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First Birthday Present Dilemma


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Its my sons first birthday coming up on 1 April - I dont need reminding its April Fool day :D I am at at a brain dump station as to what to get him for this momentous occasion. I would like to get him something Thai style, something orginal, and maybe something that he could cherish.

I would be eternally grateful if TVers could post some suggestions as to what to get the little mite - attached is a picture if anyone is interested

Thanks in advance :o


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cute liddle guy...just give him a cuddle an' a birthday cake wid sum baloons an' he should be OK...but den later, he may come back at ye as an adult an' shout 'ye never gave me nuttin' fer me first birtday, ye bastid...'...maybe better now to stock up on de Tonka toys...small kids like de dump trucks...

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Its my sons first birthday coming up on 1 April - I dont need reminding its April Fool day :D I am at at a brain dump station as to what to get him for this momentous occasion. I would like to get him something Thai style, something orginal, and maybe something that he could cherish.

I would be eternally grateful if TVers could post some suggestions as to what to get the little mite - attached is a picture if anyone is interested

Thanks in advance :o

i dont know how old he is, to me he looks about 3,4, maybe 5 ish. hard to tell. i bought my son (4) a gameboy, the ds lite variety and he and the kids in the neighbhorhood play it everyday. dont buy him a psp, too fragile.

oops sorry mate i was under the impression ur son is few years older.

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To be honest with you, I wouldn't buy him anything. When our eldest daughter was one, we got her loads along with everyone else. A nice book would be good - I would recommend 'when I grow up in Thailand' by Janice Santikarn. It costs around 250 baht from Asia books. When our second girl was one, she got nothing from us but was completely inundated with gifts from others.

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Under a year?! Don't waste your money... he will be just as happy with a box to play in , and colorful wrapping paper more!! Oh those Squeaky sandals too.

Seriously your 1 yr old isn't going to remember what toy he's been given, and will probably out grow it in a few months. I think it may be more beneficial to give him a saving bond or just put some money in college fund for him, so when he is looking to go to school he will definitely remember you.

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To be honest with you, I wouldn't buy him anything. When our eldest daughter was one, we got her loads along with everyone else. A nice book would be good - I would recommend 'when I grow up in Thailand' by Janice Santikarn. It costs around 250 baht from Asia books. When our second girl was one, she got nothing from us but was completely inundated with gifts from others.

This is a great idea - whats the content? pictures/stories ??

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Under a year?! Don't waste your money... he will be just as happy with a box to play in , and colorful wrapping paper more!! Oh those Squeaky sandals too.

Seriously your 1 yr old isn't going to remember what toy he's been given, and will probably out grow it in a few months. I think it may be more beneficial to give him a saving bond or just put some money in college fund for him, so when he is looking to go to school he will definitely remember you.

Good Advice thanks and one I am already doing :o

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Buy him a motorcycle.

Nah, the kids in the village have to be at least two before they let them ride around on their own here.

The younger and smaller they are, the more they can fit on the bike. :o

Get him a membership at resort, and then use it yourself, since he won't be old enough to go.

Get him a lawn mower.

Get him some grass.

Get him a pony.

Get him a big dog, maybe a Rotweiler.

Get him a small dog, maybe a beagle.

Get him a stuffed dog.

Get him make up.

Get him a makeover.

Get him a baked cake.

Get him some homebake.

Get him a phone.

Get him a loan.

Get him an old crone.

Get him a book.

Get him a cardboard box.

Get him some performance shocks.

Get him some performance artists.

Get him some alternative lifestyle videos.

Get him a DVD player.

Get him a westcyde plAyA.

Get him smoe gangsta rap.

Get him some toilet paper.

Get him a bachelors degree at Khao San.

At the end of the day, he is just 1. The thing that would mean the most is probably a basic celebration with a decent photographer or video recording it, so he/she can cringe later on when you show it to his/her new boyfriends/girlfriends.

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whose the birthday for?? u or him/ most kids that age dont even like all the fuss.... just a good messy cake and some wrapping paper to play with a nd a party hat if he likes... and photos for years later to embarrrass him with as said previously...

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Buy him a motorcycle.

Nah, the kids in the village have to be at least two before they let them ride around on their own here.

The younger and smaller they are, the more they can fit on the bike. :D

Get him a membership at resort, and then use it yourself, since he won't be old enough to go.

Get him a lawn mower.

Get him some grass.

Get him a pony.

Get him a big dog, maybe a Rotweiler.

Get him a small dog, maybe a beagle.

Get him a stuffed dog.

Get him make up.

Get him a makeover.

Get him a baked cake.

Get him some homebake.

Get him a phone.

Get him a loan.

Get him an old crone.

Get him a book.

Get him a cardboard box.

Get him some performance shocks.

Get him some performance artists.

Get him some alternative lifestyle videos.

Get him a DVD player.

Get him a westcyde plAyA.

Get him smoe gangsta rap.

Get him some toilet paper.

Get him a bachelors degree at Khao San.

At the end of the day, he is just 1. The thing that would mean the most is probably a basic celebration with a decent photographer or video recording it, so he/she can cringe later on when you show it to his/her new boyfriends/girlfriends.

Yes he is only 1 and I don't want to spend any ridiculous amount of money on a fancy toy where he will only end up playing with the box :o I was hoping for some ORIGINAL posts for suggestions for presents that relate to Thailand .. the book 'Growing up in Thailand' is a good idea ... Doing a video (your idea) is also one but I am thinking something like a momento (not necessarily a toy) he can keep - something timeless (here we go........)

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something we do on the kibbutz for the two year olds:

we take construction paper (the colourful kind) and cut out faces of parents grandparents siblings and pets from photos and glue/paste on the paper; we also include a pic (if we have) of the baby child with that person. then we write the word . then we decorate as much as we like and then take plastic sticky paper (not sure what it is called in english) that u can paste over things like shelf paper and cover the pages (or laminate them) and make a soft book. we have one for each child. its called 'family book' and they really last and are a great funny thing to look at later in life. ususally when our kids are thirteen (for the bar mitzva) we pull out the 'family book' to put out on display. its cheap, original and fun. we also noticed that with each child, some of the older members no longer showed up in the photos (died;divorced) and really we only used faces of people in immediate nuclear family.

dont do computer montage stuff. this is real glue and paste and cut and stick so there are mistakes and smears and its real. we always bound the 'book' with ribbons (punch holes in the edges of the paper on one side or top to make a flip up book).

u can also do calendars like this for slightly older kids.

just a 'homemaker' idea...

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