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Comedy Of Errors

mark lamai

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Mark Lamai, I agree with you - it is simply incompetence on your part. I will assume that you booked in 2 hours in advance so that will be 0515 then for the next 75 minutes you just simply hung around before you decided to go through passport control. What did you do in those 75 minutes? You posted an undated and untimed photo showing a crowd of people at the airport. If those people are going through passport control, they did not arrive at the airport en masse so the build-up must have taken time. Did you not see the build-up happening? You have flown before so you know that you have to be seated and belted in before then or do not these rules apply to you?

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I was then reminded of Eleanor Roosevelt's famous line,

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

That's not anybody's famous line but a prayer.

Google it, Goggle Dog!

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I was then reminded of Eleanor Roosevelt's famous line,

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

That's not anybody's famous line but a prayer.

Google it, Goggle Dog!


"The Serenity Prayer is the common name for an originally untitled prayer written by the theologian Reinhold Niebuhr in the 1930s or early 1940s."

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I was then reminded of Eleanor Roosevelt's famous line,

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

That's not anybody's famous line but a prayer.

Google it, Goggle Dog!


"The Serenity Prayer is the common name for an originally untitled prayer written by the theologian Reinhold Niebuhr in the 1930s or early 1940s."

Ah, Wikipedia! The undisputed authority for all things history and literature! :o

Well, if it's good enough for the U.S. Superior Courts, it's good enough for ThaiVisa.com!

But let's be honest...how many times did Google show it was attributed to glamorous Eleanor? Did you count 'em?

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look here smarty boys,

i checked in in plenty of time,

please read and comprehend what was said,

and 45 mins should be heaps to get your passport stamped and walk to a gate,

it always has been anywhere else.

but being stuck in what it seems is a daily occurrence,

the airport makes no effort to fix it or help some who are running late.

it is simply incompetence,

mai pen rai is no excuse,

thai wants to be an international hub, what a joke.

I must say I am amazed as to how many people have posted comments in this thread where

they have obviously failed to comprehend what the OP said ?? :D He had already

checked in and had allowed 45 minutes just to go through immigration - I agree

that should be more than adequate and I also agree that many other international

airports in Asia if the immigration line is moving slowly -many immigration officers

will at least put in a bit more effort to help someone avoid missing the flight.

These guys on the immigration desks have only just finished a course ( well-publicised

in the Bangkok Post and Nation ) on how to be more friendly to passengers - obviously

they don't seem to have retained all that for long :o

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I was then reminded of Eleanor Roosevelt's famous line,

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

That's not anybody's famous line but a prayer.

Google it, Goggle Dog!


"The Serenity Prayer is the common name for an originally untitled prayer written by the theologian Reinhold Niebuhr in the 1930s or early 1940s."

Ah, Wikipedia! The undisputed authority for all things history and literature! :D

Well, if it's good enough for the U.S. Superior Courts, it's good enough for ThaiVisa.com!

But let's be honest...how many times did Google show it was attributed to glamorous Eleanor? Did you count 'em?

Perhaps my search strategy is flawed but I can't find ANY sources attributing this quote to Eleanor Roosevelt, but many atributing it to Niebuhr. Your source?

I also found this from a source that you may acknowledge as more authoritative than yourself. :o

Little Oxford Dictionary of Quotations

"2. Reinhold Niebuhr

God, give us the serenity to accept what cannot be changed;

Give us the courage to change what should be changed;

Give us the wisdom to distinguish one from the other.

Reinhold Niebuhr 1892-1971: prayer said to have been first published in 1951; in R. W. Fox Reinhold Niebuhr (1985)

Edited by whimsy
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I must say I am amazed as to how many people have posted comments in this thread where

they have obviously failed to comprehend what the OP said ?? :D He had already

checked in and had allowed 45 minutes just to go through immigration - I agree

that should be more than adequate and I also agree that many other international

airports in Asia if the immigration line is moving slowly -many immigration officers

will at least put in a bit more effort to help someone avoid missing the flight.

