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Girl Friend


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There are wonderful, kindhearted, honest women in Thailand.

It's true.

I married one.

Get out of the bar if you want to meet someone special (yes, it's possible to meet a good one in a bar also....but not easy)

Don't give up....when you least expect it....there she'll be :D

Good luck.

This is the most sensible reply to this post.

There are good ones out there. It could take a long time to find one. Maybe never. We all make mistakes along the way. I'll bet most of the posters here have a hard luck story to tell. I have, but fortunately survived intact, and eventually met my ideal woman, We are married now,with a one year old baby. She was never married before ( too young). Never worked bar, so isn't money oriented.

Familly NEVER asks for anything ( unusual) They are not wealthy, but really nice people.

I still go out at night to the bars, with my wifes blessing. ( she likes to go to bed early) We spend all day together. When I come home, she is asleep. She never asks me what I get up to. Mostly just socialising and drinking. with the occassional indiscretion.

One has to remember, girls come to Pattaya, solely to make money. The longer they stay, the more streetwise they become. I've known girls come here not speaking one word of English. Within 3 months, they are nearly perfect. I've been here 6 years and still only speak a smattering of Thai.

The good ones are snaffled up very quickly. This is why girls tell you they have only worked bar for 3 days, and last week were working in the rice fields.

It's difficult to come on a holiday and meet your solemate in 3 weeks.

Better just to pay as you go, and enjoy the variety.

When you meet a girl you like a lot, you want to buy her shoes and clothes. This is ok, a few hundred baht in the market is small change, but draw the line at gold chains and bracelets. They will be sold as you plane takes off.

Enjoy :o

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