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Democrat Warren takes step to challenge Trump in 2020


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Warren is the most competent and qualified person, male OR female, in Washington. She would have my full support. She is like a machine in a debate. She has the most amazing recall of facts and figures and never loses her temper like Hillary. This woman should be the next president.

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22 minutes ago, KhunFred said:

Warren is the most competent and qualified person, male OR female, in Washington. She would have my full support. She is like a machine in a debate. She has the most amazing recall of facts and figures and never loses her temper like Hillary. This woman should be the next president.

But she doesn't come off as likeable or relatable. Should that matter? Not in an ideal world. In other words, it matters a lot. Why risk putting up yet another losing Massachusetts democrat? I don't get it. Individual-1 is wrong on most everything but he's right that winning matters, and he needs to lose.


Just Not That Into Her --



Politicos: Elizabeth Warren beer video all flat



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Slate.com short list for now. Yeah. Amy K. surprisingly makes the list. I still also very much like Booker. I don't think the Spartacus label is that bad. So he has passion and is a bit of a drama queen. I can think of much worse things.


Not discounting Beto even though not yet on board the Beto bus. He has some mad magic mojo in the speaking charisma department. Not progressive enough? Probably not.






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6 hours ago, bristolboy said:

The stock market is irrelevant to the state of most Americans' pocketbooks.

401 K's and other retirement funds are one part of US retirement plans. So, yes I'd say it is relevant.

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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

Slate.com short list for now. Yeah. Amy K. surprisingly makes the list. I still also very much like Booker. I don't think the Spartacus label is that bad. So he had passion as is a bit of a drama queen. I can think of much worse things.


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Booker is a supporter of Big Pharma and  Wall Street


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4 hours ago, KhunFred said:

Warren is the most competent and qualified person, male OR female, in Washington. She would have my full support. She is like a machine in a debate. She has the most amazing recall of facts and figures and never loses her temper like Hillary. This woman should be the next president.

She is another one that is as exciting as watching paint dry.

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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

First they have to get elected. For that to happen there needs to be at least some excitement generated.

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Maybe it's just me... I get excited and vote for good policy. 45 was exciting with bad policy and you lament his election yet seem to be encouraging more of the same. Bernie is not exciting, but his policy and consistency are.

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9 minutes ago, mikebike said:

Maybe it's just me... I get excited and vote for good policy. 45 was exciting with bad policy and you lament his election yet seem to be encouraging more of the same. Bernie is not exciting, but his policy and consistency are.

People vote for what's good for them. You call it good policy, but for who....well, you of course. For folks who rely on the governments help aka handout and freebees, it makes sense they will vote for the most liberal who wants to redistribute the wealth of the workers and the wealthy. You also have crazy rich libs, Hollywood for example who side with the most liberal viewpoints... Because they're so out of touch with reality.

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Maybe it's just me... I get excited and vote for good policy. 45 was exciting with bad policy and you lament his election yet seem to be encouraging more of the same. Bernie is not exciting, but his policy and consistency are.
Your insults are silly. Bernie was exciting in his curmudgeonly old man way. But his time is not now. You miss my point as well. Yes policies are important but you still need to motivate enough people to vote with a whole package. If you can't win your policies don't go anywhere. The US isn't Australia unfortunately that wisely has mandatory voting. I didn't say you need to be a toxic waste clown show like the current illegitimate president. I really don't think Warren is electable and the question of electability is always very important in primaries.

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On ‎1‎/‎1‎/‎2019 at 2:09 PM, OneMoreFarang said:

And nobody can say Trump somehow changed to the better when he became president.

and who is to say what is "the better". Was Bush the younger, the worst president, IMO, in my lifetime "better"?

So far, Trump as achieved some of what he was elected to do, and the reason he has not built the wall is obviously down to the Dems, so they will be blamed for that.


I hope and pray that Warren is selected for the Dems candidate. the resulting humiliation of her and her party will be sooooooo enjoyable.

Is there any Dem candidate that can defeat Trump? Unless the US economy goes into melt down before the election, I doubt it. More money in people's pockets is a powerful reason to vote for the incumbent. However, if the economy does fall over, I'd expect a GOP candidate to usurp Trump anyway.

So, the Dems problem is that probably the only way to remove Trump is for the economy to fail, and that would hurt millions of Americans. Gloating at a bad economy would not be perceived well by the electorate, no matter if it was a reason to remove Trump.


Anyway, whatever happens, Trump got one and possibly 2 SCOTUS judges in his first term, and having more money than most of us will see in our lifetime, I doubt he will shed a tear if he loses, or does not stand. Like many, I doubt he actually thought he'd be elected in the first place.

