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Newly powerful U.S. House Democrats hold off on Trump subpoena flurry


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Newly powerful U.S. House Democrats hold off on Trump subpoena flurry

By Ginger Gibson and Mark Hosenball



U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) leads Democrats in introducing proposed government reform legislation, which they've titled the For the People Act, at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, U.S. January 4, 2019. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The new Democratic majority in the U.S. House of Representatives is quietly planning behind the scenes for a series of investigations of Republican President Donald Trump, but no immediate flurry of subpoenas materialized as some Democrats had hoped.


Democratic leaders began their new era of control with caution, reflecting their persistent concern that acting too quickly to press investigations of Trump's ties with Russia or his personal tax records may be perceived as overreach and cause a backlash in the next election cycle.


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi rolled out legislative proposals on Friday, including one to require presidential candidates to disclose publicly 10 years worth of tax returns, a direct response to Trump's refusal to release his.


Such caution contrasted with urgent demands from newer members of the House Democratic caucus, which took majority control on Thursday, for tough, swift action.


Representative Rashida Tlaib was filmed late on Thursday at a reception saying that Democrats were going to try to remove Trump from office, telling the crowd, "We're going to impeach that <deleted>."


Her remark drew rebukes from Republicans and Democrats.


House Republican Whip Steve Scalise said: "Pelosi's got her first test and it happened on day one. How is she going to stand up to the most radical left elements of her party when they become unhinged?"


During a White House news conference, Trump said Tlaib's comment was a "dishonor to herself and to her family."

Trump had earlier tweeted that Democrats were discussing impeachment because they feared running against him in the 2020 election, when he will seek a second four-year term.


"Everybody has got their own style, it ain't mine," House Majority Whip James Clyburn told reporters, referring to Tlaib. "I don't believe we ought to be talking about impeachment until we get this country back on track."


Tlaib defended her comments in an interview with a Detroit television station on Friday. "It's probably exactly how my grandmother, if she was alive, would say it," she told NBC-affiliate WDIV.


"I stand by impeaching the president of the United States," Tlaib said. "I ran on that."




Whether or not impeachment proceedings follow, Democrats have been firm that they will closely scrutinize Trump, his business interests and the first two years of his presidency.


Trump's time in the White House so far has been clouded by a U.S. special counsel's inquiry into Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election and possible coordination between Moscow officials and the Trump campaign.


Democrats also charge that several of Trump's top aides and cabinet officials have violated legal and ethical standards - a subject they believe is ripe for investigation.


"President Trump set the tone from the top of his administration that behaving ethically and complying the law is optional, ladies and gentleman, I stopped by here to say we're better than that. It will not be optional," Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings told a room of cheering staffers, offering a hint of what could be to come.


Adam Schiff, the new chairman of the House Intelligence Committee circulated a memo in early 2018 that is now seen as a blueprint for the Democrats' investigative agenda.


Schiff maintains that committee Republicans prematurely abandoned their inquiry into Russian interference. Moscow denies meddling in the election and Trump denies collusion.


For instance, committee Republicans "refused" to interview White House officials Stephen Miller and Kellyanne Conway, former Trump White House aides Reince Priebus and Sean Spicer and private Trump advisors Allen Weisselberg and Alan Garten, the Schiff memo said, providing a list of possible witnesses that could be called by Democrats.


Documents about Trump deals and finances from Deutsche Bank, should be obtained "via subpoena if necessary," the memo said.


-- © Copyright Reuters 2019-01-05


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1 hour ago, generealty said:

It is my understanding that President Trump is the only world leader who does not collect a salary (by choice). By law I believe he has to accept $1 as a minimum which he has agreed to do. To my knowledge no other World leader has ever done that. I wish we had a leader like Trump in the UK draining our swamp.

Think I'd rather have this person.

He actually gives to charity. Doesn't say he does, then doesn't.


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23 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:

However, the costs his family  has incurred have blown all previous  expense totals out of the water.  Trump supporters love to blast Obama, but the reality is that Trump has spent more time on the golf course, and  his commuting back and forth to his Florida business has run up a massive bill.  The fact that Trump 's business operations are not at true arm's length should be of concern.

Ivanka and Jared alone have cost taxpayers more than half a millon dollars in secret service expenses just on beach and ski resort holidays.


Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner Are Spending Taxpayer Money on Security for Their Vacations



During the recent holidays and government shutdown while 800,000 federal workers went without Christmas turkey and ham, taxpayers were subsidizing Trump's New Year's eve party at Mar a Largo even though he wasn't there.



Edited by keemapoot
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5 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Such caution contrasted with urgent demands from newer members of the House Democratic caucus, which took majority control on Thursday, for tough, swift action.

Ahead of expected looting as the trump shutdown bites, leading to the nessesity to declare a state of emergency, such that trump can then build his wall, prior to being impeached for dereliction of duty.


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If they impeached now and next week the senate voted not guilty where would the democratic hoopla be? They need that "let's impeach" publicity because once they impeach it is history. No way will the Republican controlled senate convict so just keep the process alive.

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5 hours ago, bristolboy said:

I think it will enough to subpoena (or whatever the term is for such a demand from Congress) to see his tax returns. I don't know why Democrats want to impeach him. With him as an opponent, it's a pretty sure shot for them to get the Presidency. I mean, this last election was a rout for Republicans even with a strong economy as measured by GDP and employment. Trump was clearly the issue.

Obama lost even worse during his mid term election. In fact Trump did quite well compared to other presidents. 

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3 hours ago, mikebike said:

That's your defining take-away from 45's admin? That he can make a crap-load more than a small honorary salary as president by corruptly self-dealing while occupying the office? Why do wish this corruption on the people of the UK?

I'm sorry, I seem to have missed any evidence of "corrupt self dealing" in the news? Do you have any? Perhaps you're confusing Trump with Pelosi?

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