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Famous Japanese marathon runner was no match for Thai roads - motorcycle mows him down


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4 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

lets  hope this is a big story in Japan. anything to get the word out about Thailand's psychopathic drivers.


glad he was not killed.

Loads of thai are  in Japan right now, i hope they show them this news and how it's done in Japan where everything is safe.

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15 minutes ago, Classic Ray said:

One thing I will never understand is the apathy of Thais from all walks of life towards changing the status quo for all that is wrong here.


In other countries, protest movements would demonstrate with popular support to make the police enforce the law and courts deal properly with offenders.


Campaigns would be run, supported by the media. Ministries would be forced into spending money on driver training and general road safety Programmes, especially in schools.


But it it seems the prevalence of thought that fate is inevitable, the culture that the rich and the military are always right and laws like lese majeste and defamation prevent protest, mean that things stay the same, with only empty statements from the government.

it could just be something else. :whistling:




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4 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

lets  hope this is a big story in Japan. anything to get the word out about Thailand's psychopathic drivers.


glad he was not killed.

might as well have been, considering  his injuries and long term prospects. Unlikely he will run marathons again if he can even walk unassisted. Apparently, tossed and bounced with possible brain damage. The motorcyclist  gets to  run away from this tragedy with a wai as usual.

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Was the road cleared of all traffic but the motor cycle ignored the signs? Else if you organise a race and not defer traffic you take a high risk and the organisation should in that case also be held responsible for not taking enough security measures. 

Edited by khunJeroen
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5 hours ago, keith101 said:

So obviously the motorcyclist didnt have a license and therefore no insurance which would have covered a lot of these bills and the runner no insurance as well .

Not obvious at all, for a start, the minimum cover does not include a helicopter from Chumpon to Bangkok and considering that Por Ror Bor only covers up to a maximum of 65,000 baht and only beyond 30,000 in cases of permanent disability or death, the most he could have claimed from the motorcyclist, should they have had only the compulsory cover, is 30,000, and his bills are 900,000.

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 Nobody I say  nobody would have the nerve on TV to imagine one second that this runner could have made a leap aside for whatever reason, for example, bypass a parked car without paying the slightest attention to the road behind him, as it happened to me Koh Samui, I was driving and I avoided by miracles three runners who in addition ran side by side and have bypassed a car as if they were running on a sports track where there is not the slightest vehicle of course.

No, on Thai visa one cannot even suppose that this happened, It's really an association of Thai bashers.

What really happened everyone doesn't care, all that matters is to puke one's hatred on the Thai/Thais in whatever the story.

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33 minutes ago, Tchooptip said:

 Nobody I say  nobody would have the nerve on TV to imagine one second that this runner could have made a leap aside for whatever reason, for example, bypass a parked car without paying the slightest attention to the road behind him, as it happened to me Koh Samui, I was driving and I avoided by miracles three runners who in addition ran side by side and have bypassed a car as if they were running on a sports track where there is not the slightest vehicle of course.

No, on Thai visa one cannot even suppose that this happened, It's really an association of Thai bashers.

What really happened everyone doesn't care, all that matters is to puke one's hatred on the Thai/Thais in whatever the story.

As a member of this club I want to thank you ,mabey I had Thailand all wrong ,mabey those 15,000+ collisions, and 6700+ deaths in 2018 are all just ''accidents'' ...and mabey the rolex I bought on the beach last week is real ...AND MABEY MY WIFE REALLY LOVES ME AND ITS NOT ABOUT THE MONEY....have a good day sir

Edited by mok199
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14 minutes ago, connda said:

Get run over by a Thai with a Thai vehicle and end up paying your own bills.  Thailand in a nutshell. 


Will Thai law force this man to pay all of his bills?  Damn right.  The legal system will probably have the guy chained to his bed until payment is received in full.
Will Thai law force the person who caused this accident to accept responsibility and pay the bills.  No. The system will shield Thais from all responsibility.  If you're a Thai and you wreak havoc on a foreigner, you are given a free-pass, just pay the Thai government 500 THB for not having insurance and all is well.  Thais can't be burdened with - gasp - responsibility. 



Sad, but very true.

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Disgraceful............... another <deleted> gets off scott free so they learn they can  kill and maim with no comeback...............let me  guess......."Im poor" Thai govt should be ashamed not covering his  bill from one of their owns careless stupidity.

