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Are Thais the most gracious people in the world ?


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1 hour ago, KhunProletariat said:

What do you think you are then, Thai?



You have already told us how much you dislike thais.........


"How one gets along with people from other countries, or for that matter his own kind, IMO depends on one's personality.

One always find what one looks for."   


sounds like written for you...kp

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8 hours ago, rumak said:

You have already told us how much you dislike thais.........

"How one gets along with people from other countries, or

for that matter his own kind, IMO depends on one's personality.

One always find what one looks for."   

sounds like written for you...kp

In our village there is one other European - he drinks, I do not.

So no meeting of the minds.

People who disparage Thai people abviously live in -

a. city

b. foreigner rich area

c. are just negative

What you make of life is your choice. Want to be Happy - be Happy.

The rest of the comments I will file under disgruntled old children who can not have their way 100% of the time so pout because they can not et what they want.



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15 minutes ago, canthai55 said:


People who disparage Thai people abviously live in -

a. city

b. foreigner rich area

c. are just negative

What you make of life is your choice. Want to be Happy - be Happy.

The rest of the comments I will file under disgruntled old children who can not have their way 100% of the time so pout because they can not et what they want.



In my post, i did not mean to say that Thais are better or worse than other people/nationalities.

I just think that one of their peculiar qualities is being extremely gracious in comparison to others.

They are people, and like all people they have good or bad qualities.

In general, i find that people who dislike other people, are just very negative.

Nobody's perfect, so why expect perfection from others ?

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I would say they are very helpful,i somehow came of the road the other night an got stuck in the bushes,pretty soon a heap of locals turned up and helped me get the pickup out,they refused money until i forced the guy who was directing it all to accept some,i would have faced a long walk home,and a long walk back maybe to retrieve the car,that may or may not have happened elsewhere but i sure was grateful.

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On 1/5/2019 at 7:37 PM, madmen said:

Farang comes here as a tourist. Walking around with the a stupid grin emoji16.png and gets lots of smiles from thais


emoji673.png Fast forward comes back as an expat and after 5 years becomes a financially struggling jaded alcoholic with a bar girl GF living in some dirty old fan room and discovers TV an it's all downhill from there.


Nothing wrong with the Thais it's the expats that start falling apart.




I had fallen apart already before i came here.

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On 1/5/2019 at 5:25 PM, mauGR1 said:

I disagree.

Culture , traditions, climate to name just a few factors, can have a huge influence on people's behaviour.

Of course bad or no parenting, poverty, can have a huge influence too.

Bad parenting can, and does. Culture and traditions certainly does affect behaviour.


However, the measure for Poverty is not standard so in the UK poverty in reality means having last years iPhone and a smaller flat screen TV in Thailand it means not eating?

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1 hour ago, Patriot1066 said:

Bad parenting can, and does. Culture and traditions certainly does affect behaviour.


However, the measure for Poverty is not standard so in the UK poverty in reality means having last years iPhone and a smaller flat screen TV in Thailand it means not eating?

Years ago i threw some papaya seeds on the ground near where i was living, the following year, there was a tree with papayas.

I don't think there are people who are starving in Thailand.

Poverty is relative, you can feel poor if you have a bicycle and everyone else have a car, or rich if everyone else are walking.


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The most gracious people in the world, as in courteous, kind and pleasant.  Wow, had to process that.  I know Thai people that would be in the running, but I also know people from too many countries from around the world (and have been there), and they too would be in the running.  In considering Thais as the worlds most gracious people, would I include all:

1. Thai police?

2. Thai government employees (immigration, land office, customs, envelope handlers)?

3. Teachers (won't go there)?

4. Taxi drivers (airport esp)?

5. Soi gangs 10 on 1 beating people?

6. Vendors selling recycled/yesterdays/last weeks food, refilling water/juice bottles?

7. The fine host/hostesses pilfering from unsuspecting guests/tourists?

8. The Thai people holding political office?  


There are some very gracious Thais, many.  The worlds most gracious, well I had one grandmother from the Netherlands and the other from Belgium, it's a coin toss for who won the worlds most gracious.

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Yes Thais are very gracious people... That is until they get behind the wheel of a vehicle.
Then the transformation into a maniac begins.

Yup, they do seem to be a very different type of person behind the wheel !!
Who hasn’t noticed them speeding up to close a gap in traffic when someone shows signs of pulling out of a soi or changing lanes !!

But having said that I do find them polite and gracious in most aspects of daily life.

My vote would have to go to the Japanese, I worked in Japan several times in different areas and found the people to be polite, kind and gracious in all aspects. They put on a stern, unhappy sort of attitude at work if things aren’t going well but bear no grudges and at night it’s whiskey and karaoke as always !!
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