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Amnesty underway for users, possessors of cannabis


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4 hours ago, Shadychris said:

1: Correct - I have fortunately never had need to go to a medical marijuana dispensary -very fortunate as I have never lived in a country where such a facility exists yet. However all the information I seem to find points to medical marijuana having a higher CBD than THC ratio. Just a couple of such examples:



Of course maybe the info in such sites is  BS, and you are right in inferring that medical marijuana is higher in THC than CBD.


2: The light 'cycle' is everything about hours of dark vs light, and nothing at all to do with light spectrum. The clue is in the word 'cycle'.

Metal Halide (blue) and Sodium (red) are, as you say, the best choice of bulbs to use for artificial indoor light solutions wrt the growing and flowering stages.

In an outdoor situation though, sunlight has the full spectrum of wavelengths that a plant requires to complete it's life cycle. That spectrum is not changed by the light\dark cycle.


3: I use the word skunk as a generic term for any strain of weed, as do a lot of people I know. A bit like everyone calls clear sticky tape Sellotape ????

So apparently, you are just spouting off stuff you read. You have never grown. You have never seen the process. You have never smoked Legal US weed, medicinal or otherwise. Hint*:  the difference between medicinal and recreational is the label. Your experience with weed dates back to when?


If Thai weed is legal, many of the complaints about same (compression, curing) will dissapear. The stuff is good quality, at a fair price. It would make a wonderful export

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8 minutes ago, jarataka said:

Yes, but what if you needed it for medical reasons? The thai weed doesnt work for that.

Duh. Its all weed. You want refined extracts to treat yourself, get them. You want to wake and bake....Thai stick.

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55 minutes ago, jarataka said:

With cannabis there are strains that will knock you out minutes after you smoke them but there are also strains that will give very similar effects as cocaine like making you unable to sleep, talkative and full of energy.   Then within those 2 extremes there is a wide range of effects.  The ratio of cbd to thc is what makes each strain unique as just a small change in that ratio can cause a huge difference in the effects. 

Dude its a weed. It affects each stoner differently. You are buying into the hype.

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9 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

So apparently, you are just spouting off stuff you read. You have never grown. You have never seen the process. You have never smoked Legal US weed, medicinal or otherwise. Hint*:  the difference between medicinal and recreational is the label. Your experience with weed dates back to when?


If Thai weed is legal, many of the complaints about same (compression, curing) will dissapear. The stuff is good quality, at a fair price. It would make a wonderful export

Hahahahahahaha ????   The only correct assumption you have made about me is that I have never been to the US - which I pretty much indicated anyway.


To answer your question - early 1980's.


.....and I don't have any complaints about Thai weed - not sure that I gave the impression I did.... I much prefer the hit (and the price) to stupid strength indoor grown bud.

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On 2/15/2019 at 3:09 PM, chiangrai said:

With all this talk how far are we away from me being able to

choose a strain that is good for my fibromyalgia and being

able to put half a dozen plants in my back garden.


Keep an eye on Canada, Quebec especially, and you might get your answer. In most provinces, except Quebec and another I can't remember, people will be able to grow 4 plants per household. BUT, not in dear old Quebec. @#$%ing Quebec...

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On 2/15/2019 at 6:35 PM, GalaxyMan said:

Big Pharma and Big Ag are the money behind the lobbying efforts to keep marijuana illegal, as they have been since the 1930s when they realized the threat cheaply grown marijuana posed and still poses to their chemical empires. DuPont is at the top of that list.

   And even more entrenched our Federal Drug Enforcement Agency spends 25% of its enforcement money on pot.  

   If you will pardon the pun the homegrown legalize pot movement seems to be taking off.  I live in Illinois and our governor wants it by the end of the year.  11 states have legalized and 13 have decriminalized it.  The magic 35 number seems just around the corner.

    I don't smoke it or enjoy it but hate seeing my tax dollars wasted on enforcement of our draconian laws.


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On 2/15/2019 at 8:54 AM, Grandpa Cool said:

How about TV using a different photo than the the pothead with ganja tats on his face?....eg. Bill Clinton (although he didn't inhale or have sex with that woman), Barack Obama, or Bill Shorten (leader of the opposition in Australia) or perhaps some very ordinary and normal looking people from any walk of life from anywhere in the world.

or Kamala Harris who used to get so high in college that she was listening to Snoop Dog and Tupoc 7 yrs before they ever cut an albumn? Then sat in the CA. prosicuter's office and got high before putting people in prison for getting high. :wai:

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