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Famous Japanese marathon runner was no match for Thai roads - motorcycle mows him down


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7 hours ago, Eligius said:

And after years and years of living in this country, I am still appalled and shocked (have never become desensitised to it, thank God) when I see a tiny tot (maybe two years old) perilously perched on the front or back of a motorbike (without a helmet or any pretence of head protection) in some of the busiest and most dangerous roads in Bangkok.


Stupidity and criminal negligence (by all the 'adults' concerned) on steroids.


Lack of education and low financial standing may contribute to that attitude. Moreover the firm belief in karma and fate. 

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5 hours ago, fruitman said:

Loads of thai are  in Japan right now, i hope they show them this news and how it's done in Japan where everything is safe.

Everything up to world standard means higher costs, higher salaries, higher fiscal expenditure, higher education level, higher social responsibility , ...all needs big money investments.  And then it will no longer be present thailand and no longer cheap (relatively) to live in.  

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1 hour ago, atyclb said:

returned from cambo border in a van yesterdaty. driver no seatbelt. driver routinely using mobile at times using elbows to hold steering wheel so 2 hands can operate mobile.  saving grace he never exceeded 60 mph


ps; many farang were in van and did not use seatbelt either. guess their superior education disappears in thailand.  i used to tell them but no longer do because they simply do not learn.  darwin was right

When you are in Rome,.... at least they have a head start getting out of the van if it catch fire.

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10 hours ago, keith101 said:

So obviously the motorcyclist didnt have a license and therefore no insurance which would have covered a lot of these bills and the runner no insurance as well .

Even if the runner did have insurance ..wouldn't it be easy for them to find a "loophole" for a way out ...like saying that he was not covered against running on a public road...only on a footpath...just saying...(I have a particular dislike of insurance companies for this very reason).

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10 hours ago, DM07 said:


Blaming the victim!




As President of the 100 mile club in Thailand he had a very good idea of the risks involved in road running here. Therefore he knew there were risks involved and accepted the risk level, unlike a foreign runner with no knowledge of Thai road conditions. Not bagging him out or blaming him for the incident, just stating that he was aware.

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11 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

At a given point in time, Thailand is going to have to start to take public and traffic safety seriously. It has been an enormous failure of this administration. 

The question is when? I have been thinking this for many years now, also noise and pollution from vehicles, surely one day something will be done - please agree!  ????

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2 hours ago, Ctkong said:

Lack of education and low financial standing may contribute to that attitude. Moreover the firm belief in karma and fate. 

Total lack of any sort of social responsibility helps also, me, me, me!

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I doubt his recovery will be complete, in as much he may not be able to compete in Marathons again.

Anyhow digressing a bit. a friend of mine, an elderly man was walking along a footpath in Bangkok a couple of weeks ago, and got hit by a speeding motorcyclist, and ended up with 4 broken ribs, a broken collarbone and 4 days in hospital, you can't even walk on footpaths here.

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I use to be a jogger for 18+ years and would run in foreign countries not realizing the dumb <deleted> in developing countries. They look at rules and safety differently than people from developed countries. In Thailand ( BKK & Sri Racha) I would run on sidewalks only but that was even dangerous due to debris and “junk” always blocking the path. I ended using the treadmill in the gym. 

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13 hours ago, Justgrazing said:

The motorcyclist ? Did he do a runner ..

And here's Patek Prawits opportunity for a bit of image damage repair by picking up the Hospital tab' to make up for some of his foot in mouth gaffs .. Selling off a couple of the timepieces should more than cover it .. 


He’d do far more good pressing to reform the police culture.  But that’s hard in any country.

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13 hours ago, Bullie said:

Rather then focusing on obligatory medical insurance for visitors to this fine country, the Thai government should instead make motor vehicle insurance mandatory and absence of it punishable, and reserve a reasonable amount each year to pay for damages caused by their own population upon unsuspecting tourists. I have a feeling that this mayhem unleashed on innocent Farang financially far surpasses the amount due by uninsured visitors....

Far far away in a distant galaxy.how about all the foreigners who break Thais car and bikes with their bones.

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23 minutes ago, IssanDad said:

Normally when walking or running on a main road it’s common to run on the side where the traffic is comming towards you so the opportunity exists to dodge potential head on contact.. was this the case here or was hit from behind. 

My guess is from above.

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4 hours ago, Ctkong said:

Everything up to world standard means higher costs, higher salaries, higher fiscal expenditure, higher education level, higher social responsibility , ...all needs big money investments.  And then it will no longer be present thailand and no longer cheap (relatively) to live in.  

Few more fact finding committees might sort it all out.

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6 hours ago, Rocket Hawks said:

I don’t understand why everyone thinks people in Thailand drive crazy. I’ve personally never experienced that. I’ve always been shocked by how safe the roads are in Thailand given that there are, quite literally, zero police patrolling the roads.


Back when I was living in the US, I used to run red lights constantly, cruise down freeways at 180mph++ ( and drunk half the time ). Drivers in the US are absolutely nuts compared to what I’ve seen in Thailand.


This site is just a bunch of expats that love to gang up on the Thais. But truth is, Thailand is absurdly safe. Far safer than the US in every regard, believe me folks, that I can guarantee you. 


Its probably best to avoid running on the roads but that’s not because of the crazy drivers. It’s because they don’t have any sidewalks in Thailand. Most developed countries have sidewalks for you to run on.

What's worse than an American cruising at 180mph???? A Thai in a tuk tuk

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16 hours ago, fakename said:

So just put the motorcyclist in jail until he or his family come up with the money!  

Lock him up he can’t earn, so cant pay,

don’t lock him up he earns but still can’t pay.

Why can’t pay? mai mee money.

Vicious circle.

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21 hours ago, fruitman said:

You don't need a license in thailand, they insurance will even pay without it.

Thai Insurance Companies are ludicrous; they pay out so willingly it's as if the agents are on commission.  In my case Thannachart paid out for medical costs/new bike + I ended up 60K out of pocket when two licenceless youths hit me at 90kph whilst I waited at a U-turn.

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21 hours ago, fruitman said:

You don't need a license in thailand, they insurance will even pay without it.

Many don't have a licence and no insurance policy either.

They also don't have any thought, any shame or any remorse for their actions.

K-San to K-splat welcome to the Land of smiles... Sayonara!!!

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21 hours ago, Justgrazing said:

The motorcyclist ? Did he do a runner ..

And here's Patek Prawits opportunity for a bit of image damage repair by picking up the Hospital tab' to make up for some of his foot in mouth gaffs .. Selling off a couple of the timepieces should more than cover it .. 

Unfortunately for him, he was not a Chinese national or the junta leader would have been on his knees grovelling beside his hospital bed and using his own personal helicopter for emergency transport. 

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