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UK PM May to EU: Agree to backstop changes or risk disorderly Brexit


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17 minutes ago, LucysDad said:




........ she is actually quite well off.



With a substantial inheritance to come (not too soon, I hope)...

very nice indeed she may well need it after brexit with all those oranges and tulips costing more ????

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25 minutes ago, LucysDad said:




........ she is actually quite well off.



With a substantial inheritance to come (not too soon, I hope)...

There is very substantially more than money to being a good parent. You may wish to consider gaining wisdom and more education.

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49 minutes ago, nontabury said:


No PERHAPS in it. She was put into the position of P.M. by her fellow Conservative M.P’s  who in the majority are remainers, the same as her.

all the the big mouth leave folks didnt have the stomach for the fight or to be leader and ran,cowards is the word that defines them,they knew it was impossible and shout from a distance these days,we barely hear from them these days although somebody did post a video of boris on here recently in india singing dyson's praises and calling the EU names but he forgot to tell the indians he fled the UK for singapore

Edited by bomber
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47 minutes ago, Grouse said:

I'll tell you this, if the result is border checks between Eire and the mainland, we will need huge numbers of paras and SAS! The repercussions will be massive. Many right wing Brexiters will wind up in pig food!

But what are those repercussions? Genuine question.  Not had time to look into it, and currently in the middle of some staking some trees while battling against gale force winds in Essex. 

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18 minutes ago, Joinaman said:

WHY ??

maybe cos it will stop the smuggling by any chance ??

Dear god; do I have to explain every damn thing to you people? Look up the history of English and Irish relations. Don't you think we've caused them quite enough damage? Look at the troubles, the partition of Ireland, How about the famines and the resultant mass migrations? You people are beyond the pale (look that up also)


Ireland have done well out of the EU. They had some Euro related difficulties but that is moving over the historical horizon.


I re-iterate, screw up the Irish again and be prepared to suffer as a well deserved result.

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On 3/8/2019 at 5:59 AM, RuamRudy said:

In terms of alignment with EU requirements, Scotland should not be a million miles away from meeting those requirements. 

No way is Scotland anywhere near meeting those requirements.

But more important, if Scotland were to have Another referendum on seperation. And that resulted in a yes vote of say 52% to 48%. Would those who voted against, then be able to go against the Democratic wish of the majority. As is the case with Brexit.

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41 minutes ago, nontabury said:


No PERHAPS in it. She was put into the position of P.M. by her fellow Conservative M.P’s  who in the majority are remainers, the same as her.

A clear and obvious large majority of MPs are remainers because they're no fools! Even the ERG group are not fools; you think they favour Brexit for the reasons as you? Of course not; they're just going to ride peasants harder to an early grave while they trouser additional profits! Sovereignty? Respecting the referendum? Stopping immigrants undercutting wages? Lower food and footwear prices? You must be joking or extremely silly ????????????

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14 minutes ago, nontabury said:

No way is Scotland anywhere near meeting those requirements.

But more important, if Scotland were to have Another referendum on seperation. And that resulted in a yes vote of say 52% to 48%. Would those who voted against, then be able to go against the Democratic wish of the majority. As is the case with Brexit.

scotland would vote well over 52% to join the EU,be looking at nearer 80-90% 

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13 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

But what are those repercussions? Genuine question.  Not had time to look into it, and currently in the middle of some staking some trees while battling against gale force winds in Essex. 

Think about it logically.


May is in thrall or in debt to the foul DUP. She is unwilling or unable to support the preceding plan to the backstop  which would have held NI ONLY, in the customs union and thus avoid an internal Irish border.


So with EU AND UK tariffs and non tariff barriers a border with inspections is essential, somewhere. Think about it! Got it? Goods and people flooding across an open border?


What will the EU do? Force Eire to build a border separating them from their Nothern brethren? Funny how the Northern side of artificial borders come of worse? Get it?


Or, say, OK we're going to control every vehicle and every person coming into the EU from U.K. AND Eire!


