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Burning Dvds


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Hiya all

I ahve been downloading movies and m now having problems. When I add the movie files into Nero it just locks up and i have to end task.

The files are under the burning size of 4gb sometimes alot more under.

Does anyone have any ideas as it doesnt even get to the stage of transcoding...Some do, most lock on adding file...

Thanks All :o

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My Disc is 120gb, and 2x 120gb exterrnal.

Alot of space left!

Whats this about DMA mode enabled? Most the files are movie, avi etc.

They play fine on Windows media player.....Nero should encode auto?

What other conversion programs can I use?

Thanks All :o

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I had this problem once, what version of Nero are you using? solved mine by removing then re-installing this worked, alternativly try a diffrent program the burn like alcohol or dvddecrypter (still avalable do a google search)

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Whats this about DMA mode enabled?

In Device Manager check the IDE channel properties advanced settings. Make sure DMA is enabled and not PIO. Depending on the version of Nero you're using there is Nero DMA Manager where you can check it as well.

I had something similar on an old computer to what you're experiencing and best as l could figure it, it was a combination of the wrong graphics driver installed and not enough RAM and spare disk space. When l did a reformat it all worked again.

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I had this problem once, what version of Nero are you using? solved mine by removing then re-installing this worked, alternativly try a diffrent program the burn like alcohol or dvddecrypter (still avalable do a google search)

dvddecrypter is not available anymore, anyone got a copy?

just to add to this, the files that will not burn are Video and Movie Clip files....


Edited by lopburiguy
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Here's a freeware avi to DVD converter.


ConvertXtoDVD is not free, but a bit easier to use.


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