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8 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

and who is to say what is "the better". Was Bush the younger, the worst president, IMO, in my lifetime "better"?

So far, Trump as achieved some of what he was elected to do, and the reason he has not built the wall is obviously down to the Dems, so they will be blamed for that.


I hope and pray that Warren is selected for the Dems candidate. the resulting humiliation of her and her party will be sooooooo enjoyable.

Is there any Dem candidate that can defeat Trump? Unless the US economy goes into melt down before the election, I doubt it. More money in people's pockets is a powerful reason to vote for the incumbent. However, if the economy does fall over, I'd expect a GOP candidate to usurp Trump anyway.

So, the Dems problem is that probably the only way to remove Trump is for the economy to fail, and that would hurt millions of Americans. Gloating at a bad economy would not be perceived well by the electorate, no matter if it was a reason to remove Trump.


Anyway, whatever happens, Trump got one and possibly 2 SCOTUS judges in his first term, and having more money than most of us will see in our lifetime, I doubt he will shed a tear if he loses, or does not stand. Like many, I doubt he actually thought he'd be elected in the first place.

The Dems will be blamed for not building the wall? They will by the minority of Americans who actually want it.

How blind are you to election results. The Democrats took back the House of Representatives resoundingly despite the economy. By the biggest margin of voters in many many years. And let me repeat that's despite the economy. The suburbs swung massively against Trump. He is widely loathed.

And as for the nonsensical "gloating at a bad economy would not be perceived well by the elecotrate." Ask the Republicans about how well they did in the 2008 elections in the wake of the last economic meltdown. Your analysis is utter nonsense.

And your comment about Supreme Court justices just shows how ill informed you are. Trump already has appointed 2 Supreme court justices.

And your amateur psychologizing about Trump being happy to step down and enjoy his life flies in the face of what Trump himself tweets in his out-of-control inimitable style.

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43 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Your insults are silly. Bernie was exciting in his curmudgeonly old man way. But his time is not now. You miss my point as well. Yes policies are important but you still need to motivate enough people to vote with a whole package. If you can't win your policies don't go anywhere. The US isn't Australia unfortunately that wisely has mandatory voting. I didn't say you need to be a toxic waste clown show like the current illegitimate president. I really don't think Warren is electable and the question of electability is always very important in primaries.

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I don't think she's unelectable because of her platform (whatever that is, it's not on her website). I think she's unelectable because she lacks credibility. She would appear to have lifted all her talking points from Bernie, while failing to endorse him. Instead endorsing the neo-lib/ neo-con candidate. People may rightly ask if her candidacy is just a fiction.


Here's my theory. She's the progressive actor intended to block out Bernie. She'll get fringier and fringier driving people back to the center "third way" neo-libs. Might work. Then again it might not.

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6 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:

I don't think she's unelectable because of her platform (whatever that is, it's not on her website). I think she's unelectable because she lacks credibility. She would appear to have lifted all her talking points from Bernie, while failing to endorse him. Instead endorsing the neo-lib/ neo-con candidate. People may rightly ask if her candidacy is just a fiction.


Here's my theory. She's the progressive actor intended to block out Bernie. She'll get fringier and fringier driving people back to the center "third way" neo-libs. Might work. Then again it might not.

Yup, I saw a venn diagram recently that showed that Bernie's electorate demographic is the same as Warren's electorate. That article then concluded that should both of them run in 2020, they would be competing for the same vote. But, your theory is probably correct, that she would be the one who might try to claw back the neo-libs.


However, I am mostly in agreement with those who say her political capital is spent. She is extremely bright, solid, but lacks credibility, lacks honesty, and smacks of being disingenuous over the improbable Indian heritage thing, in spite of all the racist flack from Trump.

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6 minutes ago, keemapoot said:

Yup, I saw a venn diagram recently that showed that Bernie's electorate demographic is the same as Warren's electorate. That article then concluded that should both of them run in 2020, they would be competing for the same vote. But, your theory is probably correct, that she would be the one who might try to claw back the neo-libs.


However, I am mostly in agreement with those who say her political capital is spent. She is extremely bright, solid, but lacks credibility, lacks honesty, and smacks of being disingenuous over the improbable Indian heritage thing, in spite of all the racist flack from Trump.

It's in no one interests, except maybe Bernie's, to throw her under the bus now. They know they can take her down later at a time of their choosing.

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I actually think misogyny is a big factor in why Warren is unelectable for president. Sadly she's the style of woman that triggers that as was Hillary. It's not fair but it's still real. It's kind of an x factor thing. You know it when you see it. Amy Klobuchar does not trigger misogyny in the same way. I also don't see another contender in the same lane as Klobuchar. Of course it's true Warren and Bernie are in the same lane and possibly others such as Sherrod Brown who I find quite interesting. Still it is way early. People can't rule out Biden or Harris or even people off the radar for now. Bloomberg is still more of a potential third party wild card. I can't see the progressive trending democrats nominating him.


