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My Two Big Toes On Both Feet Are Numb.


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hey guys was wondering if anyone ever had this in thailand, Ive heard of a few things, diabities, and my back might have a pinched nerve but i doubt i have both and I have had it for over 2 weeks now so i might go to the hospital next week to find out what happened. any advice appreciated thank you.

the tip of my big toes is numb, on both feet, so just 2 toes. some peolpe say its my shoes but i wear soft shoes very comforatable, and i dont walk to much, but i just hope it can go back to normal.

its the first time it happened and it feels like its going away a bit but i can still feel 90-95 % of my toe, just wondering why ?

another question if they test for diabities do they have to draw blood? i hate needles lol

another thing id like to mention any doctors out there? lol

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Could be nerve damage. The nerves to your big toes are the longest in the body and will exhibit any problems first. Might be a lack of vitamins in your diet. Try taking vitamin B tablets for a couple of weeks.

No offence, Lamphun. Forget the vitamins and see a doctor. Preferably a doctor in a large hospital in a major city, if possible.

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OMG thats excatly what my girlfriend told me vitamin B, cause her friends fingers went numb so when they took the Vitamin it was cured, question I will take the pill now, but curious what foods are High in Vitamin B, id like to know what I missing out on in my Diet. thank you so much Iamphun.:o

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Could be nerve damage. The nerves to your big toes are the longest in the body and will exhibit any problems first. Might be a lack of vitamins in your diet. Try taking vitamin B tablets for a couple of weeks.

No offence, Lamphun. Forget the vitamins and see a doctor. Preferably a doctor in a large hospital in a major city, if possible.

I'm not suggesting you don't consult a doctor.

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doctor first , folk medicine second.

Must agree

First get professional examination and follow advice

May be damaged / trapped nerve

Or ill-fitting shoes

From your initial post

My Two Big Toes On Both Feet Are Numb

(Have you really two big toes on each foot??)


Edited by IvanLaw
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I'd try the easy things first and only try a doc if nothing else works. The doctors here does not seem that qualified and more often than not more interested in how they can get as much money out of you as possible. Just the way they ALWAYS give you a couple of packages of paracetamol regardless of the problem.

You said you've had the problem two weeks already so another week trying the Vit B is surely not going to make much difference.

I wasn't aware but it seems quite a lot of problems can come from Vit B deficiency - check http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B_vitamins

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(Have you really two big toes on each foot??) LOL

I'd try the easy things first and only try a doc if nothing else works. The doctors here does not seem that qualified and more often than not more interested in how they can get as much money out of you as possible. Just the way they ALWAYS give you a couple of packages of paracetamol regardless of the problem.


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Check for diabetes. Numbness in the extremities is a symptom.

Years ago I knew a guy who worked in a factory where they had a large heated room for baking on paint. He was standing on top of that room working on some wiring when he thought smelled something burning. He looked down and saw his shoes were smoking. He said it was VERY hot up there but that he had diabetes and his feet were totally numb so he couldn't feel it in his feet. He ended up losing both feet.

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Yes, diabetes is one of the first things that needs to be ruled out. For that, a blood test is needed, taken before you have eaten anything in the morning.

Since you don't even know if you might be diabetic I'm assuming you have not had a physical check up anytime recently. You can get a basic one, inclusive of blood glucose, at quire reasonable price at any of the major hospitals in Bangkok. My personal preference is Samitivej. Be sure to mention the toe numbness. There are different check up "packages" , all of them check for diabetes. You can probably go with the cheapest package.

Another possibility would be nerve damage and/or vitamin deficiency due to excess alcohol intake. In which case you also need to see a doctor and have your liver function, among other things, checked.

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How old are you ? Do you smoke ? Many questions come to mind. Vitamin and mineral deficiency is a real possibility so worth following an improved diet etc. BUT see a doctor first as others have said. And dont be such a wimp about getting blood drawn. Womens circulation is always not so good.....especially to the extremities.......I get numb toes from doing too long on a bike and I put it down to cut off circulation due to the uncomfortable seat. After getting off the bike my toes come good every time.

