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U.S. House panel eyes reported FBI probe of Trump


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1 hour ago, RicUSA said:

riclag :" I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and the millions who have died for it! MAGA ,long live the republic! " .  Unfortunately those who have died since 1945 have not done so to save our republic - but have only been pawns in the military industrial complex initiated 70 years ago to make people in power wealthy by staging wars for profit. 

That's my signature ! It has nothing  to do with this thread

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4 hours ago, riclag said:

That's my signature ! It has nothing  to do with this thread

Your signature raised a point somewhat related in my view.  Thread is about "possible" corruption in government, yes?  "Possible" treasonous actions at the highest levels?   What I pointed out is it has been corrupt since Eisenhower or before, yet accepted because sold to the american people by Congress and former presidents.  The current POTUS may go down as the one who colluded with the Russians, but many worse things have happened in the last 70 years due to actions taken by elected members of the federal government.  Just my crazy cynical view of the greatest nation on earth ...


The U.S. should really start expatriating people like me - leave more room for immigrants....

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42 minutes ago, Skallywag said:

Your signature raised a point somewhat related in my view.  Thread is about "possible" corruption in government, yes?  "Possible" treasonous actions at the highest levels?   What I pointed out is it has been corrupt since Eisenhower or before, yet accepted because sold to the american people by Congress and former presidents.  The current POTUS may go down as the one who colluded with the Russians, but many worse things have happened in the last 70 years due to actions taken by elected members of the federal government.  Just my crazy cynical view of the greatest nation on earth ...


The U.S. should really start expatriating people like me - leave more room for immigrants....

Not so much crazy as incoherent.

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1 hour ago, bristolboy said:
1 hour ago, Skallywag said:

Your signature raised a point somewhat related in my view.  Thread is about "possible" corruption in government, yes?  "Possible" treasonous actions at the highest levels?   What I pointed out is it has been corrupt since Eisenhower or before, yet accepted because sold to the american people by Congress and former presidents.  The current POTUS may go down as the one who colluded with the Russians, but many worse things have happened in the last 70 years due to actions taken by elected members of the federal government.  Just my crazy cynical view of the greatest nation on earth ...


The U.S. should really start expatriating people like me - leave more room for immigrants....

Not so much crazy as incoherent.


I dunno. Sounds like both, in equal measure.

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6 minutes ago, Thakkar said:


Unfortunately I read the entirety of that babble. Instead of thinking, “well that’s 20 seconds I’m never getting back,” I am instead grateful for the small mercy that you are not sitting on the barstool next to mine.

what is false in what was said oh wise one?

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4 hours ago, Becker said:

And then we have those who live in an alternate universe. Hope your psyche isn't permanently damaged when it all comes crashing down.

you have been wishing and hoping in breathless irrational desperation for 2 years and still nothing, well done

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33 minutes ago, Thakkar said:


It would be easier to identify the part that is non babble:

“TDS crowd...look like [the] foolish dupes...”


I am of course assuming TDS stands for “Trump Devotional Society.”


If that’s not what it stands for, I apologize for my mistake; turns out it’s all blather.



right, so the upper level of the FBI, disgraced and fired or under investigation never happened in

the world you live in, got it.


but ignore that if it suits your opinion


keep that condescension rolling on

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24 minutes ago, Thakkar said:


I used to care enough to argue in good faith. Then I realized that MAGA’s weren’t arguing in good faith at all; they would make up “facts”, massage facts, ignore facts, and continually move goalposts.


Yes but this might be part of how insidious the "trump" movement will be long term as far as consequences to society. There is a hunger among many to get back to more sanity and reality based discourse, but there is no assurance now that will actually happen. In other words -- permanent damage. This gaslighting presidency has already been massively consequential and it's still likely to get a lot worse yet. "trump" will go away someday, but the MAWA fans will mostly remain.

Edited by Jingthing
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20 hours ago, Thakkar said:


I dunno. Sounds like both, in equal measure.


