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Video: "Marvellous" Thai police locate beggar boy's missing leg!


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2 hours ago, lupin said:

cop should of made an honest working man of him... by cutting off one of his legs

That would send the wrong message.  The boy clearly showed more ingenuity and initiative than the vast majority of the police here...

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I spent years going to bars in BKK and Pattaya and never had a run-in with the police, other than two legitimate minor traffic stops (both ticketed but not involving alcohol) so I don't understand that hateful attitude expressed on these pages toward Thai police.

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19 hours ago, oldrunner said:

I spent years going to bars in BKK and Pattaya and never had a run-in with the police, other than two legitimate minor traffic stops (both ticketed but not involving alcohol) so I don't understand that hateful attitude expressed on these pages toward Thai police.


The families of those who've meet their untimely end on Koh Tao (and of certain Burmese workers there) probably do understand, though.  To name just one example.


And yet it's also true that your average everyday Thai beat cop is almost always pleasant and helpful.  





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21 hours ago, oldrunner said:

I spent years going to bars in BKK and Pattaya and never had a run-in with the police, other than two legitimate minor traffic stops (both ticketed but not involving alcohol) so I don't understand that hateful attitude expressed on these pages toward Thai police.

They deserve a 'Hateful attitude' because they caught a young lad trying to fool them and the public and are taking credit for it. They should have been out doing useful work. A clip round the ear should have been administered, dragged to his parents who should have been told to keep their son in order or THEY would be in trouble.

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I have really enjoyed the witty comments by fellow posters - brought a smile to my face, I must say. Very amusing.


On a serious note, this story does illustrate much that is wrong with Thailand: the endemic levels of DECEIT (throughout Thai society - here perpetrated by the boy), and the police's complete time-wasting on very minor 'crimes' (when there are SO much bigger criminal fish to catch; but of course, they are untouchable  ....!).



Edited by Eligius
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