How can democrats manage to lose in 2020? That's easy. By making their smaller differences between different kinds of democrats more important than their differences with the toxic orange waste "trump" dump that currently occupies the white house. You already hear tones of such idiocy in some of the posts there. If such and such a democratic isn't perfect, then forget about it. The same idiocy (milked up by Putin) that persuaded so many potential democratic voters to stay home or vote for a throwaway party in 2016. Be warned!


Rational people will be at least OK with any democrat on the current list running against Individual-1. 


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11 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I actually think misogyny is a big factor in why Warren is unelectable for president. Sadly she's the style of woman that triggers that as was Hillary. It's not fair but it's still real. It's kind of an x factor thing. You know it when you see it. Amy Klobuchar does not trigger misogyny in the same way. I also don't see another contender in the same lane as Klobuchar. Of course it's true Warren and Bernie are in the same lane and possibly others. Still it is way early. People can't rule out Biden or Harris or even people off the radar for now. Bloomberg is still more of a potential third party wild card. I can't see the progressive trending democrats nominating him.


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Yeah, I agree with you. Warren is confrontational, but it seems a woman can't get away with that, even though she is tough and the opposite of Trump who is horribly misinformed and caustic but he gets away with it. I think her dynamic is different from Hilary (who was genuinely unlikable) and does not engender the same level of hate from woman-resenters, but she strikes me as the kind of woman that many men could not live with: smarter, more clever, and always one-up on most men. Pretty intimidating. Yeah, the Dems will have to run someone more palatable to mainstream misogynists like Klobuchar, but she is far out of contention at this point. Bloomberg suffers from a ton of baggage, and in my view unworkable.

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She is being noticed by people in the know. Poor national name recognition currently but that is easily changed. In her recent senate race which she won in a LANDSLIDE, she strongly took red "trump" rural districts in her state. She's being talked about as a democrat that can not only beat "trump" but beat him in a MASSIVE landslide. Who knows, maybe she can lead a wave that retakes the senate as well. 


If "trump" starts to see her as a threat, I do wonder what his negative branding name will be for her.

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29 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

I actually think misogyny is a big factor in why Warren is unelectable for president. Sadly she's the style of woman that triggers that as was Hillary. It's not fair but it's still real. It's kind of an x factor thing. You know it when you see it. Amy Klobuchar does not trigger misogyny in the same way.


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C'mon man! It's not misogyny. It's about credibility.


So, she's lifted Bernie's schtick. But is it genuine? Well, we're gonna see. If millions and millions of $27 donations start pouring in from private citizens then people are buying her act. If her funding shows up from somewhere else, well, then we'll know something too.


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8 minutes ago, keemapoot said:

Yeah, I agree with you. Warren is confrontational, but it seems a woman can't get away with that, even though she is tough and the opposite of Trump who is horribly misinformed and caustic but he gets away with it. I think her dynamic is different from Hilary (who was genuinely unlikable) and does not engender the same level of hate from woman-resenters, but she strikes me as the kind of woman that many men could not live with: smarter, more clever, and always one-up on most men. Pretty intimidating. Yeah, the Dems will have to run someone more palatable to mainstream misogynists like Klobuchar, but she is far out of contention at this point. Bloomberg suffers from a ton of baggage, and in my view unworkable.

Give the misogynists some time and they will end up hating Warren as much as Hillary. 

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2 hours ago, lannarebirth said:


C'mon man! It's not misogyny. It's about credibility.


So, she's lifted Bernie's schtick. But is it genuine? Well, we're gonna see. If millions and millions of $27 donations start pouring in from private citizens then people are buying her act. If her funding shows up from somewhere else, well, then we'll know something too.


Complete and utter nonsense. Before she was a senator, she was the force behind the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. It's only because Republicans didn't confirm her for that position that she ran for Senator. Not only has she consistently been extremely progressive on the issue, but she has mastered the details in a way that Sanders hasn't. Where do you come up with this nonsense about her? 

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Here comes the misogyny.


To add I don't think every political woman has this problem. I actually have always found Warren unrelatable and I don't consider myself a misogynist. I rather like Hillary Clinton's personality yet I understand why so many people hate her. Another example is the wonderful Stacey Abrams. She didn't have much of a misogyny problem but she did have a big racism problem.


Elizabeth Warren Is Running for President: Here Comes the Misogyny!


Senator Elizabeth Warren has announcedthat she's launched an exploratory committee to run for president in 2020, so here I am introducing the inaugural post in the Elizabeth Warren Sexism Watch!






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