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What Have The Thais Given The World ?


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Ho capito bene, TG, but the thread was what they've given, not what they have attracted in foreign aid and investment by promoting a hot item.

Try to read the whole thing then. :o

I don't just read these things, TG, I translate them every day. Research relies on funding, researchers are not earners per se. They generate new ideas, this is not new.

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And true, n'est ce pas?

I don't know. All I know is that if demand weren't there, there wouldn't be supply. As a result, the girls might have chosen a different and better path for their lives.

Now we're in tune about one thing at least! :o

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Fair do's, TB, this wasn't their invention.

He didn't say that it was. It's what Thailand is trying to contribute to this world. It's a research center. Capice,now?

Bingo! :o

Trying don't win the cigar, TB. Whoever went down in history with "Well, I tried" on their headstone? Results, sir, that's all that counts in this hard world.

P.S. Must do some work now. May our minds meet again tomorrow.

Edited by qwertz
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Not Really! Acquiesce is wrong.

In 2003 Thailand contributed 447 non-combatant troops to coaltion forces in Iraq. Thailand withdrew their troops in 2004, after two men were killed by a car bomb. Including nations which have already withdrawn forces, Thailand is the 12th largest contributor of troops to coalition forces in Iraq.

1. USA 150,000

2. UK 12,000

3. Italy 3,169

4. South Korea 2,800

5. Poland 2,500

6. Ukraine 1,400

7. Netherlands 1,345

8. Romania 700

9. Japan 750

10. Denmark 496

11. Bulgaria 485

12. Thailand 447

SO is chuckie...

Bodgey figures these plucked from ???, even taking into account that they're 4 years old...,

Rightly or wrongly there's a lot of aussies (about 1400 at last count) serving in Iraq, and they were actually the first troops to deploy into the country, and capture Iraqie assets and pow's.


I stand corrected...that puts Thailand at #13

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Fair do's, TB, this wasn't their invention.

He didn't say that it was. It's what Thailand is trying to contribute to this world. It's a research center. Capice,now?

Bingo! :o

Trying don't win the cigar, TB. Whoever went down in history with "Well, I tried" on their headstone? Results, sir, that's all that counts in this hard world.

P.S. Must do some work now. May our minds meet again tomorrow.

The title is what have the Thais given the world, not what have they invented. I find this whole thread racist as hel_l and I am only trying to defend against the idea that the OP is implying, which seems to me to be that Thais are worthless human beings. There is much they have developed for use with the climate, for their culture, for their politics which I know will be rejected out of hand because people in the UK didn't benefit from it. All well and good I suppose, leave the East to the East and the West to the West, eh?

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What have the Thais given the world?

17 pages and no-one has yet mentioned the thousands of smiling farang homeward bound after a week or two of R&R from humdrum drudgery. :D

Probably only matched by the thousands of sad sacs that could not afford a cure for a sick buffalo! :D

Gee, really. :o I though the all the posts about bar girls an dladyboys pretty much covered that already. :D

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No, you're wrong there. In fact, you've all been wrong so far. And where would these car companies be without petroleum? You're leaving out the Arabs. And the dinosaurs for that matter.


Actually it was vegetation that gave us the hydrocarbon (coal, oil & gas) deposits. No matter, before petrol/diesel driven vehicles there were steam trucks. The Sentinal S4 (I vaguely recall) was the pinnacle of that developement with pneumatic tyres it could reach a speed of 30mph (48 kph) :o .

Also the Arabs didn't discover the oil nor develop the processes to refine it into something useful. They just happened to live on top of some of the world's largest deposits.

Anyway back to topic, the Thais gave us a beautiful country and people that we can love/praise/moan/whinge/complain/argue about. After all, if it weren't for Thailand what would each and every one of us be doing right now?

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Kind of like what Scotland did in sharing whisky, except they call it Scotch. Why? Because it is made in Scotland. Other than that, it is pretty much exactly the same as whisky from anywhere else. Better for the most part, but the Scotch is branding. Like a Kiwi fruit. Except that it isn't even from New Zealand, it is actually a Chinese gooseberry that they forgot to trademark. Now Kiwis come from all over the world.

Sorry to be picky, but no-one in Scotland calls their whisky "Scotch". I think you shall find the bottles say Scottish Whisky. Twas the Yanks I think that christened it "Scotch".

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No, you're wrong there. In fact, you've all been wrong so far. And where would these car companies be without petroleum? You're leaving out the Arabs. And the dinosaurs for that matter.


Also the Arabs didn't discover the oil nor develop the processes to refine it into something useful. They just happened to live on top of some of the world's largest deposits.

I didn't say they discovered it. They certainly do have 'some' say on whether they want to 'give' it to the world or not though.