These guys on the immigration desks have only just finished a course ( well-publicised

in the Bangkok Post and Nation ) on how to be more friendly to passengers - obviously

they don't seem to have retained all that for long :o

OK the OP went to passport control 45 minutes before his flight, why didn't he go through earlier? We have seen a photo of crowds at the airport. Would I be right in assuming that the OP took this as he waited to go through passport control? Did he not see the crowd building up?

The OP blames everyone but the culprit - himself. It is his, and only his, fault for missing the flight.

Let me run through my timings the last time my wife and I flew to the UK - Friday 22 December 2006 - it takes us about 45 minutes from home to the airport and had to check in 2 hours ahead. the flight was due to leave at 2035. What time do you think we left? Check in time 1835 minus 45 minutes travel time that puts us at 1750, do you think we left then? We left at 1500, why? Traffic is always bad on Fridays - more so than other days, last weekend before Christmas so we expected high passenger numbers at the airport plus we added time for emergencies.

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When I travel in the third world (or second, whatever), I just lower my expectations for efficiency. Mai bpen rai.

travel to the Greatest Nation on Earth (aka U.S.A.) as a non-citizen nowadays and have some fun with "fourth world country" immigration!

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look here smarty boys,

i checked in in plenty of time,

please read and comprehend what was said,

and 45 mins should be heaps to get your passport stamped and walk to a gate,

it always has been anywhere else.

but being stuck in what it seems is a daily occurrence,

the airport makes no effort to fix it or help some who are running late.

it is simply incompetence,

mai pen rai is no excuse,

thai wants to be an international hub, what a joke.

Please answer the question. How long before departure time did you check in?

What did you do between check in and entering the immigration hall?

You say 45 minutes is heaps of time but then go on to admit serepticiously that you were late.

And you say 45 minutes always has been sufficient anywhere else. You've obviously never been through Ninoy Aquino airport. And you've also obviously never been outbound through LHR terminal 3 and there's no passport control there.

Like others on this thread I always make sure I have time ++ when I am flying to allow for the unexpected. Once I'm checked in I proceed immediately through passport control and any other security checks. Once I'm air side I locate the gate so I know exactly which way to go. Once all that is achieved then, and only then, do I relax and do a bit of mooching about or more likely find the nearest bar and sit down for a beer or two.

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And you say 45 minutes always has been sufficient anywhere else. You've obviously never been through Ninoy Aquino airport. And you've also obviously never been outbound through LHR terminal 3 and there's no passport control there.

Like others on this thread I always make sure I have time ++ when I am flying to allow for the unexpected. Once I'm checked in I proceed immediately through passport control and any other security checks. Once I'm air side I locate the gate so I know exactly which way to go. Once all that is achieved then, and only then, do I relax and do a bit of mooching about or more likely find the nearest bar and sit down for a beer or two.

Comparing the " wanna be " hub of Southeast Asia with Manila airport ??? you have to be joking ? since when

has Manila been recognised as an international travel hub ????????? :o:D

If Thailand 's airport wants " hub " status it's staff should show more willingness to accommodate its passenger's needs :D

And how do you know the OP didn't follow exactly the same procedure as you i.e. checking in with " time ++ "

so how long are you saying people should allow just to go through the final stage of

going past immigration - I would be curious to know ?

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Perhaps my search strategy is flawed...

Yes, it's called going beyond the first 1/2 page of Google results... :o

...a source that you may acknowledge as more authoritative than yourself.

What??? Surely you jest!! You know that university professors are at the top of the food chain!! Kinda like Papal decrees--inerrunt and inspyred. :D

Edited by toptuan
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When I travel in the third world (or second, whatever), I just lower my expectations for efficiency. Mai bpen rai.

travel to the Greatest Nation on Earth (aka U.S.A.) as a non-citizen nowadays and have some fun with "fourth world country" immigration!

Don't forget, a nation taking the greatest brunt of worldwide terrorist attacks. In case you haven't been following the news since 8:30 a.m. on 9/11, there's a reason... :o Have a safe journey.

