all. It's a bit better than blaming Trump for a hurricane but not as funny



Edited by Srinivas
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5 hours ago, Destiny1990 said:

Saoedhi arabia is just a the same scumbag Country as it neighboring countries are. there is no reason to be friends with them just because some of those Saoedhi people buy overpriced condominiums from Trump!


Well Trump thinks bargaining with he devil to increase his cash flow is worth treason.  Kind of shows something about his personal values.

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Saudi Arabia is led by a despicable feudal regime, whose leading members are clearly implicated up to the elbows in this terrible affair.


But the reality of geopolitics sometimes means doing deals, or at least not antagonizing, some nations which clearly set bad examples.


In this case, alienating Saudi Arabia means strengthening the hand of its principal rival, Iran, and it's by no means clear that would be a good outcome. The juicy arms sales contracts are less defensible, perhaps, but obviously a factor.


Saudi Arabia is not the only rotten country that the US has to tread carefully with; Pakistan comes to mind, given its strategic importance, and Ukraine, as an irritant to Russia, is another.

Edited by RickBradford
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Just now, RickBradford said:

Saudi Arabia is led by a despicable feudal regime, whose leading members are clearly implicated up to the elbows in this terrible affair.


But the reality of geopolitics sometimes means doing deals, or at least not antagonizing, some nations which clearly set bad examples.


In this case, alienating Saudi Arabia means strengthening the hand of its principal rival, Iran, and it's by no means clear that would be a good outcome.


Saudi Arabia is not the only rotten country that the US has to tread carefully with; Pakistan comes to mind, given its strategic importance, and Ukraine, as an irritant to Russia, is another.

Saudi Arabia is one thing, Mohammed bin Salman quite another. Remember when in the name of Realpolitik and trying to topple the Iranian government, the USA allied itself with a certain party named Saddam Hussein? How did that work out. MbS is of the same mould. He is clearly a psychopath. The best course for everyone, including the Saudis, would be to rid themselves of this loon.

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The best course for everyone, including the Saudis, would be to rid themselves of this loon.



But the House of Saud won't do that. It would be an immense loss of prestige for them, and to their way of thinking would loosen their grip on the reins of power in Saudi Arabia.


After all, what is the basis of their legitimacy to power in the country?

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9 minutes ago, RickBradford said:



But the House of Saud won't do that. It would be an immense loss of prestige for them, and to their way of thinking would loosen their grip on the reins of power in Saudi Arabia.


After all, what is the basis of their legitimacy to power in the country?

I'm not at all sure that they wouldn't. For all this talk of how they can buy weapons and such elsewhere, the fact is that nobody has armed forces like the US. The Saudis need the USA's good will. But if they refuse to get rid of him, then the US should step way way back. Whatever the consequences of that may be, the odds are that it's a lot better than becoming entangled with a psychopath.

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8 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

Whatever the consequences of that may be, the odds are that it's a lot better than becoming entangled with a psychopath.

All the options are bad. But I would say that the worst possible outcome would be an unintentional destabilization of the House of Saud, which would upset the regional balance of power, especially with respect to Iran, another rotten country, and a pending nuclear power.


Overthrowing vile despots is a risky business - who's to say that what comes next will be any better? The NATO-aided overthrow of Gaddafi is a case in point.

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23 minutes ago, RickBradford said:

All the options are bad. But I would say that the worst possible outcome would be an unintentional destabilization of the House of Saud, which would upset the regional balance of power, especially with respect to Iran, another rotten country, and a pending nuclear power.


Overthrowing vile despots is a risky business - who's to say that what comes next will be any better? The NATO-aided overthrow of Gaddafi is a case in point.

Unfortunately Saudi Arabia also wants to be a nuclear power. They want the US to build them a nuclear power plant and also help them build a plant to make their own nuclear fuel. I think the mullahs in Iran, if they get their hands on a nuclear weapon, are much less likely to use it than MbS. 

Anyway, in the case of the Saudis, it's not about overthrowing the regime, but just getting rid of one particularly toxic person. There are plenty of less toxic potential replacements in waiting.

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24 minutes ago, RickBradford said:

All the options are bad. But I would say that the worst possible outcome would be an unintentional destabilization of the House of Saud, which would upset the regional balance of power, especially with respect to Iran, another rotten country, and a pending nuclear power.


Overthrowing vile despots is a risky business - who's to say that what comes next will be any better? The NATO-aided overthrow of Gaddafi is a case in point.

As far as Iran goes, I rate the people very highly after having worked there in a few places. I was told whilst working offshore the the Iranian people consider their government Syrians or Palestinians. I can't say anything bad about the people but they could have made regime change themselves because the elections weren't rigged.

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