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Stop Brexit: A million people sign UK petition to stay in EU


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54 minutes ago, Basil B said:

No it does not...



Division 394

27 March 2019

The House divided:

Ayes: 441        Noes: 105

Question accordingly agreed to.

Detail of the amendment:

European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 (Exit Day) (Amendment) Regulations 2019



The 'Miller' route is nonetheless in the pipeline; Sauce for the Goose an' all that.


Edited by evadgib
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48 minutes ago, evadgib said:

The 'Miller' route is nonetheless in the pipeline; Sauce for the Goose an' all that.


Sir Richard Aikens...

As a confirmed Brexiteer he is hardly going to give an impartial opinion. ????


66 years old, thats young for an appeals judge to retire.

Edited by Basil B
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Thousands laid of due Brexit...



Jaguar Land Rover is to shut down production for a week because of uncertainties around Brexit.

It will affect thousands of staff at Castle Bromwich, Solihull and Wolverhampton in the West Midlands, and Halewood on Merseyside, from Monday.

The shutdown is in addition to a scheduled closure the following week for Easter.


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7 hours ago, nontabury said:

My apologies for shortening your rant,but they do become boring after a time.

Three points I would like to make. 

You ask who would we prefer to make the decision. Well 17.400.000+ British people did just that,in 2016. And then in 2017,when 83% of the British electorate voted for parties that included the clause that they would respect and abide by the people’s decision of 2016, to leave this so called union.

But, as Rees-Mogg amongst other Brexiteers has now admitted,  no one knew at those times how we would leave nor what our future relationship would be with the EU afterwards. That is what parliament cannot decide; so let the people do so.


7 hours ago, nontabury said:

No one stated your Father MUST have fought for the Nazis.I simple asked the question, “which side did your father fight on” for which I received another holiday. So another play on words by you.

The implication was clear; as I said to you at the time and you have not, until now, denied. Too little, too late.


7 hours ago, nontabury said:

And as for your solution to this Parliamentary impas, it’s basically :-

No, I suggest three options on an AV system; two of which are leave.


So the odds on a leave option winning are 2/1 on, whilst the odds on the remain option winning are 2/1 against!




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6 hours ago, evadgib said:

- We voted in 2016, a vote that has yet to be delivered and on which my view hasn't changed.

- The Electorate voted to leave or remain full stop

As I said to you in the post you quoted, and have said many times before, Leave meant many different things to many different people. 


How many voted for a no deal Brexit in which we would join Mauretania in trading only on WTO terms without any trade agreements with anyone; not even our biggest trading partner?


How many voted to leave, but have a Swiss type of deal afterwards?


How many voted for something in between those two extremes?


Do you know? I don't.


No one in the Leave campaign ever told us what leaving would actually mean. This is probably because, as Rees-Mogg has admitted, they had no idea at the time!


6 hours ago, evadgib said:

Names & labels (Brexiteers? Unicorns?) appeared as sticks to beat the successful participants with as soon as the result was known.

Maybe you didn't notice out there, but here in the UK the label Remoaner appeared at the same time as Brexiteer; if not before!


6 hours ago, evadgib said:

- Two of your three options split the leave vote, providing unfair advantage if such folly gained traction.

I thought you would have known how the alternative vote system works. 


A brief explanation.


In this case, three options on the ballot paper:

1) Leave with May's deal.

2)Leave with no deal.

3) Cancel Article 50 and Remain.


Each voter marks their first and second choice; leaving the third blank.


In the first round of counting, only the first choices are counted. If any option receives 50% plus one of these that is declared the winner.


If not, then the option with the fewest first choices is eliminated and the second choices on those papers allocated to the appropriate option.


This gives the winner.


So, unless the remain option receives more than 50% of the first choices it will lose.


Unless it is a leave option which is eliminated after the first count and enough of those who voted for that option put remain as their second choice for it to win! How likely is that?


As I said to nontabury; the odds on a leave option winning are 2/1 on, whilst the odds on the remain option winning are 2/1 against!

Edited by 7by7
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5 hours ago, evadgib said:

Well spotted 49 ????

(We had noticed too!)

Is that the Royal we?


Because if by 'we' you mean you and your fellow Brexiteers, it is obvious that many of them hadn't; including @Patriot1066 to whom I was responding after he claimed that her vote swung the result.


It didn't; the votes of the two convicted felons, neither of whom should have been there in my opinion, cancelled each other out.

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15 hours ago, wilcopops said:

It seems that Brexit has brought about another sort of exit.....that is by almost all of Britain's competent politicians on both sides of the house.

UK now has the most incompetent government and parliament in its entire history.

This is a bigger cockup than the loss of the American colonies or the Suez crisis........ more shameful than the British invention of concentration camps or the exit from India.....the world is aghast at our idiocy.

It’s like Monty Python with consequences.

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3 minutes ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

There are some sensible and courageous Brexiteers. Peter Osborne writes on OpenDemocracy; a very readable piece:


I was a strong Brexiteer. Now we must swallow our pride and think again. (...) Brexit has paralysed the system. It has turned Britain into a laughing stock. And it is certain to make us poorer and to lead to lower incomes and lost jobs. We Brexiteers would be wise to acknowledge all this. It’s past time we did. We need to acknowledge, too, that that we will never be forgiven if and when Brexit goes wrong. Future generations will look back at what we did and damn us.


Full text: https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/opendemocracyuk/i-was-strong-brexiteer-now-we-must-swallow-our-pride-and-think-again/



If,is a very big word. Meanwhile on the other side of the coin. One of many:- 








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26 minutes ago, nontabury said:



If,is a very big word. Meanwhile on the other side of the coin. One of many:- 










33 minutes ago, nontabury said:



If,is a very big word. Meanwhile on the other side of the coin. One of many:- 








Brexit is now as solid as the sand on Pattaya Beach.....

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19 minutes ago, beautifulthailand99 said:



Brexit is now as solid as the sand on Pattaya Beach.....



You must have a book of asinine phrases..........or do you just make them up as you go along?

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5 minutes ago, Jip99 said:



You must have a book of asinine phrases..........or do you just make them up as you go along?

Everything's made up that what the Buddha said or words to that affect. Thailand , UK , EU . The Queen all made up by folks at some time. Even your name is made up. Brexit another thing that is made up. 

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4 hours ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

Breaking News......European Elections are on for the UK........YIPEE March 29th , April 12th , LEAVE , 




Very drole indeed. Do you think the EU well be laughing if the UK have European elections? They are crapping it at the prospect. Bring it on I say as your avatar will be very apt.

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