Edited by toptuan
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Comparing the " wanna be " hub of Southeast Asia with Manila airport ??? you have to be joking ? since when

has Manila been recognised as an international travel hub ????????? :o:D

If Thailand 's airport wants " hub " status it's staff should show more willingness to accommodate its passenger's needs :D

And how do you know the OP didn't follow exactly the same procedure as you i.e. checking in with " time ++ "

so how long are you saying people should allow just to go through the final stage of

going past immigration - I would be curious to know ?

Yes, sad isn't it? Thailand's self proclaimed aviation hub of the region :D comparable to Manila.

I could have compared it to Ha Noi but that would have been grossly unfair. Ha Noi functions efficiently (in my experiences).

I didn't say the OP didn't follow the same m.o. as myself. What I did do is ask precisely how lomg before departure did he check in. A question that so far has gone unanswered, strange considering he could give us any figure he wants and we can't check it.

Also, what's so unacceptable with going through passport control immediately after check in? Particularly important with low cost airlines like AirAsia where a missed flight is a lost ticket.

I'm not unsympathetic to the OP but if he arrived 2 hours before departure it appears it took 1 hour 15 minutes to check in hence his rant should be equally divided between AirAsia and AoT. But it is not, suggesting he was late.

btw I have only used Camp Swampy once so far, three weeks to next encounter, and it functioned absolutely fine. The fact that much of it is an unfinished eyesore is a personal, subjective opinion.

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look here smarty boys,

i checked in in plenty of time,

please read and comprehend what was said,

and 45 mins should be heaps to get your passport stamped and walk to a gate,

it always has been anywhere else.

but being stuck in what it seems is a daily occurrence,

the airport makes no effort to fix it or help some who are running late.

it is simply incompetence,

mai pen rai is no excuse,

thai wants to be an international hub, what a joke.

Please answer the question. How long before departure time did you check in?

What did you do between check in and entering the immigration hall?

You say 45 minutes is heaps of time but then go on to admit serepticiously that you were late.

And you say 45 minutes always has been sufficient anywhere else. You've obviously never been through Ninoy Aquino airport. And you've also obviously never been outbound through LHR terminal 3 and there's no passport control there.

Like others on this thread I always make sure I have time ++ when I am flying to allow for the unexpected. Once I'm checked in I proceed immediately through passport control and any other security checks. Once I'm air side I locate the gate so I know exactly which way to go. Once all that is achieved then, and only then, do I relax and do a bit of mooching about or more likely find the nearest bar and sit down for a beer or two.

Going by my experience, the Passport Control personel at Suvarnabhumi are grossly incompetent. Last October the inbound counter had stamped my passport with a date stamp of the previous day. Two weeks later, when exiting, it took two hours at the PP Control to sort out the mess for which they are responsible. I had to produce my inbound ticket stubs to prove the date I had entered the Kingdom. F@@king A$$holes.

Fortunately I was 4hours early at the airport having checked out from the hotel in the afternoon. Can't take anything for granted in the Kingdom.


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i don't believe that the OP arrived 2 hours before or plenty of time as he calimed... He is lying if he says so. why? the fact the other passenger were able to board the flight and i can assure you that they did not arrived 5 hours before the flight...

Edited by thai_narak
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I certainly think an argument can be made that the OP's actions after the event were perhaps not the best course of action. And we're not certain about what exactly was the time-frame. But if indeed Air Asia allowed him to check-in at a certain time and he immediately went to immigration and was delayed there due to long queues, then I see this as primarily an Air Asia problem and they should have given him full compensation for their incompetence. If they had told him at check-in that he was too late and refused to let him check-in, then he would have no recourse. But by allowing him to check-in, the airline should bare responsibility for assuring that passengers have adequate time to be processed through immigration and hold up the flight if there isn't enough time. That or do whatever is necessary to expedite their processing through immigration. I've been on several TG flights where they held up a plane for passengers who already had checked-in but were delayed in getting to the plane. Many airlines will do this, within reason. And also make announcements for missing passengers to immediately board, etc. Air Asia seems like they were just being cheap and don't want to bother with announcements, helping expidite passengers, or delay departure. If they choose such policies, the least they can do is to compensate passengers who miss their plane. Of course this is all based on the assumption that indeed the OP went directly to immigration after check-in. If he delayed going to immigration, then it was primarily his responsibility for missing the flight.