But yes, back on topic... this discussion / "contest" as to who has given what to the world comes up often. In my experience, those who bring it up are typically of the cheerleading/sportsfan type personality. That is, they haven't achieved or given anything themselves personally so they attempt to attach themselves to a larger group, sometimes the local or national sports franchise, their nationalities, and sometimes their entire race. All in an attempt to achieve something by proxy. Once they've made that link... they can say... well, WE'VE won the Superbowl, WE'VE invented gun powder, WE'RE producing most of the world's whatever... and it's quite common for these folks to be trying to draw attention away from the fact that if the pronoun used were "I" instead of "WE".... it would be "I" have done virtually nothing. In the LOS... that often translates to: *I'm* a visa runner, perpetual guest with few rights, etc. and am quite perplexed -or maybe not- and frustrated that I'm not living here as comfortably as some other foreigners or worse yet... locals are. Hence *I'm* trying to compete but am either unable to because of legal reasons or lack of personal ability.

Again, one's mileage may vary. It's not always *what has one's nation given to the world?* When folks feel like the national angle won't affect you, or perhaps you happen to all be from the same country, socio-economic standing or whatever :D ... they try to come at you with a different twist. Some of my foreign and local friends (yes, friends) will make the argument *what have you done for your community?* Employing hundreds of employees suddenly becomes *taking advantage of the poor* and how I should be donating much of my profits to the development of the local community. It's all in an attempt to fulfil that human desire to compete, even when it's not always possible.


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No I haven't found a cure for Polio. But I'm an electrical engineering grad student. So I'm probably more likely to contribute to this world than someone who has to go to another country to take advantage of poor girls over there and its relatively low cost of living. :o

Who would that be? I mean, I don't know too many people on this forum in person, but none of them striked me as being whoremongers. Perhaps you can help us point them out?

Nice of you to put yourself besides the lowest class you can find. If you look at it that way, then yes, perhaps you have given more to the world...compared to someone - but not the majority, ey?

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Who would that be? I mean, I don't know too many people on this forum in person, but none of them striked me as being whoremongers. Perhaps you can help us point them out?

Nice of you to put yourself besides the lowest class you can find. If you look at it that way, then yes, perhaps you have given more to the world...compared to someone - but not the majority, ey?

Where did I claim or suggest to have contributed more than "the majority"? :o You asked if I did anything, and I just answered it. :D

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Erm, isn't Beer Chang a rip off of Carlsberg Elephant Beer?

What about:

Short time hotels

The habit of leaving your handbrake off when you park

Ice in beer

Ice in wine

Soupy klongs

BJ bars

Food in plastic bags

Drinks in plastic bags

Can't think of anything else

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Who would that be? I mean, I don't know too many people on this forum in person, but none of them striked me as being whoremongers. Perhaps you can help us point them out?

Nice of you to put yourself besides the lowest class you can find. If you look at it that way, then yes, perhaps you have given more to the world...compared to someone - but not the majority, ey?

Where did I claim or suggest to have contributed more than "the majority"? :o You asked if I did anything, and I just answered it. :D

Actually, you where the first one to ask to question. As one only had the right to write here if one had. Sadly for you, I had. Let us know whe you out-score the whoremongers. :D

I don't know too many people on this forum in person, but none of them striked me as being whoremongers.

That was a joke, right?

Not at all. Why would you think so?

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And true, n'est ce pas?

I don't know. All I know is that if demand weren't there, there wouldn't be supply. As a result, the girls might have chosen a different and better path for their lives.

Yes, something like farm laborers.

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Lets not forget Kultida's part in the creation of the greatest golfer in the world today!


I wonder how Tiger's father met Kultida. He was a servicemen in the US forces in Vietnam.They were famous for enjoying the ladies of the night in Thailand when they were on R&R on based there.

Could it be that Tiger Woods is the son of a BG ?!?!

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A thread this long...........................................................................!!!!!!!!!!

It is making me dislexic or is that di-chroic, i' can't recall, reading backwards.

Just have to add to it.

(what about my elephant, I really want my thai elephant please, please, please)


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Lets not forget Kultida's part in the creation of the greatest golfer in the world today!


I wonder how Tiger's father met Kultida. He was a servicemen in the US forces in Vietnam.They were famous for enjoying the ladies of the night in Thailand when they were on R&R on based there.

Could it be that Tiger Woods is the son of a BG ?!?!

As I recall, this has been discussed pretty thoroughly before. And the consensus was, "no." I'm too lazy to find a 5 year old thread.

Back to topic:

Ajarn Buddhadasa

Ajarn Chah

The influence of both of these monks on British and American Buddhism is substantial.

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