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  • 3 weeks later...
hey guys was wondering if anyone ever had this in thailand, Ive heard of a few things, diabities, and my back might have a pinched nerve but i doubt i have both and I have had it for over 2 weeks now so i might go to the hospital next week to find out what happened. any advice appreciated thank you.

the tip of my big toes is numb, on both feet, so just 2 toes. some peolpe say its my shoes but i wear soft shoes very comforatable, and i dont walk to much, but i just hope it can go back to normal.

its the first time it happened and it feels like its going away a bit but i can still feel 90-95 % of my toe, just wondering why ?

another question if they test for diabities do they have to draw blood? i hate needles lol

another thing id like to mention any doctors out there? lol

You beat me to it. I was going to post today as I have the same problem, but only on my right foot. I have an appointment at the Sukhumvit Hospital ( 3 monthly check-ups after cancer op ) in 3 weeks time and will take a blood test. In the meantime I will take a Vitamin B supplement as suggested in some posts. If you have any more info regarding your problem I would be very interested to hear about it.

Here's hoping the Vitamin B works.

All the best


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im 26 and i dont smoke, lets go to the hospital together then send me a PM cnm.

vitamin b didnt work, and i forgot the mention i had a huge cramp on my leg before it all started so i hope cramps dont effect nerves, and i did some hardcore wrestling with a friend, my toes feel kinda weird and a bit numb now, but not normal, about 10% wierd feeling, 90% ok, i still wonder what it is, if still the same by the end of the month Ill go, its been over a month now.

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im 26 and i dont smoke, lets go to the hospital together then send me a PM cnm.

vitamin b didnt work, and i forgot the mention i had a huge cramp on my leg before it all started so i hope cramps dont effect nerves, and i did some hardcore wrestling with a friend, my toes feel kinda weird and a bit numb now, but not normal, about 10% wierd feeling, 90% ok, i still wonder what it is, if still the same by the end of the month Ill go, its been over a month now.

Hi Dragon,

I wont bother with the vitamin B then.

My appointment at the Sukhumvit has been put back to the 20th of April. As this always involves a blood test I thought I would kill 2 birds with one stone. As far as I can remember mine started about 6 weeks ago after working outside in the garden, walking on hot paving stones. I thought maybe I had burnt my feet, but it is only the big toe and to a lesser extent 2 of the smaller toes on my right foot. It seems if anything to be getting worse.

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There is no need to wait that long, simply go to any hospital and get checked. Just walk into any emergency room and ask for a blood test for diabetes. While you are at it you can get tested for other things like cholesterol. The blood work results are very easy to read and the doctors will go over it with you. They show the normal range and any inconsistences. When you do go for your diabetes check do it first thing in the morning because the test is after fasting. If you have a friend who is diabetic they may let you do a quick stick with their tester. The numbness does not need to be balanced, meaning it may be only on one side. Another sign of being diabetic is fatigue and non restorative sleep. As for the cramp it sounds to be totally unrelated, and a good massage could dig that out.

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If you have numbness, losof sensation, black/blue cororing of extremities, auras. strange senations - these may be related to circulation - bets to have a full blood count test and check for any circulatory problems/diseases/cancer/etc

FYI asprin 75mg thins the blood and this may provide some releif - no harm in trying - best to seek professional advice first though !

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Been to the doctor yet DragonQuest?

It sounds quite similar to something my husband has been experiencing for the past few days. First, terrible muscle cramps in his right leg (down the side) and then a weird numb kind of feeling in his foot.

He's 39, doesn't smoke, doesn't drink, exercises fairly regularly but has been working on his feet for about 16 hours a day since December.

I am guessing trapped nerve, but he says he plans on going to the dr after this FMP.

We shall see if he really does go or not tho :o

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  • 2 weeks later...
another question if they test for diabities do they have to draw blood? i hate needles lol

It is unavoidable to draw blood despite you hate it. However, it is just a simple test. Some Pharmacy or medical hall in Malaysia offer a Blood Glucose test with little money compare to seeing a doctor.

John K is correct that if you have a friend who is diabetic they may let you do a quick stick with their tester.


Edited by Chensm
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(Have you really two big toes on each foot??) LOL

I'd try the easy things first and only try a doc if nothing else works. The doctors here does not seem that qualified and more often than not more interested in how they can get as much money out of you as possible. Just the way they ALWAYS give you a couple of packages of paracetamol regardless of the problem.


I once asked a doctor at BNH to just tell me the name of the medicine he wanted to prescribe me, as I did't want to pay the hospital price. He just smiled and did it. It's not so much the docs as the admin at the hospital. Once I paid for about a one week supply of my thyroid medication (it's a permanent condition) from Bangkok Hospital, after a blood test, explaining that I could get it at about a 90% discount at my favorite pharmacy. Everybody knows the game, and a smile and a wink and a little spine, can save a bit of money.

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