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YEP!!!  Another killed on Thailands roads...Welcome to lovely Thailand...so wonderful isn't it!  Got to love the roads, safer than anything I have seen.  Is there really NO other option.  Can someone explain to my small brain, why thais drive like this.  The excuse doesn't even have to make sense.  Anyone???

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1 hour ago, madmen said:

Your talking BS again. Thailand doesn't even rate a mention on Google.


Stop being so lazy and drag you fingers away from the the pint glass and research.!


Research?  Don't make me laugh, you can't even use Google!


A very quick search reveals that Thailand is ranked within the most dangerous countries to cycle.


2% of all road deaths here are of cyclists despite not many bicycles on the roads, that is about 480 people every year, 4 times the rate of the UK for instance.


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I don’t understand why everyone thinks people in Thailand drive crazy. I’ve personally never experienced that. I’ve always been shocked by how safe the roads are in Thailand given that there are, quite literally, zero police patrolling the roads.


Back when I was living in the US, I used to run red lights constantly, cruise down freeways at 180mph++ ( and drunk half the time ). Drivers in the US are absolutely nuts compared to what I’ve seen in Thailand.


This site is just a bunch of expats that love to gang up on the Thais. But truth is, Thailand is absurdly safe. Far safer than the US in every regard, believe me folks, that I can guarantee you. 


Its probably best to avoid running on the roads but that’s not because of the crazy drivers. It’s because they don’t have any sidewalks in Thailand. Most developed countries have sidewalks for you to run on.

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8 hours ago, keith101 said:

So obviously the motorcyclist didnt have a license and therefore no insurance which would have covered a lot of these bills and the runner no insurance as well .

Don't over-estimate limits of a motorbike or motor car insurance coverage in Thailand. It does not cover very much and there are no extra coverage adders that I can see.  Correct me if I am wrong?

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returned from cambo border in a van yesterdaty. driver no seatbelt. driver routinely using mobile at times using elbows to hold steering wheel so 2 hands can operate mobile.  saving grace he never exceeded 60 mph


ps; many farang were in van and did not use seatbelt either. guess their superior education disappears in thailand.  i used to tell them but no longer do because they simply do not learn.  darwin was right

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Research?  Don't make me laugh, you can't even use Google!
A very quick search reveals that Thailand is ranked within the most dangerous countries to cycle.
2% of all road deaths here are of cyclists despite not many bicycles on the roads, that is about 480 people every year, 4 times the rate of the UK for instance.

Show me the link saying thailand is the worst in the world like you said or go and study the meaning of due diligence before posting even more nonsense [emoji112]
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2 hours ago, kannot said:

Good , u understand us????


Put a whole bunch of people in the same box is wrong not far 100% of the time, my wrong in the sentence: "No, on Thai visa one cannot even suppose that this happened"

O course I should have written instead, some or many on Thai Visa . So thank you to allow me this correction:smile:

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8 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Let us hope they catch the cowardly driver of the motorbike, lock him up for many years, fine his family millions of baht, and shame the individual for the rest of his life. What he did was an admonition. Either he was unconscious, was not paying attention, saw the guy and deliberately ran him over, or was driving so recklessly, he was out of control. Either way, he needs to take responsibility for his actions, and he needs to be punished severely. 


At a given point in time, Thailand is going to have to start to take public and traffic safety seriously. It has been an enormous failure of this administration. 

Basically, thailand is not ready for the world stage. Thailand is really a third world country with a wide gap in wealth distribution. Thai motorcyclists are normally in the lower rung of the hierarchical system both economically and socially so I won’t hold my breathe for a change of the mindset in the near future. Maybe not even in a couple of generations if the current educational and political system still prevails... 

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3 hours ago, mok199 said:

As a member of this club I want to thank you ,mabey I had Thailand all wrong ,mabey those 15,000+ collisions, and 6700+ deaths in 2018 are all just ''accidents'' ...and mabey the rolex I bought on the beach last week is real ...AND MABEY MY WIFE REALLY LOVES ME AND ITS NOT ABOUT THE MONEY....have a good day sir


There is a very sad, but very very sad part in your sentence "AND MABEY MY WIFE REALLY LOVES ME AND ITS NOT ABOUT THE MONEY.."

So much so that I feel some compassion for you and also for your wife. And unless I'm mistaken, you have children?

But be reassured thanks to most of your answers everyone, I included knew already you're a member of the club, to specify it was completely useless!:smile:

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