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Trump to focus on border 'crisis,' seek support for wall in televised address


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Edited by JimmyJ
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2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:


Just stating a fact about white men, one that is overlooked in the current political environment, that insists on the knighting of all things white. There are alot of bad white men out there. Several hundred miles of open borders has resulted in a dramatic drop in illegal immigration over the past 20 years. This is anything but a crisis we are facing. Now, if you want to talk about a real crisis, we can talk about the presidency, a man who chooses to put nearly a million Americans out of work over his own ego, political agenda, and base of supporters, or the broken immigration (legal immigration) system, or the massive tax hikes imposed on the US, in the form of tariffs, or the unstable economy, or a host of other real crisis areas facing America. 


Human smuggling will happen with or without the wall. Corrupt border agents, tunnels, and other methods will continue to be used. 

complete vacuous blather. but a one sided bias works for you, so go for it.

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I could get the wall approved in 10 minutes.  Trump asked for the wrong thing.


What does every wall have?  A door.  The door could be like an airport terminal with comfortable waiting areas to feed and water the prospective immigrants and determine the ones that will benefit America and get jobs and not be criminals. 


Trump should have asked for a 5 billion door.  Sure you have to have a wall for there to be a door but if his focus was on door instead of wall it would already be solved.

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2 hours ago, DM07 said:

Ok...number 1...it is hitting nobody!

What the hell are you talking about!


#2: You ARE minimizing their plight!

Have a look at what time we are talking about: Christmas and New years...by far the most expensive dates of the year!

And: will the government take over the interest rates of the credit- cards?

Last time I checked, 1 Dollar on a CC- bill, does not equal 1 Dollar cash!



People are just starting to wake up and actually get pissed about Trump's lies. I do not get that. It had been going on since day one. 


So they will have to pay more in interest, and they don't get Christmas presents lol. Only to Americans would these be categorized as problems. You realize there are people starving and dying of diseases in other parts of the world? I just don't think paying your bills with a credit card is catastrophe you hear on the news... you seriously hear them saying "folks are going to habe trouble putting food on the table" as if people are going to start starving. Not true. 


Lastly, as i said, if you don't have any money whatsoever to fall back on in case of emergencies (like this), I think you can chalk it up to your exorbitant spending like your large suv payments etc. Seriously, people need to take some responsibility. If you miss one paycheck and you are in the shitter you need to change your life, you don't get to act like it is the end of the world, woes me. Take some responsibility. 


Look, it is easy to say the popular thing. It is not always easy to say the right thing that is actually true. If you miss a paycheck and your life completely goes down the tubes it is probably your own fault via irresponsible overspending. 

Edited by direction BANGKOK
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So nice to hear an intelligent voice of reason, amidst the panicked cries of "build the wall", or the country will go down in flames! 


The majority of Americans DO NOT support the wall, which is never going to get built. Only a percent of his base of devotees want the wall, and that is only due to constant brainwashing.


Roger stone was frustrated that Trump kept on forgetting to talk about immigration at the beginning of the campaign. He said Trump is a builder. He will remember to say build a wall. Hence the birth of the slogan and the fear mongering. The only terrorist apprehended at the border in the past 20 years was coming from Canada. All terrorists use the sea or come by air. None come by land. None. One in the past 20 years was caught. It is all a total ruse. Not only is illegal immigration way, way down, but if you look at crime statistics in the US, nine times more homicide is committed by American citizens, than by legal immigrants. And three times more homicide, by Americans, than by illegal immigrants. If Trump wants to solve the crime problem in the US, he has to get his own people in his administration and his team, to stop committing crime, then he has to stop committing crime, and then he can work on reforming his base, and then other Americans.


In a separate interview with NPR, on January 6, Darling expanded on his views. He is the mayor of McCallen, Texas.

“In certain locations, a wall or a fence or some deterrent makes sense but certainly not one across the great swath of the border in places where, ecologically, the damage would be much greater than a security benefit,” he said. “So it’s really a political football, I think. And just saying we’re going to build this great wall across the whole border makes no sense at all.”



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4 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

So nice to hear an intelligent voice of reason, amidst the panicked cries of "build the wall", or the country will go down in flames! 


The majority of Americans DO NOT support the wall, which is never going to get built. Only a percent of his base of devotees want the wall, and that is only due to constant brainwashing.


Roger stone was frustrated that Trump kept on forgetting to talk about immigration at the beginning of the campaign. He said Trump is a builder. He will remember to say build a wall. Hence the birth of the slogan and the fear mongering. The only terrorist apprehended at the border in the past 20 years was coming from Canada. All terrorists use the sea or come by air. None come by land. None. One in the past 20 years was caught. It is all a total ruse. Not only is illegal immigration way, way down, but if you look at crime statistics in the US, nine times more homicide is committed by American citizens, than by legal immigrants. And three times more homicide, by Americans, than by illegal immigrants. If Trump wants to solve the crime problem in the US, he has to get his own people in his administration and his team, to stop committing crime, then he has to stop committing crime, and then he can work on reforming his base, and then other Americans.


In a separate interview with NPR, on January 6, Darling expanded on his views. He is the mayor of McCallen, Texas.

“In certain locations, a wall or a fence or some deterrent makes sense but certainly not one across the great swath of the border in places where, ecologically, the damage would be much greater than a security benefit,” he said. “So it’s really a political football, I think. And just saying we’re going to build this great wall across the whole border makes no sense at all.”



Stop beating the drums, and listen to what is being said. You put forth a lot of effort for no good reason. What the major you quoted said is all that's being asked for. 


What Trump said yrs back doesn't necessarily hold true today about building a barrier across every foot of the southern border. Find the link to Trump's visit to the border 10 Jan. The Border Agent had some interesting things to say. 

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5 hours ago, EVENKEEL said:

Stop beating the drums, and listen to what is being said. You put forth a lot of effort for no good reason. What the major you quoted said is all that's being asked for. 


What Trump said yrs back doesn't necessarily hold true today about building a barrier across every foot of the southern border. Find the link to Trump's visit to the border 10 Jan. The Border Agent had some interesting things to say. 

Is that the same Border Agent who says there were Pakistani's coming across the border, but isn't substantiated by anyone else.   


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3 minutes ago, Credo said:

Is that the same Border Agent who says there were Pakistani's coming across the border, but isn't substantiated by anyone else.   


Remember when Trump's first National Security Advisor claimed that there were signs in Arabic on the border placed there for the benefit of Muslim terrorists?

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1 hour ago, Credo said:

Is that the same Border Agent who says there were Pakistani's coming across the border, but isn't substantiated by anyone else.   


That's right, everyone is lying about the border problem. The agent is the Director of Rio Grand sector, not just a foot soldier.

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America has a security crisis, but it’s not on the border


Trump has essentially taken nine federal departments and dozens of federal agencies hostage in an effort to coerce Congress into spending $5.7 billion on the bigger, longer border wall he promised on the campaign trail to build (supposedly at Mexico’s expense, but now on the U.S. taxpayers’ tab). Vital government services and responsibilities are being sacrificed in the political standoff, and there’s no end in sight.


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