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if I was regularly flying say for example the " kangaroo route " between Sydney and London

which I used to do 2 or 3 times a year in the 80' and 90's., and you need to choose a route

involving a stopping off destination - with all these recent stories I cannot see why anyone

would want to choose Bangkok over say Singapore? Singapore airport has always had it's

" act together " - always planning its next expansion phase five or ten years ahead.

That's the difference and that's what it takes to be a true " hub " - not reactions to disasters

that seem to be occurring on ever-increasing basis in Thailand :o

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Going by my experience, the Passport Control personel at Suvarnabhumi are grossly incompetent. Last October the inbound counter had stamped my passport with a date stamp of the previous day. Two weeks later, when exiting, it took two hours at the PP Control to sort out the mess for which they are responsible. I had to produce my inbound ticket stubs to prove the date I had entered the Kingdom. F@@king A$$holes.

Fortunately I was 4hours early at the airport having checked out from the hotel in the afternoon. Can't take anything for granted in the Kingdom.


Another poster blaming other for his own incompetence! It is your passport, it is your responsibility to check the stamp.

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Perhaps my search strategy is flawed...
Yes, it's called going beyond the first 1/2 page of Google results... :o
I went over ten result pages deep in Google. Enough?

Oxford Dictionary of Quotations ...

...a source that you may acknowledge as more authoritative than yourself.

What??? Surely you jest!! You know that university professors are at the top of the food chain!! Kinda like Papal decrees--inerrunt and inspyred. :D

OK. I'll take the prayers advice. 'God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change'. Your mind!

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the comedy of sue wanna boom me continues today...

but first.....

your humble correspondent is copping so much flak..

let me clarify some points (not that it changes the core of the report).

i checked in approx. 1.5 hours before departure.

since i am a smoker i prefer to hand around outside rather than use the apalling smoking rooms near the gates.

then i entered passport control as stated to see the long queues.

forget its "my fault", what if it were a passenger who is late for a legitimate reason,

my points remain the same...

1. no effort to expedite the processing or see if some are at risk of missing a flight.

2. an appeal to an officer totally ignored.

3. Air Asia does make a reasonable effort to locate late passengers.

4. Customer complaints are treated with contempt, and threats in my case.

there you go...


Today Monday 21.....

Wowwwww passort control is quick at 7:10 am , only about 7 minutes, wonderful!!!

see pic for the Thai Airways check-in at 6:15 to 7:15

row H is Thai check-in, 3 snake lines curled around then spilled out all the way down to row N.

did not bother to count how many, pointless really.

there were 8 check-in counters not being used.

you would assume that Thai know how many planes and how many passengers are flying at this time.

at least they had the sense to hold up flight numbers of planes about to depart and bring passengers to the front.

anyhow it was a mere 45 minutes to check-in,

so i happily made the flight in plenty of time.

flight delayed for 10 mins, 5 passengers have not yet boarded the plane.,

gee, wonder where they might be?


what is going to be next?

if one doesn't do it, the other will.

can only repeat, ITS A JOKE.



Duty free

miles of walking


dirty glass already

lack of space in arrivals hall

etc. etc.


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Going by my experience, the Passport Control personel at Suvarnabhumi are grossly incompetent. Last October the inbound counter had stamped my passport with a date stamp of the previous day. Two weeks later, when exiting, it took two hours at the PP Control to sort out the mess for which they are responsible. I had to produce my inbound ticket stubs to prove the date I had entered the Kingdom. F@@king A$$holes.

