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Are We Westerners Much More Self-obsessed Than The Thais?


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I know that this is a major gereralisation but it seems to me that us Westerners (and I can only talk about English-speaking ones) seem to be a lot more self-obsessed than the Thais.

When you listen to Thai conversations they are usually about freinds, families, neighbours (gossiping) or things they have eaten or seen on TV. With Westerners, on the other hand, it always seems to be me,me,me.

Would you agree?

Is this a bad thing?

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Agree with you whole-heartedly. Also, much of the time Thais seem to be trying to have a good time or trying to enjoy life. Farang often seem to be trying to find something to complain about, scouring the newspapers for ammunition that life is not fair, other people are not doing what they should be doing, criticizing other folks, justifying their misery based on the actions of others. I've noticed many farang transforming dramatically after being here a few years - slowing down, accepting things, trying to find the good in things, seeing the glass as half full instead of half empty. Some farang just get worse and you wish they would return to their homeland for their own sake.

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No I don't agree.

IMO Thais are quite self obsessed, especially about their own beauty. They may also be concerned about their family and friends but they are significantly less concerned about others / those they don't know (especially if they are from a foreign country, and double especially if they are dark skinned). They are obsessed with jealousy as well.

Your average farang is much more inclined to care less about how he/she looks, acts, appears to others than a Thai. Also is more aware of the plight of others the world over and more sympathetic too in my experience.

Thais are way more self obsessed.

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Agree with you whole-heartedly. Also, much of the time Thais seem to be trying to have a good time or trying to enjoy life. Farang often seem to be trying to find something to complain about, scouring the newspapers for ammunition that life is not fair, other people are not doing what they should be doing, criticizing other folks, justifying their misery based on the actions of others. I've noticed many farang transforming dramatically after being here a few years - slowing down, accepting things, trying to find the good in things, seeing the glass as half full instead of half empty. Some farang just get worse and you wish they would return to their homeland for their own sake.

That is exactly what I meant

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This glass can be half empty, or half full. :o Westerners (those who trace their ancestry from NW Europe) come from a culture that stresses individualism. Humanism, the philosophy that sponsored the Renaissance and everything that came from it, sometimes says "Man is the measure of all things." The work ethic is no longer just Protestant or Calvinist. It's 'everyman for himself,' women and children overboard, sometimes.

Thais can be incredibly aware of 'face' but also be far more members of a larger community.

I'd say much more, but I need to look in the mirror again.

Signed, Narcissus (my own best friend)

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I'm with Doza on this, I'd add the whole 'Face Issue' is a direct result of self obsession. And while yes Thais do discuss friends and family (Family more so), this is merely an extension of 'self'.

If you are not 'family' you are almost certainly to be 'nobody'.

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I know that this is a major gereralisation but it seems to me that us Westerners (and I can only talk about English-speaking ones) seem to be a lot more self-obsessed than the Thais.

This is absolutely the opposite of my experience. Thais are much more obsessed with self than are westerners. Sure, there are exceptions, but if you're generalising, I think you've got it backwards.

Here's an example:

Farang: "My company is sending me back to the America for a week of training"

Thai: "What? You don't care about me.

Edited by lannarebirth
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Quite an interesting question.

I'd say we break about even, though it shows in different ways.

Folk from less developed places might need to think of themselves & their families more; folk from more developed places might have the luxury to spend more time thinking of both themselves and others.

Not that there's anything wrong with that, is there ? :o .

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Thai philosophy: "think too mutt" = self obsessed

'You think too much' was the most useful criticism I ever received in my life, and it came from a Thai.

I now try and think as little as possible but some days are better than others.

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Thai philosophy: "think too mutt" = self obsessed

'You think too much' was the most useful criticism I ever received in my life, and it came from a Thai.

I now try and think as little as possible but some days are better than others.

Exactly why I go to LOS, I don't need to think too much there.

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How do you kill a Thai woman.?

Put a mirror at the bottom of a swiming pool....


That's ALSO a way to kill any Thai man ages 17-25.

