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Do You Copy The Mannerisms And Facial Expressions Of Thais?


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I noticed that when some farang speak thai they try their best to mimick the type of mannerisms and expressions used by thais. i seriously doubt that these come natural to them, and when i see it, i feel a great deal of embarassement for them. what do you think most thai people think about this? it seems very goofy and unnessecary to me.

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I noticed that when some farang speak thai they try their best to mimick the type of mannerisms and expressions used by thais. i seriously doubt that these come natural to them, and when i see it, i feel a great deal of embarassement for them. what do you think most thai people think about this? it seems very goofy and unnessecary to me.

I no copy Thai mannelism, I lesent that, my fend you, jing jing!

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I try very hard not too. But, I do two things:-

1) I do the hand up and down thing to attract a taxi, or anything.

2) After three years of the missus never answering a question (indeed hardly ever speaking to me), I've picked up her habit, I just raise the eyes as a sign of acknowedgment. :o

Both seem to work very well.

I'll try not to pick up any more, I wouldn't want to embarrass you mate...

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thats not really what im talking about.

the worst is when they dont understand something, no matter how simple, and they make a face like an alien just walked by them, its horrible i want to kill them when they do it.

Sorry, no idea what you're on about. As I type this I'm drooling down myself though.

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thats not really what im talking about.

the worst is when they dont understand something, no matter how simple, and they make a face like an alien just walked by them, its horrible i want to kill them when they do it.

And when i hear a conversation between a Thai and farang going along the lines of you same same bad farang, no me same same good farang, no you same same bad farang, no i show you i same same good farang, i also want to kill them.

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I noticed that when some farang speak thai they try their best to mimick the type of mannerisms and expressions used by thais. i seriously doubt that these come natural to them, and when i see it, i feel a great deal of embarassement for them. what do you think most thai people think about this? it seems very goofy and unnessecary to me.

Part of speaking a language is also non-verbal communication. You cannot speak a language of you do not adopt mannerism, expressions etc.

That does not mean though speaking tinglish, or even worse, simplified English (same same, pidgin, etc.) and compensating the lack of linguistic skills with what one believes could be Thai mannerisms.

Edited by ColPyat
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please dont hate on same same, that is thai culture baby. i have several hi so thai friends who tell me sean same same elephant *in bed*

Fat and slow, and too stupid to understand Thai so they gotta use baby talk with you? :o

oopsie-daisy, I smell a stinky again. off to the potty for the poo-poo and then beddy-byes for you, colpyat.

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SB, don't make your life so difficult. You trouble your head about people who are obviously going though a change of personality. Becoming Thai is not such a bad thing, have a little forbearance for your fellow man. And don't give them any money when they say "seep Baht"

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Sure. For example, I love the way Thais jerk their chins up to acknowledge you on the street. Look ma, no hands! I do that when I'm carrying groceries or whatever. Or bowing down a bit and waving your hand to excuse yourself when you must walk between two people who are talking. I still don't like beckoning someone with my hand palm down, but that's a pan-Asia thing. I don't do the hand over the mouth to pick my teeth, because I don't use toothpicks (escape to the washroom to brush them after meals).

If you live in a different culture and speak the language, the mannerisms and gestures come naturally. Do you not wai people if they wai you?

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Ok so when these dudes

take their annual holiday to the U.K do you think they should carry on jumping up and down with their spears and fluffy outfits as they wonder to the pub or should they perhaps just walk normally to the pub? Do you think that all the other tourists would laugh at them if they try and act English? I can’t understand why you need to feel embarrassed for someone who is trying to fit in to the local culture; this will earn them more respect and help from the locals if ever needed. Perhaps you should be embarrassed of yourself more than those farangs. The Thais and farangs you mention will be!


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Ok so when these dudes
take their annual holiday to the U.K do you think they should carry on jumping up and down with their spears and fluffy outfits as they wonder to the pub or should they perhaps just walk normally to the pub? Do you think that all the other tourists would laugh at them if they try and act English? I can’t understand why you need to feel embarrassed for someone who is trying to fit in to the local culture; this will earn them more respect and help from the locals if ever needed. Perhaps you should be embarrassed of yourself more than those farangs. The Thais and farangs you mention will be!


I don't agree. They only humour us for this pathetic emulation. Give them the respect they deserve, farang style, and they'll respect you for what you are.

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Who told you that? Do you mean Thais wont respect a farang more if they try to act more Thai? This certainly isnt what most people find when living here although perhaps you never have. If Thai people see you as more like themselves they will give you more respect, you will get lower prices at markets etc.. and they will be more open to being friends with you.


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please dont hate on same same, that is thai culture baby. i have several hi so thai friends who tell me sean same same elephant *in bed*

Oh, man!!! you should either go to a shrink to cure this mental disorder u have or u should go to the gem so no thai student make fun about your being fat >>> :o

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i do not hide my toothpick with my hand, my brother does and he is back in USA and frankly, with a farang, it looks kinda gay, I do the handsign on rare time I use taxi, wai wifes Granny, sometimes her mom, as she is my age and never anyone younger than me and never at Lotus, Big C or resturants.........I am not better, just a farang in Paradise

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I think you will find covering your mouth whilst having a good old root around is considered good manners in most places around the world, certainly in the UK.

I wouldn't appreciate a piece of stringy chicken flicked into my drink and don't really want to see what you have just eaten lol

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Who told you that? Do you mean Thais wont respect a farang more if they try to act more Thai? This certainly isnt what most people find when living here although perhaps you never have. If Thai people see you as more like themselves they will give you more respect, you will get lower prices at markets etc.. and they will be more open to being friends with you.


That's exactly what I mean. And I can understand just enough Thai to clam up and get the drift of what they're saying. I rarely speak it because then they clam up, or haven't you noticed this? As for prices, you'll never know what the Thais really pay because you're a farang. Tap into some other threads, explore a little and read what the EXPATS report on this latter subject. I do not delude myself that I am privileged to be accepted as one of them. It's enough for me to know that they tolerate me and give me exactly as much respect as I give them, which is a lot. I behave like a guest, mind my manners and they respect that without me having to parody their natural grace, study their culture or master the semantics of their language. If you understand their Thai it's because you're meant to, so they speak it clearly and correctly. If you're not meant to understand, believe me, they'll speak a dialect and leave the best farang scholar clueless after the first minute.

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Why embarrased??I do copy a lot of things like pupping my lips up when you want to point to something ,instead of your finger....Not all the time but sometimes,it just happens automatically and the thais do not bother they do not think of there habbits anyway,thats why they are habbits,and do not think or know if we do the same or not,I mean the thai,most of them not see us everyday do they??

what do :o you worrie about? :D something like this.

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