21 hours ago, bristolboy said:

Not so much crazy as incoherent.

Simply stated that corrupt/dishonest politicians have been representing the USA for a long time.  The current media scare that Trump is an unwitting fool being manipulated by the Russian government whether true or not is not the end of the world or the end of democracy.  Trump may be the greatest businessman/ salesman in history, being elected in an arena he had no experience in (politics) .  Politicians are remakably self-serving IMHO, at least Trump doesnt pretend he is not. 

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On 1/14/2019 at 1:02 PM, mcambl61 said:

so, we have the upper tier of disgraced FBI leadership wanting to do anything they could to discredit the legally elected POTUS, who they did not want and they would stop at nothing to try and get him out of office. This is obvious with the recovered texts and testimony where it has been sworn under oath "there was nothing there there"

While the FBI refused to turn over phone data, then it gets exposed when the IG finally does what the corrupt FBI would not do and yet the media and the democrats keep telling us that there was nothing done wrong. And if you don't agree, you are any number of bad things they choose to call you.

Then we have FiSA warrants on false pretenses, and the DOJ obviously not doing their job and in fact, in on the false information scheme. 


So once again, release previous info again to make it all come back again with the same vacuous blather, the TDS crowd will dance around the fire and whip themselves into another emotional frenzy and still get nothing other than look like the foolish dupes they have shown themselves to be. party on .....

Or we have a President who's actions have raised such concerns as to warrant a legitimate counter intelligence investigation. 



The truth of the matter is about to hit the fan. 


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8 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

Firstly, Trump was never a great businessman or even a salesman.  He was a third-grade swindler who took daddy's millions (over $400 million) and conned his way into the public consciousness.  He has his brand, which is the culmination of all his lies.  


As for being self-serving, you're right about that.  He keeps taking credit for things he had nothing to do with.  Trump is absolutely the most corrupt and dishonest politician America has ever seen and I hope for our children's sake, will never see again. 

Yes, and it's a dark stain on the USA's credibility that has already caused permanent damage that such a con man ever was elected to president in the first place, even by a minority of votes as he got, even with aggressive Russian interference, as there was. 

Edited by Jingthing
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3 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Yes, and it's a dark stain on the USA's credibility that has already caused permanent damage that such a con man ever was elected to president in the first place, even by a minority of votes as he got, even with aggressive Russian interference, as there was. 

It's over, JT.  Time to go home, get over it, and move on. 


My post in another thread says it all. (click on the arrow in the upper RH corner)


It's over.



Edited by Kelsall
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3 hours ago, Berkshire said:

Firstly, Trump was never a great businessman or even a salesman.  He was a third-grade swindler who took daddy's millions (over $400 million) and conned his way into the public consciousness.  He has his brand, which is the culmination of all his lies.  


As for being self-serving, you're right about that.  He keeps taking credit for things he had nothing to do with.  Trump is absolutely the most corrupt and dishonest politician America has ever seen and I hope for our children's sake, will never see again. 

Con man OK , fine, so what does that say about the American voter and the Republican party?  Nothing good.  Trump raised 960+ million while running, ~500 million less than Clinton, yet still got elected as a non-politicial outsider, with fewer popular votes than Clinton.  Serves us right and goes to show the electoral college and the 2 party system doesnt work for a country as large and diverse as the USA.  So what is changing? nothing.  Impeach Trump get Pence, then wait 2 years and try Bernie again?  Not sure how other democracies handle electing their commander in chief, but America needs to at least address the subject, which it just refuses to do.  The legislative and judicial branches are supposed to be the checks and balances to the executive branch - pretty darn slow if after 2 years it is all still in the "investigative" phase... Maybe government rules made in 1780's need to be updated a bit for the 21st century.   And while we are talking about con men - start taxing the "hell" out of the white evangelists, the moral majority, and the christian right - whose tax free millions conned from gullible followers are one if not the main reason Trump got elected. Separation of church and state my @ss. 

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