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National grid to reach all provinces next year

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The government says it plans to have all 24 provinces in the country connected to the national grid by 2020. Five provinces still lack access to the national power grid – Tboung Khmum, Kampong Thom, Oddar Meanchey, Ratanakkiri and Mondulkiri. Speaking at Electricity Authority of Cambodia’s annual meeting yesterday, Yim Viseth, chairman of the agency, said that these provinces receive energy indirectly from the national grid or are serviced by private companies, which makes electricity tariffs higher.

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Once they are connected to the national grid, the power supply will become cheaper and more reliable, he added. “Our aim is to have these five provinces connected to the national grid by next year,” he said. Cambodia now has 2,141 kilometres of transmission lines and 33 sub-stations.


read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/50571762/national-grid-to-reach-all-provinces-next-year/


So, in this day an age there are those powerful enough making lots of money keeping their province out of the national grid. I guess I shouldn't be shocked, but this news still surprises me. 

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