Case-in-point: Our university. When thousands of students arrive every morning for class, by motorcycle, who stays out in the parking lot for 5-10 minutes staring at themselves in their bike mirrors--popping pimples, brushing their eyebrows, dabbing on skin whitener, caressing every bit of exposed skin on their face and necks? THE GUYS! Much more obsessed with primping than the gals.

Come graduation time, who plasters on the red lipstick, foundation, and rouge to brighten up those cheeks? THE GUYS! And we're not talking Khatoey's here.

And this is in rough-and-tumble Isaan, home of the nation's premier Muay Thai fighters, BKK Taxi mafia, etc. Go figure. :o

Edited by toptuan
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How do you kill a Thai woman.?

Put a mirror at the bottom of a swiming pool....


That's ALSO a way to kill any Thai man ages 17-25.

Case-in-point: Our university. When thousands of students arrive every morning for class, by motorcycle, who stays out in the parking lot for 5-10 minutes staring at themselves in their bike mirrors--popping pimples, brushing their eyebrows, dabbing on skin whitener, caressing every bit of exposed skin on their face and necks? THE GUYS! Much more obsessed with primping than the gals.

Come graduation time, who plasters on the red lipstick, foundation, and rouge to brighten up those cheeks? THE GUYS! And we're not talking Khatoey's here.

And this is in rough-and-tumble Isaan, home of the nation's premier Muay Thai fighters, BKK Taxi mafia, etc. Go figure. :o

Give 'em a break TT. It can't be easy competing with us "hansum men".

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How do you kill a Thai woman.?

Put a mirror at the bottom of a swiming pool....


That's ALSO a way to kill any Thai man ages 17-25.

Case-in-point: Our university. When thousands of students arrive every morning for class, by motorcycle, who stays out in the parking lot for 5-10 minutes staring at themselves in their bike mirrors--popping pimples, brushing their eyebrows, dabbing on skin whitener, caressing every bit of exposed skin on their face and necks? THE GUYS! Much more obsessed with primping than the gals.

Come graduation time, who plasters on the red lipstick, foundation, and rouge to brighten up those cheeks? THE GUYS! And we're not talking Khatoey's here.

And this is in rough-and-tumble Isaan, home of the nation's premier Muay Thai fighters, BKK Taxi mafia, etc. Go figure. :o

GO FIGURE. (who's Figure?)

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[quote name='toptuan' date='2007-02-20 21:30:54' post='1152221'

Case-in-point: Our university. When thousands of students arrive every morning for class, by motorcycle, who stays out in the parking lot for 5-10 minutes staring at themselves in their bike mirrors--popping pimples, brushing their eyebrows, dabbing on skin whitener, caressing every bit of exposed skin on their face and necks? THE GUYS! Much more obsessed with primping than the gals.

Yes, I also see so many accident fatalities due to lack of crash helmets. A lot of these fey, androgynous kids refuse to wear them as it might muss up their Japanese cartoon character haircuts. :o

Thais and to a lesser extent, Filippinos are the "dumb blondes" of SE Asia; obsessed with how they look, and unconcerned about anything behind the facade....

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I am not sure that caring about how you look is a great indicator of self-obsession. Their are many extremely self-obsessed people who don't even wash themselves.

Looking after your apperance is just a case of self-respect.

There is also quite a lot of pressure to confirm to the latest standards of 'beauty' and conforming is different from self-obsession

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I am not sure that caring about how you look is a great indicator of self-obsession. Their are many extremely self-obsessed people who don't even wash themselves.

Looking after your apperance is just a case of self-respect.

There is also quite a lot of pressure to confirm to the latest standards of 'beauty' and conforming is different from self-obsession

I know some, G, I know some. How's the rice doing?

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I mostly agree with those that said "Thais". And, as for "think too mutt", I don't think a little analysis (of yourself, a situation, repercussions for an action...) is a bad thing. Far better than not considering those things at all. Fully agree that many Thais have very little interest in the world outside their own existence. What is that, if not self-obsession? BTW, I'm talking about personal experiences with my BF and some friends, I'm trying not to generalise, but it's difficult when given an either...or... choice.

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