I'd be very careful in English cities if that situation comes about. It won't just be the IRA!

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Just now, nontabury said:


Well as can be seen from all the shenanigans in Parliament, when you do elect them, on a promised manifesto,they can then go against their electorate.  They then resign from the very same party that proposed and promised to implement that same manifesto. Yet refuse to go back to their  

constituents and ask for their approval. 

And yet some people quiry why it’s now a case of the people against Parliament.




so you want to hand more power to corrupt people,i thought leaving the EU was to get away from all that,make your mind up for gods sake

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No way is Scotland anywhere near meeting those requirements.
But more important, if Scotland were to have Another referendum on seperation. And that resulted in a yes vote of say 52% to 48%. Would those who voted against, then be able to go against the Democratic wish of the majority. As is the case with Brexit.
I am not sure why you think it would be a struggle to rejoin. We comply at present - what is going to change in the next couple of years that would make us ineligible for membership? Certainly the EU has made their support of an independent Scotland rejoining very plain.

As for the vote - a bit like Brexit, you mean? Well, I for one hope that the Yes campaign is fought honestly without the stench of dirty money and corruption. That's your Brexit achilles heel, and we hopefully won't stoop to the depths that Banks etc did, as reported today.

Of course, Brexit is the gift that keeps giving for those of us who want to leave the UK. Every day brings copious examples of Westminster incompetence and corruption. I am confident that more and more Scots are waking up to the fact that the UK is a destructive force in Scotland. We need to milk it as much as we can, and hopefully there will be no narrow margin, but an overwhelmingly positive vote for Scotland to take control of its own future.

Sent from my SM-G935F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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6 minutes ago, nontabury said:


Well as can be seen from all the shenanigans in Parliament, when you do elect them, on a promised manifesto,they can then go against their electorate.  They then resign from the very same party that proposed and promised to implement that same manifesto. Yet refuse to go back to their  

constituents and ask for their approval. 

And yet some people quiry why it’s now a case of the people against Parliament.




Look, if you're going to post big, shouting, capitalized quotes at least get the grammar correct. It just makes me laugh, then snigger, then move on. I can't be bothered to decipher the Yorkshire Esperanto!

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2 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Think about it logically.


May is in thrall or in debt to the foul DUP. She is unwilling or unable to support the preceding plan to the backstop  which would have held NI ONLY, in the customs union and thus avoid an internal Irish border.


So with EU AND UK tariffs and non tariff barriers a border with inspections is essential, somewhere. Think about it! Got it? Goods and people flooding across an open border?


What will the EU do? Force Eire to build a border separating them from their Nothern brethren? Funny how the Northern side of artificial borders come of worse? Get it?


Or, say, OK we're going to control every vehicle and every person coming into the EU from U.K. AND Eire!


I'd be very careful in English cities if that situation comes about. It won't just be the IRA!

But as I understand it the tensions are only around the NI border with RoI.  And that's because of the historical issues around British occupation etc., and I'm well aware of all that. 

My question is solely about customs checks on the EU border for goods coming from Eire. It wouldn't prevent Eire from staying in the SM - would it? What damage would that do to the RoI relative to the damage other so called solutions would cause? 


Are you suggesting the IRA and the likes would be angered enough by some customs checks in France to start up the troubles again? 

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3 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

But as I understand it the tensions are only around the NI border with RoI.  And that's because of the historical issues around British occupation etc., and I'm well aware of all that. 

My question is solely about customs checks on the EU border for goods coming from Eire. It wouldn't prevent Eire from staying in the SM - would it? What damage would that do to the RoI relative to the damage other so called solutions would cause? 


Are you suggesting the IRA and the likes would be angered enough by some customs checks in France to start up the troubles again? 

Yes because it would damage their economy. They've done well with Apple, Dell, Motorola etc etc etc 


If you have different tariffs and standards there is no way to avoid a border somewhere. The backstop should just have applied to NI. Think about it.


