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White Droppings


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Where I live is quite rural, and I am used to identifying visitors in my house by the droppings they leave - geckos, tockays and occasional rats I'm familiar with. But recently I've started seeing white, chalky droppings about the same size as a gecko's droppings. They are in the same place the tockay uses, in the bathroom (he's almost house trained if only his aim was a little better). Anyone know what animal would likely produces them?

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Where I live is quite rural, and I am used to identifying visitors in my house by the droppings they leave - geckos, tockays and occasional rats I'm familiar with. But recently I've started seeing white, chalky droppings about the same size as a gecko's droppings. They are in the same place the tockay uses, in the bathroom (he's almost house trained if only his aim was a little better). Anyone know what animal would likely produces them?

You cannot be serious..

You want to identify crap on the internet.

Maybe the "took gair" is eating something different.......

Good luck with the stool samples.


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Where I live is quite rural, and I am used to identifying visitors in my house by the droppings they leave - geckos, tockays and occasional rats I'm familiar with. But recently I've started seeing white, chalky droppings about the same size as a gecko's droppings. They are in the same place the tockay uses, in the bathroom (he's almost house trained if only his aim was a little better). Anyone know what animal would likely produces them?

What do they taste like? Sour, sweet, salty, ...?

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Where I live is quite rural, and I am used to identifying visitors in my house by the droppings they leave - geckos, tockays and occasional rats I'm familiar with. But recently I've started seeing white, chalky droppings about the same size as a gecko's droppings. They are in the same place the tockay uses, in the bathroom (he's almost house trained if only his aim was a little better). Anyone know what animal would likely produces them?

tried www//scatology?

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