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Trump rejects senator's proposal for temporary government reopening


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16 hours ago, Foexie said:

unemployment is already going down every year consistanly since 2010 so it is normal and not a trump thing.

Accualy figures shows the last y the average number was around 6.3 million unemployed persons so the only thing what did happen is it stayed status quo until now.


But wait and see what will happen this y with all those extra taxes he brought in so called to protect the American industry.


So don't give him credit for something he didn't do at all.

Actually...that is NOT my quote, you are reacting to!

Just to clear that up!

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11 hours ago, doggie1955 said:

FBI reported, 1,604 people were killed by “knives and cutting instruments” and 374 were killed by “rifles” in 2016... According to the fiscal year 2018 ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations report, the criminal records of people arrested by ICE for being illegally in the country included 2,028 homicide offenses (387 charges and 1,641 convictions). According to the fiscal year 2017 report, the criminal record of people arrested included 1,886 homicide offenses.

...and that is relevant to the wall...how?!

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10 hours ago, Trouble said:

California already provides health care for illegal up to 18 years of age. Governor Newsom wants to now expand that to young adults to 26 at a cost of 250 million a year.  Please tell me why as a taxpayer, I should pay for this?  Only one example of the costs of illegals. Who knows the cost of the under 18 year olds per year and the cost to educate them. Ever think about what it costs the school systems just for the programs to teach illegals English in the public schools and how that money could be spent?  The fact is illegals do cost the American tax payer.  Illegals not not pay much in the way of taxes as they are mostly working in jobs that do not have taxes taken out of paychecks.  Most legit companies can't afford to hire illegals and risk getting caught. If Newsom wants 250 million a year just for 19 to 26 year olds, what's it costing for all the other support programs, health care, etc?  If a lousy 5 billion helps stem the flow even a fraction, it's money well spent.  

Okay...you asked for it!

- "Please tell me why as a taxpayer, I should pay for this?" You understand, that a healthy person is a working person, do you?! And a working person is...wait for it...paying taxes! Buying goods! Keeps the economy working! That's why YOU as a part of the community, should pay your share FOR the community! Crazy idea, i know!

- "Ever think about what it costs the school systems just for the programs to teach illegals English in the public schools..." Yes, I do! Do YOU think about, what you get, if people get educated? You get...educated people! Who settle down, fit in, get a good job or -God forbid- even built their own business and put people into jobs...who ALL pay taxes! Ever heard the saying "spend a buck to make a buck"? But instead: eeeewwww...brown people!

- "...and how that money could be spent?" You mean how 5 Billion of that could be spent do build a stupid-@$$ wall? Because THAT money sure could not be spent for more useful things! Right!?

- "The fact is illegals do cost the American tax payer." Citation needed! Where is your evidence for that? Last time I checked, all the experts say otherwise!

- "Most legit companies can't afford to hire illegals and risk getting caught. " you mean...like almost every company, connected to Trump and his family of criminals?

Foot...meet bullet!


Good day, sir!

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12 hours ago, doggie1955 said:

A poor man talking about a man who has Billions... now, who is the idiot!

Well I have what Trump's money cannot buy.........integrity and intelligence, two things he will never have.


And I have enough millions to keep me happy for the rest of my life, so your assumptions are way off.....now, who is the idiot!

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(even) Fox Business has to fact check what Trump's money can buy…




Great being with the National Champion Clemson Tigers last night at the White House. Because of the Shutdown I served them massive amounts of Fast Food (I paid), over 1000 hamburgers etc. Within one hour, it was all gone. Great guys and big eaters!

Edited by Opl
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3 hours ago, xylophone said:

Well I have what Trump's money cannot buy.........integrity and intelligence, two things he will never have.


And I have enough millions to keep me happy for the rest of my life, so your assumptions are way off.....now, who is the idiot!


You hit it right on the head. No matter how much money or power Trump amasses, he will always be absolutely miserable. He wakes up in the morning feeling the deepest degree of misery a man can possible withstand. And you see it in his behavior all day long, every day of his life. Everything about his life is a total reflection of that misery and lack of fulfillment. So, you nailed it. The lovely thing about integrity is that you can feel really good about your life, the way you treat others, and the honor by which you interact with everyone. That is something Trump will never feel, nor understand. However, his lack of intelligence will probably prevent him from ever having that thought! 

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15 hours ago, EVENKEEL said:

Because Trump's demand is 5+ mill, now it's the dems turn to counter offer. Are the dems offering anything except no?

Trump made a demand and you call that an offer?


11 hours ago, TopDeadSenter said:

 A wall is not a waste of cash, it is imperative for national security. A waste of cash? Well airlifting 150 billion dollars in used notes into Iran and then denying it and then admitting it with sad excuses - THAT is a waste of cash. Sending billions abroad to ungrateful third world nations - THAT is a waste of cash. And spending billions on free health care and other free stuff for illegals. Again, THAT is a waste of cash. But, protecting the USA from bad hombres freely walking across the southern border. No, that is money well spent. However much it costs.

 I will not be satisfied until the southern border is as well fortified as Obama's residence. 7 barriers and armed guards trained and ready to shoot intruders. Can't be having double standards now, can we?

Why stop there? Why not have the border fortified as well as the White House? But even at the level of the security at Obama's house, just maybe, just possibly, perhaps, there's the off chance that staffing the border at that level would be insanely expensive?  

As for your national security nonsense, illegal immigration levels are way below historic highs. Yet somehow the US managed to survive the onslaught. Not only that, when the immigration levels were much higher was also when crime rates precipitously dropped.

And of course, as per usual in your mind more wall will stop more bad hombres from crossing the border. Good thing they don't have access to high tech stuff like rope ladders.


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12 hours ago, TopDeadSenter said:

 A wall is not a waste of cash, it is imperative for national security. A waste of cash? Well airlifting 150 billion dollars in used notes into Iran and then denying it and then admitting it with sad excuses - THAT is a waste of cash. Sending billions abroad to ungrateful third world nations - THAT is a waste of cash. And spending billions on free health care and other free stuff for illegals. Again, THAT is a waste of cash. But, protecting the USA from bad hombres freely walking across the southern border. No, that is money well spent. However much it costs.

 I will not be satisfied until the southern border is as well fortified as Obama's residence. 7 barriers and armed guards trained and ready to shoot intruders. Can't be having double standards now, can we?

WOW be careful of the deep state.  That was Iran’s cash being held up with sanctions, when they were lifted, the cash was returned ????.  There are no walls around Obama’s house ????.  illegal Immigration over the boarder is at a 50 year low ????.  The majority of illegals come in over normal boarder crossings ????  Are you looking for someone to give you cash?  You seem jealous.  How much has Trump spent on golfing trips?

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