Heh! Belfast could make Airbus wings!


AND the DUP would be stuffed! Win for everybody!

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 Please post correct FACTs. Scotland voted in the people’s vote by 62% to remain a province of the E.u. However that does not automatically mean that they would support a decision to leave the U.K. as a cost of maybe,sometime in the future being able to meet the E.u’s stringent monetary requirements for joining the Undemocratic E.u.
Since then, polls have shown support for the EU has risen to 74% in the event of a no deal Brexit. I am on my phone so can't find the link, but I shall post it later, should you still not believe me.

I will repeat the same question to you that I posed yesterday - are you comfortable with (a) England dragging Scotland from the EU against its will, and (b) England denying Scotland the opportunity to make its own decision about its future? Tell me about this deeply undemocratic EU again...

Sent from my SM-G935F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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29 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

Since then, polls have shown support for the EU has risen to 74% in the event of a no deal Brexit. I am on my phone so can't find the link, but I shall post it later, should you still not believe me.

I will repeat the same question to you that I posed yesterday - are you comfortable with (a) England dragging Scotland from the EU against its will, and (b) England denying Scotland the opportunity to make its own decision about its future? Tell me about this deeply undemocratic EU again...

Sent from my SM-G935F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


 You ask me to tell you about the unDemocratic E.u. Yet if I were to do so, you would simple point out that I am a supporter of Brexit, and as such I am biased.

  So here I give you examples, not from me, but from a member TD of the Irish Dail Parliament. A person who is very anti NigelFarage and the British people’s Democratic decision to leave the undemocratic E.u.



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7 minutes ago, Prissana Pescud said:

The title of the post. Risk disorderly Brexit.

May has done it again. What a boring person, but an absolute hoot she is.

Does she truly think that her lies and incompetence so far has been orderly? ha ha ha 

Why can't they all be like J C Juncker. Ho ho ho

Mrs May doesn't need help in standing up, but he's only being a hoot eh?



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11 minutes ago, vogie said:

Why can't they all be like J C Juncker. Ho ho ho

Mrs May doesn't need help in standing up, but he's only being a hoot eh?



Mr Juncker is elderly and may enjoy a plum brandy every now and then, but he does stand up for Germany and the EU.

Ms May is also elderly. She enjoys a hardy meal of rock for breakfast. Good for the constitution and solidifies my heart (if only I could find it)

And she LIES on the job.  

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Just now, welovesundaysatspace said:

Brexiteers must be really desperate if they need to mock an old man to deflect from their miserable situation. 

People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. 

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4 minutes ago, vogie said:

It would seem that only eumainers do not have a problem with Mr Juncker being a serial imbiber and being a nuisance with the ladies (see how kind I'm being with my words). Anybody in the UK that acted in such a shamefull manner would be dismissed tout suite. But if you are happy with someone leading the EU with his mannerisms, good luck to you.

I think he is to total winker. But he stuck to German principles of ruling Europe.

Ms May has defied the British people and will go down as the most lame duck prime minister since Heath. 

I believe the British people need to vote on the facts they now have. Because of some defect I did not know in the Westminster system, a vote is out of the question unless Ms May goes to the poll. And that will not happen, she love the fly points she is getting on her pointless tours of Brussels.

So the British people need another referendum, which should have a clause saying "this is it" Final

I believe in Brexit and elected officials. Not Germany running the EU.

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1 hour ago, Prissana Pescud said:

I think he is to total winker. But he stuck to German principles of ruling Europe.

Ms May has defied the British people and will go down as the most lame duck prime minister since Heath. 

I believe the British people need to vote on the facts they now have. Because of some defect I did not know in the Westminster system, a vote is out of the question unless Ms May goes to the poll. And that will not happen, she love the fly points she is getting on her pointless tours of Brussels.

So the British people need another referendum, which should have a clause saying "this is it" Final

I believe in Brexit and elected officials. Not Germany running the EU.

another one obsessed with Germany,ze war is over tommy

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