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Trump to focus on border 'crisis,' seek support for wall in televised address


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1 hour ago, stevenl said:

When you say " I find it amusing that this chart is used to 'prove' that illegal immigration should not be tackled. " yes, you're spinning.


So why are you not able to counter a single point I raised?


You can either debate it or not. You choose not to. Because you cannot.

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6 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

The overwhelming majority of the American people support building the Wall so Trump will be able to keep another campaign promise. 

Many American's aren't aware that there is a crisis! The expert's are though. Build the Wall!

SURVEY: 89% of Border Patrol Agents Support Building Trump’s Wall



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6 minutes ago, riclag said:

Safety First! - PT, 2020


Trump has increased our risk exposure by causing hundreds of TSA workers to stage a sick-out rather than go without pay, thanks to his shut-down.  That means airports around the world are much less safe, thanks to Trump.


Safety first  ????

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1 hour ago, attrayant said:


Have you ever wondered why the police don't pull you over for going 2 miles over the speed limit?  It's because, even though you're technically breaking the law, but they have limited resources and better things to do with them.  How massive, bloated and expensive would a police force be if it wanted have enough officers to nab every single person who jay-walked, over-tinted their car windows or didn't use their turn signal?

The chart is showing homocides. That is murder. Not quite Jaywalking is it?

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5 minutes ago, riclag said:

Many American's aren't aware that there is a crisis! The expert's are though. Build the Wall!

SURVEY: 89% of Border Patrol Agents Support Building Trump’s Wall



It was a survey commissioned by the Border Patrol Agents Union. Not an exactly disinterested party. And notice that the calling it a survey, not a poll.

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8 minutes ago, pedro01 said:


So why are you not able to counter a single point I raised?


You can either debate it or not. You choose not to. Because you cannot.

I am only reacting here to your statement you're not spinning, which was clearly nonsense, as shown by my post.

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2 minutes ago, attrayant said:


Survey finds workers are in favor of things that make their job easier.  Who would have guessed?  It's a good thing we don't legislate by taking surveys of tiny slivers of the population.


Next survey: 99.9% of vampires in favor of building huge, sun-blocking device.

Safety First

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9 minutes ago, pedro01 said:

The chart is showing homocides. That is murder. Not quite Jaywalking is it?

LMAO.... more spinning... you can’t help yourself, can you?


the chart primarily shows “all crimes” followed by a breakdown into “homicide” and “larceny”.

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17 minutes ago, riclag said:

Many American's aren't aware that there is a crisis! The expert's are though. Build the Wall!

SURVEY: 89% of Border Patrol Agents Support Building Trump’s Wall



Border patrol agents are experts? For border security you mean? Like the sleeping security guy in front of my condo is an expert on building security?

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5 hours ago, Emdog said:

In 2014 Obama wanted to give speech about immigration on prime time major networks. They rejected him saying speech would be "too political". Will show Trump because afraid of his tantrums, knew Obama wasn't a man child. How times have changed...

Networks anxious to curry favor with Trump. They are being denied access in many areas.

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6 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

The overwhelming majority of the American people support building the Wall so Trump will be able to keep another campaign promise. 

You are either deliberately lying or just trolling again , either way it simply illustrates the weakness of Trump's case .

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45 minutes ago, attrayant said:


Your failure to understand the analogy is unsurprising.


Are you seriously suggesting that police forces should continue to hire officers until the murder rate drops to zero?  If you are, then you need to brush up on the law of diminishing returns.


To wit: what happens when/if the wall is built but undocumented immigrants still continue to get in (over, under, through) anyway?  Reinforce it?  Double its height?  Build another wall that runs parallel?  All at a cost of billions more.  And even that won't stop all immigrants from getting in.


Do you really think $20 billion for a southern border wall is money well spent when most of the immigrants with criminal intent are coming in via air, or crossing the northern border from Canada?


The libertarian CATO Institute said that from 1975 through 2017, seven people who entered the U.S. illegally from "special interest" countries — states tied at least loosely to terrorism — were convicted of planning attacks on U.S. soil. None crossed from Mexico. They came from Canada or jumped ship in U.S. ports, and all before special interest countries were classified as such. The plots were foiled and no one was hurt.


I am waiting for an analogy from you. They fact you don't know what one is, is also unsurprising.


There are 10 million illegal immigrants in the US.


So - we are hardly talking about rates 'dropping to zero' are we, Einstein?

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This is another reason why Border barriers and border security is needed ! This has been going on for decades!  Hundreds of  migrants that crossed the USA Mexican border over the years. Most are suspected migrants who have died trying to evade capture after walking through vast  Texas ranch lands!



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4 hours ago, mcambl61 said:

So playing the white man bad shtick, while thinking several hundred of miles of open borders and the drug and human smuggling that goes with it should just be ignored, and then if you disagree, you are of course a racist and ignorant, because you say so.




Just stating a fact about white men, one that is overlooked in the current political environment, that insists on the knighting of all things white. There are alot of bad white men out there. Several hundred miles of open borders has resulted in a dramatic drop in illegal immigration over the past 20 years. This is anything but a crisis we are facing. Now, if you want to talk about a real crisis, we can talk about the presidency, a man who chooses to put nearly a million Americans out of work over his own ego, political agenda, and base of supporters, or the broken immigration (legal immigration) system, or the massive tax hikes imposed on the US, in the form of tariffs, or the unstable economy, or a host of other real crisis areas facing America. 


Human smuggling will happen with or without the wall. Corrupt border agents, tunnels, and other methods will continue to be used. 

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Ok, number one, why are so many people just seeming to wake up to the fact that Trump is a lying train wreck? He has been this way since he has been in office. Why in the heck is it just hitting people? 


#2 the thing about the paycheck not flowing. There are these things called credit cards. I suppose a mortgage would be hard to pay by credit card but the whole notion of putting food on the table seems a bit odd. I don't mean to monimize their blight but it seems to me if you are having other worldly troubles because you miss one paycheck that is on you to a large extent. Again, credit cards. 



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12 minutes ago, direction BANGKOK said:

Ok, number one, why are so many people just seeming to wake up to the fact that Trump is a lying train wreck? He has been this way since he has been in office. Why in the heck is it just hitting people? 


#2 the thing about the paycheck not flowing. There are these things called credit cards. I suppose a mortgage would be hard to pay by credit card but the whole notion of putting food on the table seems a bit odd. I don't mean to monimize their blight but it seems to me if you are having other worldly troubles because you miss one paycheck that is on you to a large extent. Again, credit cards. 



Ok...number 1...it is hitting nobody!

What the hell are you talking about!


#2: You ARE minimizing their plight!

Have a look at what time we are talking about: Christmas and New years...by far the most expensive dates of the year!

And: will the government take over the interest rates of the credit- cards?

Last time I checked, 1 Dollar on a CC- bill, does not equal 1 Dollar cash!



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