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Just when you think that you're 100% fit and healthy, something pops up!


Last evening, as I was driving to a restaurant, I noticed very rapid flashes of light on the right side of my right eye. At first I thought the flash was coming from lights in the street, but then realised that no external light was causing the effect.  


Being concerned, especially after I noticed some new 'floaters' in my eye, I checked with Dr Google who recommended an urgent eye check-up.


This morning, I still see the occasional flash, and some small floaters.  I have full vision in that eye, but it is possibly slightly more blurry than before.


I will go to my local clinic this morning to see if they can spot anything amiss.  After that, I will have to drive about 5 hours down to Bangkok Phuket Hospital, where there is an eye specialist.


I do have medical insurance, but with a $2,000 excess.  I don't have $2,000 cash on me (expensive month buying a car etc).  I'll resolve that problem as needs be.


Maybe you know it already. Be very careful with eye specialists in Thailand.

I had a issue a couple of years ago and 7 eye specialist in 5-star hospitals didn't know what it is.


Then I was introduced to a real specialist and she diagnosed it in a few minutes. I had about 10 out of 10 typical symptoms but the others didn't see them...


I can highly recommend Dr. Vilavan Puangsricharern

Last time I checked she worked in the King Chulalongkorn Memoria Hospital in Bangkok

That hospital is a public hospital without the 5-star comfort of other hospitals. But at least some doctors (her) are very good and the prices are very reasonable. (but price was not the issue for me, I just wanted to specialist)

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The floaters do not go away...the detached retina may get better over time...and come back momentarily without pain. That has been my personal experience...after receiving cataract surgery.


OK, just got back from the eye clinic.  The doctor did a very detailed examination after dropping drops into my eye to enlarge the iris.  She checked all areas of the retina and cannot see any detachment or tear. But she can see a small amount of blood, which I actually saw yesterday as a pink string like a floater (but which I don't see now).


The cause of that little bit of blood is unclear, because the two main possible causes are diabetes and a blow top the eye.  I have neither.


Today there are very few flashes and only a small increase in normal black floaters.  The doctor told me to come back in 7 days for a check-up, but to monitor my vision etc every day in case there is some degradation.  (I can read the eye chart fine).  She also gave me a written explanation of her diagnosis to give to Bangkok Phuket Hospital if I need to visit for surgery.

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Right now there are no more floaters, no blood and very few light flashes.  My eyesight in that eye is about 99% normal again, with full periphery vision.  I understand that Rutin is the best eye hospital in Thailand, but that doesn't mean that a specialist eye doctor in another province is unable to identify a problem or potential problem.


I'm resting my eye and will monitor it closely.  For sure, my retina could still tear or detach - I know that. But the very careful examination today by an experienced eye doctor found no evidence of a tear or detachment, (and my current normal vision supports that result).




i had a flash as i walked down the stairs one morning like the sun reflecting off a car mirror, i also had some floaters, i was checked at Bangkok hospital rayong, all ok they said come back in week, no more flashes only the first one, no more floaters, only the original increase, so life as normal, before the week was up i completely lost the sight in that eye, back to bangkok rayong, yes a detached retina, they wanted to do the op at bangkok hospital pattaya about 4 days later, as they had the equipment required.


i was advised by my son to see a doctor ( a work colleague of a friend) at rama hospital in Bangkok, she was working that afternoon and was going to wait for me to be driven to Bangkok, yes she confirmed the retina detachment and did the op at the EENT bangkok hospital the following  day, i can not recommend her highly enough


EENT Bangkok hospital was half the price of bangkok rayong and all were excellent, staff, room ,food 

my advice would be to completely rest for a few days laying down on your back, to not strain the eye or retina, ( i wish i had done) good luck i hope all is ok 


edit dr somsiri has clinics on the weekend at EENT hospital, she is at other bangkok hospitals through the week, - https://eent.co.th/

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