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Abandoned cats

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This is a relatively short story, but I will provide some background to put it into the correct context. The mother in law had 11 children, two died leaving 8 daughters and one son. They all live locally and in total the family is land rich but cash poor although some do better than others. Mostly it is fruit farming (lamyai). 5 of their houses are in close proximity to mine and there are other family dwellings both in the orchards and the nearby village. When mother in law was alive everything was fine. When she died the land had already been divided up, so there was no issue with that but some quarrels have sprung up mainly over alleged encroachment and a very petty amount at that and alleged poisoning of fruit trees. The allegations were made by one of the older daughters husband and her elder child. The local copper, poo yai bahn and nayok tessamontri have all been round and essentially found that there was no foundation to any of it.


This older daughter lived in one of the dwellings near mine. When I originally moved here her eldest child, a female tom, lived there as well and the other child, a bargirl, was away doing that. Because the tom doesn't get on with people here the bar girl bought land in a nearby small town ('about 5kms) and built a house where the tom now lives. The bar girl is now married to a well off European guy and they live in Bangkok where he works. The ex bar girl appears to rely on the tom to supervise and look after her parents and her child a boy of about 12. Anyway after they were humiliated by the authorities not believing their allegations the tom decided to move them out to the house in the small town. The visible sign left behind was a dog which had no shelter and little food. The father would come round and leave rice, which maybe had a little of something else mixed though it. However as soon as he left the other dogs would simple eat it as well as harass and not leave this dog alone. So I went and saw the tom. I get along all right with her but she is a moody bitter cow and usually I don't bother. She explained to me that the dog would not climb into the back of the pickup so she decided to leave it behind believing that it could fend for itself. I explained to her what was happening and that she would need to lift the dog into the pickup as it has never been in a car. She then came and got the dog and it seems as happy as Larry when I went round to have a drink with the European guy some time later.


I have many dogs and we go for a morning and evening walk through the orchards, and have done for many years.  A few months ago I started noticing them coming across cats in the orchards and indeed they killed a couple and treed a few too. The dogs range ahead of me so I have no hope of stopping them. It was then I realised that cats had been left behind too. No one had told me but the rest of the family knew. They have been breeding too. The father comes round and puts kilo of dried food out every couple of days. No one knows how many cats are in there, the larger ones get out through gaps in the roof at night however there could be 10 or even more smaller ones locked in there in the dark. Now my dogs have killed a couple more round the home and I am wondering what to do. I've asked the European guy to tell the tom to come and get them, but am dubious that he and the bar girl will be that interested having solved the family dispute as far as they are concerned. If I approach the tom she wont be interested one dog might be OK but 20 cats! The father is unapproachable, he is hostile enough as well as being possibly the dumbest person I have ever come across.


Now I know that some of you will suggest putting them down or otherwise killing them. I don't know whether a vet here would do that and I'm personally not keen on poisoning or anything. Anyway post is way too long already and I have a cat to bury. Comments, criticisms accepted.

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1 minute ago, Vacuum said:

Where is it ?

Perhaps i could go as high as a mildly funny comment on a slow day. If you cant be bothered reading 3 paragraphs before cherry picking a paragraph out of context to show how clever you are I suggest you should combat your boring existence by having another drink and pick something else like your nose. 

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You are obviously a kind sole who has empathy for living things that suffer...


I was wondering...since monks also have an aversion to the mistreatment of all living things...if a local Wat might be interested in helping in some way...just a thought...they may have some humane suggestions of how to deal with the problem...????

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On 3/13/2019 at 1:26 PM, Bluetongue said:

Perhaps i could go as high as a mildly funny comment on a slow day. If you cant be bothered reading 3 paragraphs before cherry picking a paragraph out of context to show how clever you are I suggest you should combat your boring existence by having another drink and pick something else like your nose. 

"If you cant be bothered reading 3 paragraphs"  I've read shorter novels !

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Rabies yes, all my dogs are up to date on vaccines. The wat, well I sent a dog (not one of mine) there once that was biting local children. The abbot chained it up for a day, then let it off, it came back. Took it back there, the next day it came back and a letter to me from the abbott arrived. He wanted a loan of 5000 baht. So I shot the dog. The local buddhist monks have as much regard for life and animals as anyone else here. There may be some buddhists that have some idea what its about but not here so without a substantial donation that's not going to change the cat problem. Maybe I'll have someone report it to the amphur as a rabies issue. 

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