Fortunately I was 4hours early at the airport having checked out from the hotel in the afternoon. Can't take anything for granted in the Kingdom.


Another poster blaming other for his own incompetence! It is your passport, it is your responsibility to check the stamp.

Well, it its the immigration's rubber stamp. It it their responsibility to ensure that dates are accurate.

Another reader blaming another poster for his own incompetency to understand. :o

Edited by seagull
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Well, it its the immigration's rubber stamp. It it their responsibility to ensure that dates are accurate.

Another reader blaming another poster for his own incompetency to understand. :o

If that is your attempt at humour, it failed badly. Am I the only person here to check passport, hotel bill, store receipt, etc to see if they are correct? Immigration officials are only human and can make mistakes.

The OP complains about 'miles of walking' - name me one international airport that does not have 'miles of walking' and bless his little cotton socks, Wi-Fi access. Should we send him a collective 'Ahhhh'? You missed a flight through incompetence and judging by your last post, you cut it fine again, do you have time to use Wi-Fi? Mark, next time you fly, contact me an I will arrange an electric golf cart thingy, complete with roaming Wi-Fi, to transport you to your gate.

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the level of hostility in this thread is dumb founding.

a guy misses a flight & relates a funny story covering the extent of his efforts to express to SOMEONE that he was wronged.

& is called a liar .. & posters get into pissing arguments over who an obscure quote should be attributed to & which web sites are the most credible.


I attribute all of this to the cobras ghosts, casting spells for draining their swamp.y.epoom

a type A personality accepts responsibility for all events in his life & a type B accepts responsibility for none.

who cares .. except to kill time before dinner.. :D

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"I will arrange an electric golf cart thingy, complete with roaming Wi-Fi, to transport you to your gate.


at last someone understands what is a good airport experience.

how much?

i will gladly pay.

( 2 hours before departure is not cutting it fine BTW)

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the comedy of sue wanna boom me continues today...

but first.....

your humble correspondent is copping so much flak..

let me clarify some points (not that it changes the core of the report).

i checked in approx. 1.5 hours before departure.

since i am a smoker i prefer to hand around outside rather than use the apalling smoking rooms near the gates.

then i entered passport control as stated to see the long queues.

forget its "my fault", what if it were a passenger who is late for a legitimate reason,

my points remain the same...

1. no effort to expedite the processing or see if some are at risk of missing a flight.

2. an appeal to an officer totally ignored.

3. Air Asia does make a reasonable effort to locate late passengers.

4. Customer complaints are treated with contempt, and threats in my case.

there you go...


Today Monday 21.....

Wowwwww passort control is quick at 7:10 am , only about 7 minutes, wonderful!!!

see pic for the Thai Airways check-in at 6:15 to 7:15

row H is Thai check-in, 3 snake lines curled around then spilled out all the way down to row N.

did not bother to count how many, pointless really.

there were 8 check-in counters not being used.

you would assume that Thai know how many planes and how many passengers are flying at this time.

at least they had the sense to hold up flight numbers of planes about to depart and bring passengers to the front.

anyhow it was a mere 45 minutes to check-in,

so i happily made the flight in plenty of time.

flight delayed for 10 mins, 5 passengers have not yet boarded the plane.,

gee, wonder where they might be?


what is going to be next?

if one doesn't do it, the other will.

can only repeat, ITS A JOKE.



Duty free

miles of walking


dirty glass already

lack of space in arrivals hall

etc. etc.

This picture shows an unacceptable situation for check-in by any standard especially at the home base airline's check-in counter on a day it seems where there is no natural disater to cause such.

Glad I am able to check-in the privacy of the First class area.....until I will have to pay for my own tickets

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I asked previously, and I received variable replies - depends on time of day etc - about check-in for Thai economy. Seems the situation is as bad as it's ever been. Meantime I'm following a policy of ABT, (Anybody But Thai). It's slightly worrying, because as you say, it's their hub. Have they now got their computers working, (after the 5 months since opening), or is that still their problem?

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